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1、1 二年级下学期牛津英语15 单元重点单词与句子Unit1 单词:spring summer autumn winter 春天夏天秋天冬天 句子:Do you like winter? 你喜欢冬天吗?Do you like summer ?你喜欢夏天吗? Do you like autumn ?你喜欢秋天吗?Do you like winter?你喜欢冬天吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。No, I don t. 不,我不喜欢。Unit2 单词:monkey tiger panda bear lion 猴子老虎熊猫熊狮子 句子:What do you like? 你喜欢什么? I li

2、ke monkeys . 我喜欢猴子。I like tigers. 我喜欢老虎。I like pandas. 我喜欢熊猫。 I like bears. 我喜欢熊。I like lions.我喜欢狮子。Unit3 单词:plane train jeep boat 飞机火车吉普车小船 句子:What can you see? 你能看见什么? I can see a plane.我能看见一架飞机。I can see a train. 我能看见一列火车。 I can see a jeep. 我能看见一辆吉普。I can see a boat. 我能看见一只小船。Unit4 单词: doll puzzl

3、e yo-yo puppet 布娃娃拼图悠悠球木偶 句子:What do you have? 你有什么? I have a doll. 我有一个布娃娃。I have a puzzle. 我有一个拼图。 I have a yo-yo. 我有一个悠悠球。I have a puppet. 我有一个木偶。Unit5 单词:Chinese Music English Maths PE Art 语文音乐英语数学体育美术 句子:What lessons do you have? 你们有什么课? We have Chinese, Maths and Art. 我们有语文、数学和美术。2 二年级下学期新标准M1

4、-M5 重点单词和句子M1 单词: weather like sunny windy raining snow 天气像,如同晴朗的有风的下雨的下雪 词组: come onon the sofa over there 快,走吧在沙发上在那边 句子: What s the weather like? 天气怎么样?It s sunny. 是晴朗的天气。 What s the weather like here in summer? 这里夏天的天气怎么样?It s hot. 是炎热的。 What do you like doing in summer? 在夏天你喜欢做什么?I like swimmin

5、g. 我喜欢游泳。 What do you like doing in winter? 在冬天你喜欢做什么?I like skiing. 我喜欢滑雪。 M2 单词:radio photo newspaper camera draw picture write letter colour 收音机照片报纸照相机画图画写信涂色 词组: listen to the radio read a newspaper play with his train write a letter 听收音机看报纸玩他的火车写一封信 draw a picture colour the picture listen to m

6、usic 画一张画把画涂颜色听音乐 句子: She s listening to the radio. 她在听收音机。He s reading a newspaper. 他在看报纸。 He s playing with his train. 他正在玩他的火车。 What Becky doing? Becky 在干什么She s writing a letter. 她在写信。 What are you doing? 你在干什么?I m reading a book. 我在看书。 M3 单词: tidy room do homework secret 整理房间做家庭作业秘密 词组: do your

7、 homework tidy your room draw a picture of flowers 做你的家庭作业整理你的房间画一张花的图画 句子: Sam isn t tidying his room. Sam没有整理他的房间。 Is he doing his homework? 他在做他的家庭作业吗?No, he isn t. 不,他没有。 Are you tidying your room? 你在整理你的房间吗?Yes, I am. 是的。 M4 单词: noise drink talk there game 噪音喝,饮谈话在那里游戏 词组: talk to you play a ga

8、me with Amy and Sam play five-stones 和你在谈话和 Amy 还有 Sam一起做游戏玩五子游戏 句子: What are you doing ? 你正在做什么?I m talking to you. 我正在和你谈话。 What s she doing ? 她正在做什么? She s playing a game with Amy and Sam. 她正在和 Amy 还有 Sam玩游戏。 What s he doing ? 他正在做什么?He s playing with his train. 他正在玩他的火车。 Are you drinking? 你正在喝水吗

9、?No, I m not. 不,我没有。 M5 单词: skip playtime sad hide seek catch 跳绳游戏时间伤心的隐藏寻找抓,捉 词组: play hide and seek play clapping games play catch 玩捉迷藏的游戏玩拍手游戏玩捉人游戏 句子: What are they doing ? 他们在做什么?They re skipping. 他们在跳绳。 What are you playing? 你们正在玩什么?We re playing catch. 我们正在玩捉人的游戏。3 二年级下学期新标准+牛津易混淆词句(1-5 )易混淆词

10、语:1. spring summer 2. bear panda 3. tiger lion 4. boat ship 5. jeep car 6. puzzle puppet 7. Music Maths 8. sunny cloudy 9. cloudy raining 10. swimming skiing 11. drinking eating 12. read a newspaper read a book 13. draw a picture colour a picture 14. listen to the radio listen to music 15. play five

11、-stones play hide-and-seek 16. play catch play clapping games 17. play with his train play with his car 三、易混淆句子: 1What do you like?.你喜欢什么?2. Do you like spring? 你喜欢春天? I like monkeys. 我喜欢猴子。Yes, I do. 3.What do you have? 你有什么?4.What lessons do you have?你有什么课? I have a doll. 我有一个娃娃。I have English. 我有

12、英语课。5.What are you doing. ?你正在做什么?6. What do you like doing? 你喜欢做什么? I m playing the piano. 他正在弹钢琴。I like playing the piano.我喜欢弹钢琴。7What s the weather like? 天气怎么样?8.What s the season? 现在是什么季节? It s sunny. 天气晴朗。It s summer 现在是夏天。9. What s she doing.? 她正在所什么?10. What s he doing? 他正在做什么? She s playing the drums她正在敲鼓。He s playing the drums. 他正在敲鼓。11. Is he drawing a picture? 他正在画画吗?12.Are you dancing? 你正在跳舞吗? Yes. he is. 是的。Yes, I am. 是的,我正在跳。



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