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1、第 1 页/共 2 页单词 Toxicity(毒性); Oxidative stress theory(氧化应激理论), lead compound (先导化 合物), impurities(杂质) Biopharmaceutical(生物制药学) ; High-performance liquid chromatography (高效液相层析) Pipette (移液管), hereditary information(遗传信 息),stability testing (稳定性试验), pharmacopoeia (药典),chromatography (色 谱分析), therapeuti

2、c index(治疗指数);Drug development(药物开发) ; adverse effects (不良反应) ; synthesize综合; physical and chemical properties (理化性质) ;analysis (分析 );prescription(处方药); withdrawal syndromes(戒断综合征) ; acetic acid (醋酸) ; hydrochloric acid (盐酸) ; titration(滴定法) ; tablet (药片) ; separation (分离) ;boiling point(沸点) ; physi

3、cal properties(物理性质) ; bioavailability (生物利用度) ; blood plasma (血浆) ;tissue (组织) ;administered dose(给与剂 量) ; site(s) of action(作用部位); : immune system (免疫系统); Combinatorial Chemistry (组织化学); antibody (抗体) ; identify(鉴定); drug residues (药物残留) ; carbon (碳); hydrogen (氢) ; oxygen(氧) ; nitrogen (氮) ; mole

4、cular weight(分子量) ; Antibiotics(抗生素) ; infectious(传染的) ; Over -the- counter products(非处方 药品 ); concentration(浓度);剂型dosage form或者the form of a drug;油 膏oleaginous ointment, 软 膏ointment; 禁 忌 症contraindication; 口 服 oraladministration;老年性痴呆Alzheimers disease;定量的quantitative;非极 性的nonpolar ;生物分子 biomolecul

5、e ;临床试验 clinicaltest ;加工 process 二、 句子英汉互译。 1. 最初的欧洲法令将药品定义为“用于治疗或预防人类或动物疾病的任何物质或复合 物。” The first European law defines drug as “any substance or compound that have be used to treat or prevent human or animal diseases 2提供给大分子和超分子复合体的三维结构的稳定和特异性力量主要来自非共价相互作 用。The forces that provide stability and spec

6、ificity to the three-dimensional structures of macromolecules and supramolecular complexs are mostly noncovalent interactions. 3. 联合治疗是非常重要的 The combined treatment is very importance 4. 很多细菌和真菌对现有的抗生素和其他化疗药物产生了耐药性。Many strains of bacteria and fungi are naturally resistant to all currently available

7、antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic drugs. 5.As a border science, pharmacodynamics borrows freely from both the subject matter and the experimental techniques of physiology, microbiology, immunology, genetics, and pathology.(p12)作为边缘学科,药效学从生理学、生化学、微生物学、 免疫学、遗传学和病理学等诸多学科中吸取了大量内容,不仅是科目实体,还包括实验技 术。

8、6.These studies determine whether the drug has the desired profile of action in model systems.(p39)这些研究确定药物行动所需的概要文件的模型系统。 7.Laboratory controls -this part covers mainly calibration of equipment, testing and release procedures, stability testing, reserve samples, laboratory animals and penicillin co

9、ntamination . (p44 第二句)实验室控制这部分主要包括仪器 校准、检验和发布程序、稳定性试验、样品保存、试验动物和青霉素污染。 8.Most of the molecular constituents of living systems are composed of carbon atoms covalently joined with other carbon atoms and with hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen.(p1)生命体的分子组成系统中的大部分都是由碳原子和其他碳原子或氢、氧、 氮原子共价结合所组成的。 9.These drugs

10、 can help improve some patients abilities to carry out activities 第 2 页/共 2 页up to a year or so, but they do not stop or reverse AD.这些药物可以在一年左右 帮助一些病人改善执行能力,但它并不能阻断或者逆转海默病病症。 10.Harmonization with the US through a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) is seen as a big saving of inspection resources to

11、both the EU and the USA, through mutual acceptance of facility inspection reports. 欧盟与美国协调通过达成双方共同认可 的机构检验报告的相互承认协议(MRA),该协议被欧萌和美国视为一个大的储蓄检验资源。 11. Part of the analysts task is to describe the characteristics of (“to characterize“) materials. Such physical properties as melting point, boiling point,

12、 density, refractive index, and spectral properties can help to accomplish this. (p27)分析工作者的任务之一就是研究物质的性质(即定性),这可以通过研究诸 如熔点、沸点、密度、折光率以及光谱性质这些物理性质来完成。 12.Parkinson s disease (PD) is a progressive disorder of movement that occurs mainly in the elderly. 帕金森病 (PD)是主要发生在老年人群体的一种进步的障碍的运 动。 13.In titration

13、, a solution of one reactant of accurately known concentration (the titrant, or standard solution) is added to a second solution of sample whose amount or concentration is to be determined. (p27)在滴定过程中,将已知准确浓度的反应 物溶液(滴定剂或标准溶液)加入到另外一种反应物溶液中,也就是样品量或浓度待测定 的样品溶液中。 14.An important consequence of this dyn

14、amic equilibrium is that it permits a therapeutically effective concentration of drug to be achieved at its site(s) of action by adjustment of the concentration of drug in blood plasma. P22这种动 态平衡的一个重要结果是它允许通过调整血浆浓度实现在作用部位上有治疗作用的浓度 15.The immune system does this, in effect, by mass screening of its antibody repertoire, identifying the ones that work best.(p15)实际上,免疫系统是通过 对其抗体库的普遍筛选而确定那些最有效的抗体16. Such imponant infections as mumps, measles, common colds, influenza, and infectious hepatitis still await conquest.如腮腺炎、麻疹、 普通感冒、 流行感冒和传染性肝炎等严重感染 性疾病仍有待解决。



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