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1、 Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?孝义六中 李丽Teaching aims:Knowledge and abilitiesLearn to describe a process of making a kind of food or drink.Imprive the ss abilities of listening and speaking.Process and methodsPair work and groupwork gets the ss to practice listening and speaking.Emotion ,

2、attitude and valueInspire the ss interests of making food by themselves and encourage them to do housework for their parents.Difficult and important points:1. How to describe a process of making a kind of food or drink.2.Train the ss listening and speaking skills.Teaching methods:Listening and speak

3、ing Teaching steps:Step 1 T shows the teaching aims and let the ss understand what they will learn.(通过出示目标让学生明白本节课的学习内容,做到心中有数)Step 2 Lead-inT show some pictures of drinks and ask them: Whats your favorite drink? Can you make a banana milk shake? Lets learn how to make a banana milk shake.T shows a

4、video of making a banana milk shake and asks the ss to watch carefully and answer the questions.(首先通过设问让学生回忆所学过的饮料种类,并说出自己最喜欢的饮料,从而引入本节 课的一种新饮料香蕉奶昔。然后通过观看制作香蕉奶昔的制作过程,激发学生想要制作 香蕉奶昔的欲望。)Step 3Learn by themselvesPlease put the six steps in the correct order(in 1b at Page 41,课本)(在观看制作过程的基础上让学生自主完成香蕉奶昔制作

5、过程的排序,降低了难度)Step 4Groupwork1. Check the answers in groups. 2. the leader lead the members to practice the conversation again.(小组合作核对答案,然后以小组为单位练习制作过程,通过反复操练,熟悉表达方式)Step 5Learn by themselvesWe have known how to make a banana milk shake.Now lets learn how to make fruit salad.Before it, please learn st

6、h by yourselves.T shows the studying materials to let the ss learn by themselves.-How many books did you buy yesterday? -Twelve. -How much water does the plant need? -Two cups of water. -How much is the shirt? -50 yuan. 通过观察以上的句子,大家知道二者都是用来询问物品的数量是多少,但 how many 询问的 是_(可数名词/不可数名词)的数量,且其后必须跟该名词的_(单数/复

7、数) 。而 how much 询问的是_(可数名词/不可数名词)的数量。除此之外,how much 还可以用来询问物品的_.-How many books did you buy yesterday? -Twelve. -How much water does the plant need? -Two cups of water. -How much is the shirt? -50 yuan. 通过观察以上的句子,大家知道二者都是用来询问物品的数量是多少,但 how many 询问的 是_(可数名词/不可数名词)的数量,且其后必须跟该名词的_(单数/复数) 。而 how much 询问的是

8、_(可数名词/不可数名词)的数量。除此之外,how much 还可以用来询问物品的_.(通过让学生自主学习水果沙拉的制作过程,培养他们的独立学习能力)Step 6 Groupwork and show1.Ss check the answers in groups and then write down what they dont know.2.Ask the ss in Group 15 to show their answers on the Bb.3.The leaders in Group 610 evaluate their answers.(此项活动可以培养学生的合作能力,展示水

9、平和交流能力)Step 7 Listen Please listen to 2b and fill in the chart.(通过这一环节,既培养了学生的听说能力,又校正了学生的发音,从而提高了学生的口 语。)Step 8Pairwork Please make up conversations in pairs about how to make fruit salad.(2c)(通过 pairwork 使学生熟悉并掌握水果沙拉的制作步骤)Step 9 ExercisesSs do some exercises to check if they have mastered what the

10、y have learnt.(通过练习检查学生是否掌握了本节课的内容)Step 10 SummaryT ask one student to summary what they have learnt in this class. At the same time, tell all the ss and teachers to look after themselves well.Step 11HomeworkEveryone has their favorite food.Write a passage about how to make your favorite food.课后分析:成

11、功之处:1.能熟练使用组组通模式,自主学习把握的好。2.利用视频导入新课,新颖独特,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。3.能及时给予评价,鼓励,点拨和纠错。4.能适时地培养学生质疑。不足之处:1.需要学生回答的问题,应提前打在电脑上。2.在 展 示 和 点 评 的 同 时, 没 有 强 调 非 展 示 的 同 学 的 任 务, 所以 非 展 示 同 学 有 做 小 动 作 的 现 象。3.实 战 演 练 的 时 间 留 的 不 充 分。改 进 建 议: 1.分 配 任 务 时 可 预 先 打 在 屏 幕 上。2.多留 出 一 些 自 主 学 习 时 间。3 点 评 结 束 时, 应 加 一 句: 我 的 点 评 结 束, 大 家 还 有 疑 问 吗?总而言之:本节课是能充分驾驽组组通课改模式,是一节成功的课改课,但是还有 待改进。


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