
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:37893041 上传时间:2018-04-24 格式:PDF 页数:7 大小:16.69KB
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1、Unit 1 ensure advantage reckoned forecasts observing allow report considered rapidly instant powerful highly heavily regulating delivery In the 21st century, clouds and stormy weather no longer automatically bring military operations to a halt or force a change in targets. Technologies such as the G

2、lobal Positioning System now allowcruise missiles (巡航导弹 ) and other smart weapons to home in on ( 瞄准并飞速接近 ) their targets. But the weather still is a factor that must be reckoned with, especially with precision-guided weapons that must behighlyaccurate to be effective. 在 21 世纪,云层和暴风雨天气不再会终止军事行动或使其发生

3、改变。如全球定位系统的技术现在能引导巡航导弹和其他智能武器攻击目标。但是天气仍然是不可忽视的一个因素,特别是在精确制导武器的运用上 ,天气必须高度准确有效。Fortunately, the ability to obtain weather forecasts will get better. In the next few years, remote weather sensors will grow rapidlyon unmanned vehicles. This will create a network of observing platforms that will give co

4、mmanders a(n) instantoverview of weather in the battle zone. In some areas youll have direct deliveryof weather information straight from the computers to black boxes in aircraft and other vehicles. That will be especially important for target-bound aircraft. 幸运的是 ,我们将会更好地获得天气预报。在接下来的几年里,无人机的远程天气传感器

5、将快速得到发展。这将创建一个网络的观察平台,给指挥官提供即时的战场天气情况。在某些领域天气信息将直接从电脑连接到飞机黑匣子和其他车辆。 这对于绑定目标的飞机是尤其重要的。Such technology will give whoever possess it a tremendous edge (优势) over their enemy and enable them to use developing weather conditions to their advantage . As we get superior satellites into space, well gain huge

6、 advantages in observingmeteorological conditions in denied areas, where we dont have people on the ground. And our modeling ability will continue to improve as our computers get morepowerful . The past 10 years have witnessed a revolution in our communications and computer abilities. Its exciting t

7、o think of what the next 10 years will bring. 这种技术将给拥有它的人带来巨大的优势在面对他们的敌人时, 使他们能够使用有利于他们的天气信息。当我们得到优越的卫星进入太空,我们将在观察否认地区的气象条件时获得巨大的优势, 我们不需要人在地面上。我们的建模能力将继续改善, 将我们的电脑变得更强大。过去十年见证了我们在通信和计算机能力的一场革命。令人激动的是 ,未来 10 年将带来更大什么发展。攻势已经持续了三天,但是我们并没有取得多少进展。师长(division commander)命令我们营 (battalion) 夜晚绕到敌人后方发起突然袭击。然而

8、,要绕到敌人后方,我们必须越过一片沼泽地(marshland)。我们很多人担心会陷入泥潭之中。我们营长决定冒一下险。 所幸由于寒冷天气沼泽地都结上了冰, 我们于天亮前到达目的地并从敌人后方发起进攻。这一下扭转了战局。敌人没有戒备,不久便投降了。The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy at night an

9、d launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. Lucky enough, thanks to the severely cold weather which made the marchland freeze over, we arrived at our destina

10、tion before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard , soon surrendered. Unit 2 汽车自从发明以来使交通运输发生了革命性的变化,永远地改变了人们的生活、旅行和办事的方式。但另一方面,也带来了危害,尤其是公路死亡事故。然而,现今由于计算机技术和电子传感器的使用,有可能消除发生的大多数交通事故。例如,装在你汽车上的电子传感器能检测到空气中的酒精雾汽并拒绝启动引擎。同样,传感器还

11、能通过接受在轨道上运行的卫星发出的信号监测路况并大大减少你陷入交通拥堵的可能性。Automobiles have, since their invention, revolutionized transportation, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business. On the other hand, they have brought hazards, especially highway fatalities. However, today the applicationof computer techno

12、logy and electronic sensors in designing and manufacturing cars makes it possible to eliminatemost of traffic accidents. For example, electronic sensors mounted in your car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to start upthe engine. They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio

13、signals sent out from orbiting satellites and greatly reduce your chances of getting stuck in traffic jams. Unit3 常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。在求职时,求职者事先做好充分的准备是非常重要的。 我认为,事先做不做准备显然会影响求职者的成功机会。我的一位朋友在一家大型计算机软件公司供职,年薪十万美元左右。他根据自己的经历告诉我说,那些面试未来雇员的具有录用决定权的人喜欢有充分准备的人。 那些没有在了解未来雇主方面尽全力的人很难有成功的希望。Well begun, half done,

14、 as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicantto do his homeworkwhile seeking employment. From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success. I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of100,000 dolla

15、rs a year in a large computer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospectiveemployees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavorto learn as much about his prospective employer as possible dont have much of a chance of succes

16、s. Unit4 全球化对中国年轻人具有重大影响。例如,年轻的农民正在大规模流向城市寻找工作。 而对那些想出国深造或进外企工作的年轻人来说,英语变得越来越重要。另一方面,许多海外学子近年来回归祖国,因为他们看好中国经济的长期增长前景。因特网加强了中国年轻人和其它地方年轻人的联系。他们跟踪最新的潮流,模仿外国的时尚。他们中一些人似乎不在乎中国的传统美德,更不要说发扬光大, 这使得有人忧虑中国传统文化会不会有一天终将消失。Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas to look for jobs. And for those young people who aspireto study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasingly important.



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