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1、1英语议论文的写作方法 (2014.10.)1 议论文的写作步骤 1 审题 analyze 2.构思 brainstorming 3.列提纲 outline4 写作 write 5.检查 check 2 议论文的三要素: 论点:是作者在文章中提出的对某一个问题或某一类事件的看法、观点、主张,它要求要正确 、鲜明、有针对性。一篇议论文只能有一个中心论点论点一般在开头提出,然后加以论证 论据:是证明论点正确的证据,要想证明论点的正确,首先,论据必须让人觉得真实、可信, 能够充分证明论点。其次,论据要具有典型性,能收到“以一当十”的效果。第三,论据要新颖,尽可能寻找一些新鲜的、能给人以新的感受和启示

2、的论据,一般是以事实为论据,也可以利用成语,格言,名人名言作为论据 (见后论证方式) 论证:是议论文中必不可少的部分。一段完整的议论,只有通过论证证明论据和论点之间的内在逻辑关系,才能将论据和论点融为一体,也才能构成一篇完整的、有说服力的文章。 3 应对 EFL 议论文的结构 四段式:利弊类 (“一分为二”的观点从两方面去分析一个问题 ,阐述自己的观 点.) 议论文五段式/三段: 途径方法类(“怎样(how to) ”型分析怎样解决一个问题如“怎样克服学 习中碰到的困难”) 我的观点类(“我认为” 型阐述对某一事物的客观看法. 如“你对课 外阅读的看法) 现象论说类(针对某一社会现象及社会热点

3、讨论话题展开评论,阐述自 己的观点) 所有的 EFL 作文都可以总结成两种写作模式:4 段式和 5 段式 4 段式: 用 “owning a car”为例 Para.1 Introduction(3-4 句话/结尾点题) Eg. With the development of the society/world, its a hot issue/topic of owning a carin my point of view, everything likes a coin has two sides.Para.2 Advantages(中心句: There are a lot of adva

4、ntages of owning a car.)分三点叙述,分别2给出 supporting ideas.中间需要用到漂亮的连接词.Para.3 Disadvantages(中心句 :But the problem is not so simple. Therefore, owning a car also has several disadvantages.)仍然分三点叙述,分别给出 supporting ideas.中间需要用漂亮的连接词. Para.4 Conclusion(在结尾部分,你可以给出你自己的看法,eg. As is mentioned above, I prefer to

5、) 5/3 段式: 用 “Learning English”为例 Para.1 Introduction(3-4) Eg. With the development of society, English plays an important role of International communication .It will help us. Para.2 Reason 中心句+展开 Eg. English is an official language. Para.3 Reason 中心句+ 展开 Eg. English is a great tool for us to do Int

6、ernational business. Para.4 Reason 中心句+展开 Eg. English is good for us to learn foreign cultures and make friends. Para.5 Conclusion (结尾部分可以回答剩余的问题,总结全文,给出建议)4 怎么列提纲(提纲与文章的区别)以四段式为例: 看电视的利与弊 Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV OUTLINE: Beginning: Nowadays more and more people like to watch TVA

7、dvantages: Firstly, expand your knowledge by watching TV Secondly, may know anybody you want to know via TV Thirdly, go everywhere by traveling programs. Disadvantages: Firstly, become short-sighted Secondly, give up their studies Conclusion: When we watch TV, we should make a plan ESSAY: Nowadays m

8、ore and more people like to watch TV. So TV plays a very important part in our life. But watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows. Firstly, you can expand your knowledge by watching TV. As we all know, learning things by TV is much faster

9、than by listening to the radio or just by reading books. For it has colorful pictures as well as wonderful music. Secondly, 3you may know anybody you want to know through TV such as famous singers, super stars, scientists and so on. Once you heard a name whom you didnt know before from the party, yo

10、u never worried about that you have no chance to know him. Just turn on the TV, maybe he is on the screen of some program. Whats more, you can go everywhere by traveling programs. Lets suppose, if you like traveling very much, but you have to work on weekends or holidays, you must be very sad. And n

11、ow open your TV and itll take you to anywhere. Every coin has two sides. The disadvantages are also obvious. For example, watching too much TV can easily become short-sighted, especially for children and students. This will influence so many aspects of them, like hunting jobs, applying for some prof

12、essional majors when students finished their college entrance examinations. To make matters worse, some young students are keen on watching TV so that they give up their studies gradually. More and more children and students become the fans of the movie stars, no matter how late it is, they still st

13、ay before the TV set to watch the soap opera. Through above analysis, I think watching TV is a way of studying. It is good for us to watch TV. But when we watch TV, we should make a plan otherwise watching TV will destroy our life. 5 正文段 包括主题句 扩展句 结尾句论证方式:归纳法:是指从特殊到一般,就是先罗列一系列论据,可以是事实论据,也可以是理论论据,也可以

14、兼而有之,然后自然而然地概括出其中的道理或规律。演绎法:是从一般到特殊。是作者现提出自己的论点,然后援引一系列的事实或理论论据加以论证。 例证法:用事例来证明论点 类比法:用读者熟悉的事物来类比陌生的事物,以证明这一陌生事物具有某种特点,从而论证作者的观点。 比较对照法:比较对照两个人、事物之间的相同及不同之处,从而证明作者的论点。6.关联词 表层次:(一二三原则) Firstsecondthird Firstly-secondly-thirdly The first-the second-the third In the first placein the second placein th

15、e third place To begin with/then/furthermore/finally To start with/ next /in addition/ finally First and foremost/besides/last but not least Most important of all/moreover/finallyFirst of all/furthermore/finally On the one hand/on the other hand 4For one thing/for another thing(两者) 表观点: Personally;

16、In my opinion; As far as I am concerned; As far as I know; What I want to stress is that (我想强调的是); hold the opinion that 某人持有的主张; According to sb, 依照某人的观点看,; 表转折:However, but 表让步: Although, Though, Despite the fact that 表因果: Because, As, Since, Therefore, thus, so 表递进: not only, but also, as well as 表概括: In a word; In short; To sum up; in conclusion; all in all; altogeth


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