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1、11.1.HowHow toto bargainbargain inin thethe USA.USA.在美国怎么讨价还价?在美国怎么讨价还价?It was Saturday afternoon and I was shopping in the garment district in downtown L.A. If you want to find good deals on clothes, shoes, and accessories, this is the place to come. To get the best deal, though, you have to be rea

2、dy to bargain. I walked by a stall and saw a purse I liked. The owner had just finished making a sale 星期六的下午,我在洛杉矶一市中心的服装区购物。如果你想在买衣服, 鞋和服饰品时得到满意的交易,这个地方你要来看以看了。为了得到好的交易, 你不得不要讨价还价了。我靠着摊位走着,看到了我喜欢的一个皮包。摊主人 刚做完一个交易。Lucy:Lucy: Does this come in any other colors? 这有其它颜色的吗?Man:Man: Yeah, we have this on

3、e in white and blue. I also have this other style in green.有,我们有这个的白色和蓝色的,我们也有这个其它款式的绿色的。Lucy:Lucy: How much is the blue one? 蓝的多少钱?Man:Man: Its $32. 32 美元。Lucy:Lucy: $32? What about the green one?32 美元?绿的呢?Man:Man: Thats $30. 30 元。30 美元。Lucy:Lucy: That seems a little high. Can you do better on the

4、price? 价有点高,能便宜吗?2Man:Man: This is a designer bag and its good quality. Its a bargain at that price. 这是有设计者名字的包,而且质量也很好的。以这个价,是物美价廉 了。Lucy:Lucy: Is that your best offer? 那是你最低报价了吗?Man:Man: Thats the best I can do. 是我的最低价格。Lucy:Lucy: Well, I dont know. I think Ill shop around. 那么,我去别地买了。Man:Man: Okay

5、, how about $28? 哦,28 美元怎样?Lucy:Lucy: Thats still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take the blue one and the green one? 仍旧比我出的价高,我买一蓝的,一绿的怎样?Man:Man: Ill give you both of them for $55. 两个都要就 55 美元。Lucy:Lucy: Thats not much of a break on the price. How about $50 for both? 这个价钱谈不成,两个都要共 50 美元,可以

6、吗?Man:Man: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is $54. You wont find it cheaper anywhere else. 你使我交易困难,我能做的只有 54 美元,在其他的地方你找不到更 便宜的了。Lucy:Lucy: Why dont we split the difference and make it $52? 为什么我们不能各让一步,52 美元,可以吗?ManMan: Okay, okay. Youve got a deal. 好的,好的,成交!32.2.HowHow toto buybuy stamp

7、sstamps atat thethe postpost officeoffice inin US?US?在美国邮局如何买邮票在美国邮局如何买邮票Clerk:Clerk: Can I help you?需要帮忙吗?Tamika:Tamika: Id like to buy some stamps.我要买些邮票Clerk:Clerk: In what denomination? 什么面额的?Tamika:Tamika: Im not sure. I need them for sending regular letters and for Priority Mail. 我不确定,我需要它们邮寄普

8、通信和优先信。Clerk:Clerk: The current rate for sending a first-class letter is 41 cents. With first- class service, your letter will get there in three to seven days for domestic mail. 邮寄普通信件目前的价格是 41 美分。普通信服务,国内邮寄 3 到 7 天到。Tamika:Tamika: For the first-class stamps, how many come in a book or a roll? 对于普通

9、信件邮票一册或一卷多少张?Clerk:Clerk: There are 20 in a book and 100 in a roll. To send a Priority Mail envelope, you can get $4.05 stamps, and delivery is usually in two to three days. How many would you like of each?20 张一册,100 张一卷,发送优先邮件封,你可以买 4 美元 5 美分 的邮票,送到是 2 到 3 天。每种要多少?Tamika:Tamika: Ill take one book o

10、f the stamps and four Priority Mail stamps. Can I buy stamps to send an Express Mail envelope, too? 我买一册邮票,4 个优先信邮票。我能买特快邮寄信封吗?Clerk:Clerk: You can. Those are $14.40 each.可以,那些 14 美元 40 美分一个。4Tamika:Tamika: Could you add one of those, too? And how much is it to send a postcard? 可以加一个吗?邮寄一明信片多少钱?I do

11、nt need any stamps for those today, but Im just curious.我今天不需要为那些的邮票,但我只是好奇。Clerk:Clerk: Its 24 cents to send a postcard. Okay, thats a book of 41-cent stamps, four Priority Mail stamps, and one Express Mail stamp. Anything else? 邮寄一明信片 24 美分。 好的,41 美分邮票一册,4 张优先信邮票,1 张特快专递邮票一 张。还有其它的吗?Tamika:Tamika:

12、 Could I pick the design of the first-class stamps? 我能选一下普通邮票的图案?Clerk:Clerk: Yes. You can choose from these commemorative ones or the standard flag design. 可以,你能从这些纪念图案或标准图案中选择。Tamika:Tamika: Ill take the commemorative ones. 我要纪念图案的。Clerk:Clerk: Your total comes to $38.80. 总价格是 38 美元 80 美分。Tamika:T

13、amika: Heres $40. 给 40 元。Clerk:Clerk: Heres your change and your stamps. Have a nice day.给你找的零钱和你的邮票,再见!Tamika:Tamika: Thanks. You, too.谢谢,再见!53.3.ReservingReserving a a restaurantrestaurant 预定餐馆预定餐馆HostessHostess: Thank you for calling Sakia Restaurant. How may I help you? 谢谢给 Sakia(来自日语)餐馆打电话,需要怎样

14、的服务?RandyRandy: Id like to make a reservation. 我要预订一桌位。HostessHostess: For which day and for what time? 哪天的,什么时间的?RandyRandy: Its for Friday, the 24th, at 7 oclock.星期五,24 号,七点的。HostessHostess: How many will be in the party? 几个人的桌/几位?RandyRandy: There will be seven of us. 七个人。Hostess:Hostess: And the

15、 name on the reservation?定方的名字是?RandyRandy: Johnson. 约翰逊HostesHostess: And a phone number where we can reach you? 给个我们联系你的电话。RandyRandy: 310-555-9023. HostessHostess: Okay. Let me repeat back to you the information I have. This is a reservation for the Friday after next for seven at 7 p.m. Is that correct? 好的,让我给你重复,这是星期五的预定,晚上 7 点,对吗?6Randy:Randy: Yes, thats right. Can we have a table by the window in a non-smoking section? I want to be away from the kitchen, if possible. 是的,对了。我们能在非吸烟区靠窗户定一个桌位吗?如有可能,我想 要一个离厨房远点的桌子。Hostess:Hostess: Our restaurant is all non-smoking. We cant guarantee a w



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