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1、null472011M1null null null null nullnullnull=nullSnullvnullnullnull(1S)null Vo lnull 47 null 2011 null Nonull 1 null null null null null Journal o f N ort hw est No rmal U niver sity ( N atural Science) nulll: 2010- 09- 11;l: 2010- 11- 29:S-XWS/T( 043- 05) ;=SvS/7( KJCXGC- 01) ;=SvM=( N W NU- LK Q N

2、-08- 9)Te:c( 1939null ) ,3,6,q,pV3=.1Z_s.E- ma il: jzg ao nwnunull edunull cn鸟嘌呤对B-Z振荡体系扰动的研究高锦章, 张晓莉, 任null 杰, 刘艳君, 李null 铭(=Sv,null 730070)Knull1: 研究了鸟嘌呤对B- Z化学振荡体系的扰动. 结果表明, 鸟嘌呤的浓度在2null 5null 10- 8 1null 4 null 10- 4 molnullL - 1范围内时, 体系周期的变化量与所加入鸟嘌呤浓度的负对数呈良好的线性关系, 相关系数为0null 998 7, 检出限为2null 5

3、null10- 9 mo lnullL- 1 . 同时, 对可能的反应机理进行了简要讨论.1oM: 鸟嘌呤; B- Z化学振荡; 机理ms|: O 629null 74; O 657null 1null null null nullDSM: A null null null nullcI|: 1001- 988null ( 2011) 01- 0053- 06Perturbation of guanine on the B-Z chemical oscillating systemGAO Jin-zhang, ZH ANG Xiao-li, REN Jie, LIU Yan-jun, LI M

4、 ing( Co llege of Chemistr y and Chemical Engineer ing , N or thw est N orma l U niver sity, L anzhou 730070, Gansu, China)Abstract: T his paper reports the perturbation of g uanine on the B-Z oscillating chem ical system . Resultsshow that there ex ist a w ell linear relationship betw een the chang

5、 e of oscillating period and the neg ativelogarithmic co ncentratio n o f guanine in the rang e of 2null 5null 10- 8 1null 4 null 10- 4 m olnullL - 1, w ith the cor relationcoefficient is 0null 998 7. T he detection lim it of 2null 5null 10- 9 molnullL- 1 is also obtained. In additio n, a po ssiblep

6、ertur bation mechanism is discussed br iefly.Key words: guanine; B-Z o scillating chem ical system; mechanismnull null)adLadQ8,i,?5?5aoa 1 .M,1,i|vZ,K8B-ZQ8 2-5 . B-ZQ0(1null 51 1null 00 VW)Tb4,cJ(a)Q.-, B-ZQ12Z,VQV?dLs_.Hb31FCM,131FC1e 6 ,3S.-,QX3 7 a 8 a0 9 aU 103.TwFs,3L.V1T.Twi#DNA1d1.Twcsa3F#J8

7、M1,yNYVTwcMVU8thM.O,vTw39X5P.nTwZErAME 11a%5E 12as;E 13aE 1 4, 15.3TwB-Z853nullnull=nullSnullvnullnullnull(1S) null null47nullJournal of N or thw est N ormal U niver sity ( N atural Science) null null Vo lnull 47 null,i,7iT.NsZEM1,4ZE!N,TeL,#z_SM_K,V?s.1 nullLs1null1nullNCS-501)(ZLN) ;ML-902H(ZN) ;

8、CH I-832sN(ZN) ; 213s; 217; 30204;C*jQ( 50 mL) ;(ZD;N) .1null2nullk4L0CH 2 ( COOH ) 2, KBrO 3, M nSO 4(sBk4,1null 2 mo lnullL- 1 H 2 SO 4Ai.Tw3k4,1null 2 molnullL - 1H 2SO4AbQi!,P-1pd.1null3null DNA)|DNASM):100 nullF10 min,by,PDNAM.1null4nullLZEQC*HjQ(850 m L),GQ_QF5null 00 mL 0null 20 m ol null L-

9、1 KBrO3 , 5null 00 mL0null 05 mo lnullL - 1 CH 2( COOH ) 2, 7null 00 mL 6null 00 null10- 4 molnullL- 1 MnSO4, 3null 00 mL 1null 20 mol null L- 1H2SO4,PQA9820null 00 mL.8( 308 null 0null 1) K,/sT, 2171,CH-I 832sN9_8M.2 nullT)m1aU,?58( CH 2( COOH ) 2 = 0null 0125 molnullL - 1, M nSO4 = 2null 10 null10- 4 mo lnullL - 1, H 2 SO 4 = 1null 20 mo lnullL - 1, KBrO3 = 0null 05 molnullL- 1, T= 308 K)FTwA,(?3M(m1b) .kFTwAA,4MnullTTs_|,lnullT = T - T 0,aSm;bF2null 5null 10- 5 mo lnullL- 1Twmm1nullTwB- ZYF ig 1 Influence of additio n o f guanineon the B- Z o scillat ing perio dT0TsYVUFTwA-.2null 1nullFsi



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