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1、PEP 小 学 英 语 四 年 级 下 册 Unit 2 What time is it? 第二课时 城南小学叶健教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说与学习生活相关的单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner, music class, PE class, English class. 2. 能够听懂会说日常交际用语,并能熟练回答: What time is it? Its ,o clock. Its time for, 技能目标: 1. 学会表达时间的句子 , 能在现实生活中运用。 2. 能 够 听 懂 并 发 出 一 些 指 令 , 如 : It s time for

2、breakfast Let s drink some milk 情感目标: 1. 激发学生的英语学习兴趣, 培养良好的英语学习习惯。 2. 培养时间观念,养成守时、珍惜时间的好习惯。 教学重点: 1句型:What time is it? It s , oclock. It s time for, 2词汇:breakfast, lunch, dinner, music class, PE class, English class. 教学难点: 1. breakfast的发音 2. 运用所学词汇及句型It s ,o clock. It s time for, 教学准备: 1. 教师准备与本课时相关

3、图片及课件。2. 单词卡和 VCD 教学设计: Step 1:warm-up 1T:Today,we are going to learn Unit2 What time is it? 学 生跟读课题。板书课题Unit2 What time is it? A Lets learn Step 2: Presentation 1. Lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you know them? Ss: Yes. 哆啦 A梦和大雄 T: Do you want to play with them? Ss: Yes, we do T: Let s play a

4、game: Sharp eyes. (1) 分四个小组,开展认数比赛,PPT出示 1-12 这 12 个数字, 引导学生分组开展抢数字活动。 (2) 这 12 个数字,形成一个大钟。然后指着问: T:Do you know? Whats this? 引出单词 clock. T: What time is it?Ss:It s one o clock. 2. 出示不同时钟,用What time is it?询问时间。 T: What happened? Da Xiong is crying. 3新授单词。 (1) T :Doraemon, I m hungry. I want to eat br

5、eakfast. 出示图片,哆啦 A梦变成早餐。 T: OK.Breakfast is ready. 呈现单词 breakfast ,学生跟课件反复练读breakfast. 出示面包图片,从bread 引出 breakfast单词。加深学生对单词 的印象。 再出示早餐图片, T:It s time for breakfast. Let s drink some milk. (2) 上课铃声响起 T:I want to eat something more.No!Da Xiong, Hurry up! It s 9 oclock. Its time for English class. 呈现单词

6、 English class,学生跟课件反复练读English class. T: It s time for English class. Lets read and write. (3) 静香&小夫&胖虎: T: Look , What time is it now? Let s go to the canteen. It s time for lunch. T:OK. 呈现单词 lunch ,学生跟课件反复练读lunch. T: It s time for lunch. Lets have some chicken. (4) 胖虎的音乐歌响起: T:Ah,It s time for mu

7、sic class. 呈现单词 music class ,学生跟课件反复练读music class. T: It s time for music class. Lets sing and dance. (5) 吹哨声响起 大雄:Woo It stime for PE class. Letsgo to the playground play baseball. 呈现单词 PE class ,学生跟课件反复练读PE class. T: It s time for PE class. Lets jump and run (6) 出示大雄依家吃晚饭的图片 大雄妈妈: Dinner is ready.

8、 Da Xiong& Doraemon: Thank you. 呈现单词 dinner ,学生跟课件反复练读dinner. T: It s time for dinner. Lets have some rice. Step 3: Summary Step 4:Practice 1、播放“Lets learn ”部分,让学生跟读Lets learn的单 词和句型的正确发音。 2、播放“ Lets do”部分,让学生随视频边说做出相应的动作。 3、 “砸金蛋”游戏,可以让学生巩固复习单词和句型。 4、Pair work 。以两人为一组,操练下列句型: What time is it? It s, o clock. Its time for, Step 5: Summary T:What did you learn this class? 教师和学生一起总结今天学过的知识内容。最后送给学生两条关 于时间的谚语 Time flies.Time and tide wait for no man. Step 6:Homework 1. 抄写 Let s learn部分的 6 个单词。 2. 读一读 Let s learn和 let s do 的内容。 3. 预习 Let s spell。 4. 完成一个关于自己的时间表,下节课汇报。


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