二三年级重点句型中英文版 北教版

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1、二年级重点句型中英文版二年级重点句型中英文版二年级上期重点句型L1: This panda is old and fat. That monkey is young and thin.这只熊猫有老又胖。 那只猴子有年轻由瘦。L2: Do you like cats? Yes, I do. I like dogs, too.你喜欢猫吗? 是的,我喜欢猫。我也喜欢狗。L3: There are so many toys here. These toys are so lovely / cute.这儿有如此多的玩具。 这些玩具非常可爱。L5: What color is your hair? Its

2、 white.你的头发是什么颜色? 白色。L6: I have a long neck. I am tall. 我有个长脖子。我很高。L7: I have short arms and small hands. I have long arms but short legs.我的胳膊很短,手很小。 我的胳膊很长但是腿很短。L9: Whats your number? My number is twelve.你的号码是多少? 我的号码是12。L10: I have thirteen cows.我有十三头牛。L11: Are there seventeen girls in our class?

3、No. There are eighteen girls.我们班有十七名女孩吗? 不,有十八名。L13: How many days are there in a week? 一周有多少天?There are seven days in a week.一周有七天。L14: I play ping-pong today / on Monday.我今天打乒乓球 / 我星期一打乒乓球。L15: I go swimming on Thursday. 我星期四游泳。L17: I go to the park on weekends. 周末我去公园。L19: I often go to see a fil

4、m on Saturday.星期六我经常去看电影。L20: I go to the park or to the zoo on Sunday.星期天我去公园或者去动物园。L21: How colorful it is! 它的颜色多么丰富啊!L22: Lets sing and dance. 让我们唱歌和跳舞吧!L23: How old are you? Im seven today. 你几岁了? 我今天七岁了。三年级重点句型中英文版三年级重点句型中英文版L1: Its our first day of school. 今天是我们开学的第一天。 L2: Welcome to our class.

5、欢迎到我们班来。 L3: Lets make some cards for them.让我们为他们做些卡片。 L5: Who knows the tenth month in English? Its October.谁知道第十个月用英语怎么说? 十月。 L6: I want to run in the race.我想参加跑步比赛。 L7: When is your birthday? Its on December 30th.你什么时候过生日?十二月三 十号。 L9: Its sunny and warm today. 今天天晴并且很暖和。 L10: Whats the weather li

6、ke today? Its cloudy and rainy.今天天气怎样? 多云有雨。 L11: Do you get a lot of snow in Beijing? 北京下很多雪吗? L15: May I borrow your markers, please? Here you are.请问我可以借用你的彩笔吗? 给你。 L16: What do you collect, Guoguo? 果果,你收集什么?I collect rulers. I have twenty. I like them all. 我收集尺子。我有二十把,我都 喜欢。 L17: Fifty minus ten

7、is forty. Forty plus twenty is sixty.五十减十等于四十。四十加二十等于六十。 L19: What is the date today / tomorrow? 今天/ 明天几月几号?Its November twenty-second / twenty- third. 今天十一月二十二号。/ 明天十 一月二十三号。 L20: When were you born? I was born on January 29th.你什么时候出生的?我是一月二十九号出生的。How old are you? Im eight.你几岁了? 我八岁了。 L21: We have our winter vacation in January.一月份我放寒假。 L23: January 1st is New Years Day.一月一号是元旦节。 L24: What a beautiful Christmas tree!多漂亮的圣诞树! L25: Welcome to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family.欢迎你和我们全家一块儿庆祝春节。



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