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1、1Unit1 college life1. 听说练习:以大学新生入校为主体来听说练习,熟悉和掌握校园内的场 景口语表达 2. 课文阅读:大学毕业前的故事和留恋校园生活 3. 阅读技巧:如何有目的的阅读 4. 短文写作:以“最难忘的一场考试”为题,练习段落写作 5. 写作技巧训练:写作中运用正确的并列句和复杂句 6. 应用文写作:学会填写英文表格,学会写英文名片 7. 文化沙龙 :了解在美国就读大学的概况第一部分 Listen and Talk听与说Lead in1. 参考答案:参考答案: spend, golden, explore, experience, lifelong, various

2、, develop, scholars, lay, open 参考译文: 嗨!欢迎来入读我们的这所大学。你将最少在这里呆4年。大学生活将是你生命里的黄 金岁月。你有许多机会去探索未知的领域。你可以结交一生的知己,享受各种各样的活动。 你还会发展你自己的爱好,遇见优秀的学者。请保持良性的平衡并打下坚实的基础。有无 数的梦想之门在你眼前任你开启。2. 听力技巧听力技巧 : 听力填空题要求学生不间断地填出空格的词汇,同时对整段文字的内容有大概的了解。 由于本单元的主题是“大学生活”,所以作听力练习之前就应该对听力练习中所涉及的内 容有必要的联想。最好是在做听力练习之前迅速看完整段文字,并对空白部分做

3、一些猜测。1) 第一个空格,后面是时间,那么空格应该会是“stay”或“spend”这样的词。如果 头脑中事先有了一个词汇范围,那么写对的机会就大大增加了。 2) “various kinds of”译为“各种各样的”。 3) “develop”后面是元音开头的词语且是句子中的重心,所以结尾字母“p”在发音时 会弱化,因此要联系上下文就可以听写正确。 4) “lay a solid foundation”可译为“奠定坚实基础”,属于固定搭配,因此在听到这句 话前就可以猜到空格的内容。 5) 最后一个空格单词“open”与上一句的“doors”相对应,门不是被打开“open”就 是被关上“clo

4、se”,根据上下文,答案自然是前者。23. Samples:Picture 1 Meeting on Campus(校园相遇)(参考范文见课本)Picture 2 Discussing with professors(与教授讨论)W: Professor White; L: Liu Ying L: Good Afternoon, Professor White. Its 3 oclock. You have agreed to meet me this afternoon. W: Yeah. I抦 expecting you. So what are you going to discuss

5、with me? L: I do not quite understand the chapter you抳e taught last week. So I wish to discuss some major points with you. W: All right. What are they? L: . W: . W: I wish that my explanation could help you out of the mist. L: Thank you very much Professor White. You抳e really helped me a lot. I thin

6、k I can start doing the assignment after the discussion. W: Great! L: Thank you for sparing the time. W: Its a pleasure. L: Good-bye! W: Bye-bye!语言注释:语言注释: 1. . out of the mist原指走出迷雾,这里是指讨论使学生明白了所讲的内容。 2. . sparing the time指花费时间,一般会使用“spare sometime with somebody”形式。Picture 3 Discussing in Class(课堂讨

7、论)A: Whats the topic for discussion this time? B: Major problems caused by pollution. A: I believe the major problem should be the threat against peoples health. B: I agree with you on that point. I also think pollution would damage the living environment of human. A: Yeah. The pollution damage the

8、living conditions of human, and the people suffer from health problems caused by poor living conditions.语言注释:语言注释: 1. the threat against 指威胁到 2. suffer from指而受苦(受到折磨)Picture 4 Registering (注册登记)(参考范文见课本) Picture 5 Comparing Notes(对比笔记)John: Hi, Mary. Mary: Hello John. Whats up?3J: I didn抰 quite catc

9、h up with the lecture today, and my notes are totally in a mess. I抦 wondering if. M: If what? You want to borrow my notes again? I don抰 think you concentrated on the lecture. J: I promise I did. But this lecture was really hard for me. So, will you lend me yours? I will return it as quickly as possi

10、ble. M: Ok, then. Take my notebook. J: Thank you, Mary. You抳e saved me.语言注释:语言注释:1. catch up with 指追赶上,跟得上。这里指没有跟上老师讲的内容。 2. You抳e saved me. 这里是夸张的说法,是感谢得到帮助的一种说法。Picture 6 Chatting in the Classroom(教室内闲聊)A: Can you work out the problems? B: I抦 trying my best. But now, I抳e got no answers yet. A: Don

11、抰 you think they are beyond our abilities? B: Maybe a little. Lets work together. Two brains are smarter than one. A: All right. When we work them out, we should play football or something. B: Good idea! I can hardly wait for that moment.语言注释:语言注释:1. beyond . abilities 超越能力范围。 2. . or something 是口语中

12、常用词,放在不同的地方,有不同的含义,这里可译为“或是 其它什么”。Dialogue SamplesDialogue 1语言注释语言注释1. 当与陌生人开始对话时,可以使用肯定或否定的问句。对话中Zhang Ke用“ aren抰 you Mike Brown ? ”是希望得到肯定的答复。 2. 尽管是首次会面,两人都没有用首次会面的表达形式“How do you do”。其实日常对话 中,非正规场所使用最多的还是类似于“Hello”,“Nice to meet you”等轻松的表达形 式。3. “Registration Desk”的意思是“课程注册处”。Dialogue 2语言注释语言注释1

13、. “required courses”,“elective courses”分别指的是“必修课”和“选修课”。 2. “credits”指的是“学分”。43. “drop out”指的是“离去、放弃”。这里Mike是希望是否可以放弃选修的课程。一般 情况下,开课两周内放弃一门学科,可以原数退回(refund)选修费用。4. “martial arts”指的是“武术”课。Communicative Tasks1. Task 1 Sample对话背景对话背景你是一名大学一年级新生,你与一名外国学生Tom Wilson首次见面。你们相互问候,自 我介绍,谈论你们的学习。W: Tom Wilson

14、H: Huang Lin H: Excuse me, I don抰 think we抳e met. I抦 Huang Lin. W: Glad to me you, Huang Lin. My name is Tom Wilson. H: Where do you come from? W: U.S.A. So, which year are you in? H: The first year. I抦 a freshman. W: Have you declared your major? What is it? H: Yeah. I major in Civil Engineering. H

15、ow about you? W: Well, I major in Chinese Language. H: Oh! I抳e got to rush. I have a lecture to attend to. I抦 very glad to have met you. W: Nice meeting you, too. Bye. H: Bye. 2. Task 2 Sample对话背景对话背景 你在课程注册报道处准备帮助你的外国朋友挑选他要修的课程。在此之前,你想知道他 的打算。A: So, whats your favorite subject? B: I抦 interested in

16、biology. I like studying the insects and animals. A: Then you should take some important courses in that area. B: I will. I don抰 like history very much. I have to recite many names and it is boring. A: I quite like history. But you should follow your heart and take more courses, just in case. B: In case of what? A: In case you don抰 like biology later and you might be interested in other areas. B: I see. 第二部分 Read and Explore 阅读与探究Passa


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