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1、PA北 京 布 莱 迪 仪 器 仪 表 有 限 公 司专用系列压力表Special series Pressure GaugePA 04 - 1氧气压力表 YO Oxygen pressure gauge 专用测量氧气气体压力,表盘 印有红色“禁油”标志。Special for the oxygengas pressure, withred “prohibit oil”label on the dial氢气压力表YH Hydrogen pressure gauge 专用测量氢气的压力。 Special for the hydrogen pressureF12两刻度压力表Y-(外径) F12 F

2、12 double scales pressure gauge 测量氟里昂F12的压力。Special for the pressureof dichloro difluoromethane 12F22两刻度压力表 Y-(外径) F22 22 double scales pressure gauge测量氟里昂F22 的压力。Special for the pressure ofdichloro difluoro methane 22名称YO氧气压力表YH氢气压力表 F12/F22二刻度压力表 ItemOxygen pressure gauge Hydrogen Two-scale pressu

3、re gaugepressure gauge 公称直径(mm) 60 1001506060100Diameter 精确度等级 2.5% 1.5%1.5%2.5%2.5%1.5%Accuracy 连接螺纹 M 14x1.520x1.520x1.514x1.514x1.520x1.5Connection 径向Bottom mounting径向后边Bottom mounting with back flange类型 径向前边Bottom mounting with front flangeType 轴向直接安装Back mounting 轴向前边嵌装Back panel mounting with

4、front flangeF12F22 测量范围最小:0-0.1最小:0-0.1最小:0-0.10-0.250-1.6, 0-2.50-1.6, 0-2.5Ranges-0.100.9-0.101.5 (MPa)最大:0-25最大:0-60最大:0-600-0.4-0.101.5-0.102.4-0.102.4YO YH F12/F22PA(36)2008.11.6, 2:37 PM9BEIJING BRIGHTY INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD.铸铜外壳压力表Y-066. AO. 404Cast copper case pressure gauge产品特性: 径向安装结构 铸铜外壳,旋紧

5、式罩壳 铜内机内机 厚斜面玻璃 NPT1/8 2.5% 精度等级 测量范围:0.1MPa6MPaCharacteristics Bottom mounting Cast copper case, Screw type Brass/copper internals Thick bevel glass NPT1/8 Accuracy: 2.5% Range: 0.1MPa6MPa几何尺寸 DIMENSIONS仪表型号标示Type code:Y-066. AO. 404 (Y-60MS制冷)PA 04 - 2PA(36)2008.11.6, 2:37 PM10PA北 京 布 莱 迪 仪 器 仪 表

6、有 限 公 司PA 04 - 363 塑料外壳压力表Y-063. AO. 10563 Plastic case pressure gauge产品特性: 径向安装结构 塑料外壳,压紧式罩壳 铜内机 圆柱风咀式连接 2.5% 精度等级 测量范围:00.1MPa; -760mmHg 铝制渐变度盘Characteristics Bottom mounting Plastic case, Push in Brass/copper internals Column wind fairing connection Accuracy: 2.5% Range: 00.1MPa; -760mmHg Gradual

7、 change dial, aluminium几何尺寸 DIMENSIONS仪表型号标示 Type code:Y-063. AO. 105(Y-63SLZK )PA(36)2008.11.6, 2:37 PM11BEIJING BRIGHTY INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD.PA 04 - 4定位型压力表备选项代码 Options PDWOrientation pressure gauge简 介 定位型压力表由一个各种外径的压力表与一个定位装置配接组成, (耐震型压力表除外) 。 不同型号的压力表与定位装置配接可组成不同型号的定位 型压力表,型号标为压力表型加上备选项代码“PDW” ,

8、如YTH-100. AO. 501-PDW (YTFD-100H) 全不锈钢防腐 定位压力表,YE-PDW (YED) 普通膜盒定位微压表等。 定位型压力表的特点是可以任意调整限定压力, 能明显的标示出有效的工作压力范围, 为现场人员起到警示、 提示作用。 定位装置设有红绿两个指针。 绿色指针可表示起始压力位置, 红色指针可表示终止压力位置。 也可任选一个设定针,单独使用。 转动仪表定位装置外旋钮, 可调节红色指针位置, 转动定位装置 中间“”旋钮可调节绿色指针位置。(注:绿色指针只能做顺时针调整)Brief introduction It includes a pressure gauge

9、of any diameter (exceptVibration-proof pressure gauge) and an orientation device. The pressure gauge in differential types fixes with the orientation to form different Orientation pressure gauge which adds a code “PDW” . For example the YTH-100. AO. 501-PDW is All Stainless Steel vibration-proof ori

10、en- tation pressure gauge, and the YE-PDW(YED) is Gen- eral Capsule Orientation pressure gauge. It could be adjusted of the limit pressure and could beindicated of the effective pressure scope to make awarning to the users. It has 2 pointers which are red and green. The greenpointer could show the s

11、tart point and the red one couldshow the finish point. In addition, it could be usedseparately. Turn the botton out of the orientation device can adjustthe red pointer position, and the “-” botton can changethe green pointer position. (Note: The green pointer canbe deasil adjusted.)YTH-100. AO. 501-

12、PDW (YTFD-100H)Y-050. AO. 200-PDW (YD-50)Y-050. ZO. 204-PDW (YD-50Z)PA(36)2008.11.6, 2:37 PM12PA北 京 布 莱 迪 仪 器 仪 表 有 限 公 司记忆型压力表备选项代码 Options PJYMemory pressure gauge简 介 记忆型压力表是由原型号压力表与一个记忆装置配接组成。 记忆型压力表的压力指针在随着被测介质压力增大而升高的同时也带动记忆表针的上升, 当随着被测介质压力减少压力指针下降时,记忆表针仍留在原位。 记忆型压力表的特点是可以在无人的情况下, 如实记录下测量现场所发生的

13、最高压力值。 记忆装置适配于多种型号压力表上, 要求压力表的测量范围大于 0.16MPa,且非耐震型。 不同型号的压力表通过记忆装置配装组成不同型号的记忆压力表,型号标为压力表型加上备选项代码“PJY” ,如YTFJ-100,防腐不锈钢记忆压力表:YTF-100. AO-PJY( YTFJ-100),普通轴向安装记忆压力表Y-050. ZO-PJY(YJ50Z)等。 转动仪表玻璃中间记忆装置旋钮, 可随时将记忆表针调至零位。Brief Introduction Recording type pressure gauges are composed of apressure gauge and

14、a recording device. The recording pointer is carried by the pointer andleft at the maximum pressure reached. The memory pointer is pushed up while the mediumpressure increasing, but it will not move when thepressure decreasing. Memory device is applicable on non-fillable pressuregauges with range ab

15、ove 0.16 MPa. The pressure gauge in differential types fixes with theorientation to form different Orientation pressure gaugewhich adds a code “PJY” . For example theYTF-100. AO-PJY(YTFJ-100) is Stainless SteelCorosion-proof memory pressure gauge, and theY-050. ZO-PJY(YJ50Z) is General Bottom installationmounting Memory pressure gauge. Recording pointer is adjustable from the knob on outsidewindow.YTF-100. AO501-PJY (YTFJ-100)Y-050. ZO. 204-PJY (YJ50Z)PA 04 - 5Y-060. AO. 200-PJY (YJ60)PA(36)2008.11.6, 2:37 PM13



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