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1、英文面试:期望薪水篇英文面试:期望薪水篇 关于待遇问题,合理地进行“自我报价”有以下讲究:1.分析市场行情价格,可从亲朋好友那里或职业中间机构获取信息。2.分析市场需求状况,了解目前就业市场对这类人才是供不应求还是供过于求。3.个人的经验和能力将是薪酬定位的决定性因素。4.分析用人单位的特点,包括福利保障制度和个人发展空间。WORDS & EXPRESSIONS 基本词汇表达基本词汇表达worth 值得的 probation 试用期performance 表现 satisfactory 令人满意的bonus 奖金,红利 allowance 津贴,补助crucial 重要的,关键的 starti

2、ng 开始的payroll 工资册 salary 薪水 (指付给一个人的固定劳动补偿)wage 工资 (为劳动或服务所付的报酬,尤指按小时、天数、周或按工作量所付的薪酬)salary raise 加薪 windfall 外快annual pension 年薪 year-end bonus 年终奖 semi-annually 每半年一次的bonus 奖金 premium 红利overtime pay 加班费 punch the clock 打卡time recorder 打卡机 sneak out 开溜internship 实习 on probation 试用probation staff 试用

3、人员 agreement of employment 聘书evaluation of employee 员工考核 employee evaluation form 考核表merit pay 绩效工资 dock pay 扣薪unpaid leave 无薪假 before-tax salary 税前薪水income tax 所得税 take-home pay/after-tax salary 税后净薪BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达基本句型表达【面试方面试方】:1)What kind of salary did you get at the previous job?你以前的工作薪

4、水是多少?2)What were they paying you,if you dont mind my asking?他们付你多少薪水,如你不 介意我问这个问题?3)What is your monthly salary now?你现在月薪多少?4)What is your yearly salary now?你现在的年薪多少?5)What are your salary expectations? 你期望的薪水是多少?6)What is your salary now? 你现在的薪水是多少?7)Whats your expected salary?你期望的薪水是多少?8)What are

5、your income expectations? 你期望的收入是多少?9)What are your pay expectations? 你期望的报酬是多少?10)What starting salary would you expect?你希望在这里起薪多少?11)What starting salary would you expect here?你期望在这里起薪多少?12)I believe we can offer you two thousand yuan at the start. 我相信我们能给你月薪 2,000 元作为起薪。13)Would you consider a st

6、arting salary at RMB 3,000 yuan?你可以考虑起薪每月 3,000 元人民币吗?14)I can offer you 5,000 yuan per month. 我们能给你一个月 5,000 元。15)Our salary scale is different. 我们的薪水制度不一样。16)We pay on weekly basis. 我们按周付薪水。17)We have all the fringe benefits,too,such as health insurance,bonus,paid vacation. 我 们还提供附加的员工福利,如健康保险、奖金、

7、带薪假日。18)We give bonuses semiannually. 我们半年发一次奖金。19)Its our policy to hire on a trial basis. 我们雇佣员工有试用期的规定。20)If you work all right after three months you will be put on the permanent payroll and be given a raise. 三个月试用后,如一切顺利,将转为正式员工并且加薪。21)Raises are given after three months probation period accord

8、ing to your performance. 三个 月的试用期后将根据工作表现加薪。22)Is this satisfactory?你满意这一安排吗?23)What range of pay-scale are you interested in?你喜欢那一种薪水层次标准?【应聘方应聘方】:1)I am paid RMB 18,00 plus some allowance and bonus that comes to about RMB 22,00 per month. 我的月薪是 18,00 人民币,之外加津贴和奖金,一共大概 22,00 元。2)I expect to be paid

9、 according to my abilities. 我希望能根据我的能力支付薪资。3)With/Because of/Based on my experience, Id like to start at RMB 4000 per month. 以我的 经验,我希望起薪是每月 4000 元人民币。4)How long is my probation? 我的试用期多长?5)I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job. 我觉得工资是与工作的责 任紧密相关的。6)I think salary is cl

10、osely related to the difficulty of the job. 我认为薪水和工作的难易程度 是密切相关的。7)I think salary is closely related to the importance of the job. 我认为薪水和工作的重要程 度是密切相关的。8)I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educational background. 我希望贵公司对一个具有我这种经验和教育背景的人有一个标 准

11、的薪资。9)I am sure you will make me a fair offer. 我相信你会给我一个公平的薪资。10)The starting salary I require is HK$6,500 per month. 待遇方面,我希望月薪六千五百港 币起薪。11)I require a salary of $4,500 a month to begin with. 我希望,月薪四千五百元起薪。12)The salary I require would be $60,000 a year, plus one percent commission on all sales. 关于

12、薪金,我要求年薪六万元,同时希望获得销售额 1的分红。13) My desired starting salary is 10,000 yuan. 我希望起薪 10,000 元。14)I require a monthly salary of 12,000 yuan, plus housing. 我希望待遇月薪一万二千元, 提供宿舍。15)I require a commencing salary of 9,600 yuan a month. 我希望,月薪九千六百元起薪。16)I am quite willing to start at a small salary. 起薪少一点,我并不计较。

13、17)In regards to salary, Ill leave it to you to decide after you have seen the kind of work I can do. 关于薪金,请考验我的工作后再作定夺。18)However, the matter of remuneration will take care of itself, as it always does, if other things are all right. 不过,如其他条件具备,薪水问题自会解决。19)I am willing to work on a trial basis for

14、a small salary for several months, if necessary. 试 用期内,我愿意薪水低一点。20)I worked by the hour.One hundred yuan per hour. 我按时计酬,每小时 100 元。21)My present I pay is RMB 3,000 yuan each month. 我现在月薪人民币 3,000 元。22)At present I get 2,000 yuan per month. 目前,我每月工资 2,000 元。23)Im paid RMB 20,000 yuan each year. 我年薪 2

15、0,000 元。24)Id require a commecing salary of 2,500 yuan a month. 我要求起薪每月 2,500 元。25)Since this will be my job and I dont have much experience,I feel hesitate to suggest salary. 由于这是我的第一份工作,又缺乏工作经验,所以不敢贸然提出待遇要求。26)That would be more than I have expected. 那已经比我期望的还要多了。27)Id rather leave that to you,Mrs,Chen. 薪水问题我愿让您来决定,陈女士。28)Yes,it is quite satisfactory.I accept it. 是的,我很满意,我可以接受这一安排。29)Thats fine.I will follow whatever rules you have here. 很好,我将照您这里的规矩。30)I think it is reasonable. 我觉得这很合理。31)I can accept it. 我愿意接受


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