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1、While birds flying over the sky, fresh grass is germinating, Spring is coming on time. Gorgeous flowers are merrily blossoming, giving out sweet smell. Boys and girls, Im Lex, welcome to our E-time program, today, I want to lead you to five blooming great flowers resort in the world, approaching to

2、the flowers field. 草长莺飞, 春天总是喜欢在不经意间,向世人说明自己的到来;鲜花绽放,香气氤氲在空气中,总能带给我们意外的惊喜。今天,小西将带大家走进世界各地的鲜花圣地,感受花的海洋。Welcome to the first place-Keukenhof, Lisse, in Holland Every year, 32-hectare Keukenhof in Lisse is overlayed with more than four million tulips and other flower species. Once a herb garden for a D

3、utch countess s kitchen in the 15thcentury, it has grown into the largest bulb flower park in the world.There are 15-kilometer footsteps, several cycling trails as well as a one-hour boat tour. Seats for the boat are limited, so be there early to guarantee a place. On the “ Walk of Fame” you can see

4、 tulips named after famous people, non-fictional and fictional, such as Mozart, Lion King and even a Teletubby. 欢迎大家来到第一站荷兰库肯霍夫公园每一年,库肯霍夫公园32 公顷的面积上都开满了超过400 万朵郁金香。 ,当然还有其他别的花卉。库肯霍夫花园在15 世纪曾是一位荷兰女伯爵夫人的香草园,现在已经是全世界最大的球茎花卉公园。公园的小径有15 公里长,游船项目也是一个不错的选择,所以想要一览她的风采,一定要记得早早的去。当你游走在“名人之路”上,你会看到一些用人名命名的郁金香,

5、它们中有真实人物,当然也有虚幻人物,比如:莫扎特、罗纳尔多、狮子王,甚至还有可爱的天线宝宝。After seeing so many beautiful tulips in Holland. So, why not go to France? Experiencing different landscape. From June to September, Provence in France will be covered by a patchwork of blue and purple lavenders. Major lavender farms stretch along the f

6、oothills of the Alps in the Provence region. Marine, representative from the regions tourism office, encourages visitors to plan a lavender route trip starting mid-June to mid-July before the blooming lavenders are harvested. A few breathtaking spots along the route include: Sault plateau-a small vi

7、llage filled with medieval houses and Renaissance homes; Valensol plateau -home to the famous ceramics makers in the old village and famous for its lavender honey. 在荷兰看过了如此美丽的郁金香之后,为什么不把视野转入那充满浪漫气息的法国,去体验不同的风景呢?每年的6-9 月,法国的普罗旺斯将被一篇蓝紫相间的薰衣草覆盖。一望无际的薰衣草农场沿着阿尔卑斯山脉在普罗旺斯区域内一路分布着。每年的6 月中旬到7 月中旬是普罗旺斯薰衣草最佳的观

8、赏时节。如果有幸,你也可以去看看那些美的令4 人动容的地点, 比如说遍布中世纪和文艺复兴风格房子的索村高地;瓦朗索勒高地是著名的陶艺工匠的家乡,也因其那醇美的薰衣草蜂蜜而知名。It seems that the fragrance around us, Guys, follow my steps, lets go to the Royal Botanic Garden in London. Over 250 years old, The garden spreads over 121 hectares, holding over one in eight of the known plant

9、species in the world. The massive garden us carpeted with five million blooming bulbs and many attractions. Daffodils line Broad Walk, magnolias run through Princess Walk and on the Cherry Walk the pink Prunus ” Asano ”species is expected to blossom soon. Everything in harmony. 说着说着, 我也在不经意间闻到了那甜蜜蜜的

10、香气,下面就让我们走进英国伦敦的皇家植物园,感受着来自皇室独有的魅力。这座植物园已经拥有了250多年的历史,占地面积约有121 公顷左右,世界上1/8 的已知植物品种都可以在这里找到。这座大花园拥有500 万朵 花卉, 还有许多游乐设施,水仙花遍布在人行大道上,玉兰花则分布在公主大道上,而樱花道上的粉红色观赏樱花也很快要绽放。一切是那么的和谐与美妙。Cherry blossom is a symbol of Japanese culture. Takada Park in Niigata prefecture offers a romantic option for nocturnal vis

11、itors. Cherry blossom viewing in Takada Castle is one of the three biggest night hanami events in Japan. Traditional Japanese food and local food specialties will be sold from 300 outdoor stalls at the event during the festival. Also, dont miss the fire work on the final day. 日本的樱花, 已经是一种日本文化的象征,所以为

12、什么不把视野放向日本,去感受岛国的含蓄风情呢?新岛县的高田公园是夜间欣赏樱花的浪漫去处。高田城的樱花展示全日本最大的“花见会”举办地之一。不得不提的是,在节日当天还会有300 家露天的摊位提供传统日本小吃,在最后一天,还有绚丽的烟花等着各位。After traveling for a long time , do not forget our motherland have a special flower-peach blossoms. Shanghai Nanhui may not be the biggest flower market in the country but it sti

13、ll offers some great sights. Every Spring visitors flock to Shanghai Nanhui district for the annual peach blossom festival where they can bathe in the red and pink blooms, which symbolize prosperity, life and love in Chinese culture. Nanhui peach blossom village in Huinan town is one of the most pop

14、ular peach flower farms. Traditional performances are also staged. Dont miss the Chinese rural delicacies. 在世界中周游了那么久,当然, 也要回到国内看看。上海的南汇桃花节,也有它自己的独特之处。 南汇也许不是中国最大的花卉天堂,但是它的风景确实很赞。每年春天,游客们都会蜂拥南汇, 参加一年一度的桃花节。这是一个让人沐浴在红粉花簇的时刻。在中国的文化里,桃花象征着繁荣、生命与爱情。南汇桃花村坐落于惠南镇上,是最受欢迎的桃花园之一。那里还有传统节目表演。当然也有中国的传统美食。Perhaps

15、, I am not a man who love flowers, but, every time I see it, my heart still have a kind of happiness arises spontaneously. May Day is coming soon, So, just hand in hand with your dear friends and go to some place where a plenty flower is blooming, feeling the wonderful Spring. 或许,我并不是一个爱花的人,但是,每当看到它,心中却还是有一种愉悦感油然而生。五一假期也快到了,所以,何不拉上几个好朋友的手,在这个充满生机的季节里,一起赏花,一起共度美好的春天. OK, time elapsed. My friends, See you.



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