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1、供应商送检物料流程图说明供应商送检物料流程图说明Explanation of Flow Chart of Parts Sent for Inspection1. 物资部协助将物料安全、整齐卸置至待检区,并请 CKY 检验员挂待检标识牌。Material department assists to download parts safely and put them orderly in inspection-waiting area. CKY receiving inspectors label the parts with a sign Inspection-Waiting. 2. A.由供

2、应商(也可由采购员代填)齐全、准确地填写物料送检单,并提交送检单和供应 商检测报告给 CKY 检验员; Suppliers (or CKY purchasers) fill in Inspection Application Sheet completely and accurately then send the sheet to receiving inspectors together with inspection report from suppliers. B.供应商与 CKY 检验员共同提取检测样件; Suppliers randomly pick out some parts

3、for inspection together with CKY receiving inspectors. C.CKY 检验员进行检测。 CKY receiving inspectors inspect the parts. 3. A.CKY 检验员检验合格后加盖检验合格章,并在物料外包装上粘贴合格标签;Once the parts pass inspection, CKY receiving inspectors put QUALIFIED seal on Inspection Application Sheet and label the lot of parts with sign Q

4、UALIFIED PARTS. B.进入下一流程。 Parts go through next flow. 4. A.由 CKY 检验员在物料外包装上粘贴不合格标签;If the parts fail to meet print requirement, CKY receiving inspectors label the parts with sign UNQUALIFIED PARTS B.外检检验员通知供应商或采购部物料检测不合格结果;CKY receiving inspectors inform suppliers or CKY purchasers of the unqualifie

5、d parts.C.供应商和采购部协调后确定不合格物料处理方式。Suppliers and CKY purchase department decide the disposal of unqualified parts after discussing.D.进入下一流程Parts go through next flow. 5. A.由供应商或采购部办理让步接受单Suppliers or CKY purchasers send Deviation Application.B.让步接收经 EK 批准后,由 CKY 检验员盖让步接收章CKY receiving inspectors put DE

6、VIATED seal after the deviation is finally approved by EK.C.进入下一流程Pars go through next flow. 6. A.由供应商售后服务人员在待检区现场挑选分离,并请 CKY 检验员将挑选合格物料挂 待检标识牌,将不合格物料挂检验不合格标识牌Supplier after-sale servicer person sort the parts at receiving-waiting area. CKY receiving inspectors label the qualified parts and unqualif

7、ied parts with different signs. B.进入下一流程Parts go through next flow. 7. A.由 CKY 检验员加盖检验不合格章CKY receiving inspectors put UNQUALIFIED seal. B.由物资部协助供应商装载不合格物料,供应商运回物料。CKY material department assists suppliers to load unqualified parts on the truck and send back to suppliers. 8. A.由供应商重新填写送检单,并提交检验Suppl

8、iers refill Inspection Application Sheet and send parts for inspection.B.与 CKY 检验员共同提取检测样件;Suppliers randomly pick out some parts for inspection together with CKY receiving inspectors. C.CKY 检验员进行检测。 CKY receiving inspectors inspect the parts. D.进入下一流程 Parts go through next flow. 9. 同第 3 项 Refer to Item 3. 10. 同第 4 项 Refer to Item 4. 11. A.由供应商或采购部办理入库手续;Suppliers or CKY purchasers check in warehousing formalities.B.进入下一流程。Parts go through next flow. 12.由物资部将待检区物料运至仓库 CKY material department transfer parts from inspection-waiting area to warehouse.


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