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1、1一名词一名词 1.Tom will start _ ( 幼儿园幼儿园 ) in September. 2.The old lady needs a few feather _( 枕头枕头) to make herself comfortable. 3.We should know our own strengthens and _(弱点弱点) and think what could be done about them. 4.When building_( 材料材料 ) cost more, the price of houses increases. 5.Which _(材料材料)can

2、 be thrown into the sea depending on the nature of them? 6.Not having a good _(感觉感觉) of direction, I had to rely on a map when I got around in London. 7.Eating too many _( 三明治三明治 ) may not be good for your health. 8.Normall, only two methods of transport are in _(使用使用) namely road or rail. 9.As a st

3、udent, its bad _(礼貌礼貌) to come late to class. 10.Without _(质量质量),there van be no quantity. 11.As we all know, an ant has two _(胃胃) 12.There are some who show great _(好奇好奇) about other peoples affairs. 13.The school has been refused _(许可许可) to expand. 13.No one can leave the building without the poli

4、ce_(准许准许) 14.To comfort the people in disaster areas, the government is taking helpful_(措施措施) 15.It was in the _(图书馆图书馆) that he read three books yesterday. 16.she wants to have her dress made at the _(裁缝店裁缝店) around the corner. 17.His _(到来到来) brought complete silence to the room. 18.The old Chinese

5、 square table is a very valuable piece of _(家具家具) 19.though the meeting lasted for the whole day, no_(决定决定) was reached. 20.Im making _(准备准备) for the coming exam, so I cant go shopping with you tonight. 21.The storm last night did a lot of _(损害损害) to the crops in our town. 22.Hearing the sound of th

6、e gun, all the birds in the tree flew away in all _(方向方向) . 23.There cant be _(设备设备) in the school for the students to make experiment in that mountainous area. 24.We are always sending our _祝贺)祝贺)to our students when they make some progress in studies. 24.I offered my _(祝贺)(祝贺)on his passing the co

7、llege entrance exam. 25.The _(混合混合) of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kinds. 26.Creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought _(模模 式式) to explore new possibilities. 27.Sam and Marie fall out every few weeks , but their _(争吵争吵) never

8、 last. 28.The names of many places in this country come from _(德语德语) 29.Our school bought lots of_(设备设备) for experiments. 230.the problem begins when we add huge _(量)(量)of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 31.Everyone knows the harmful _(后果后果) of smoking, but lots of people cant give it up.

9、32.To do it well, you should be aware of your_(实力实力) and weaknesses first. 33.Hit by a _(缺乏缺乏) of fresh air , my head ached very much at that time. 34.Tiird degree burns include burns caused by electric_(触电触电),burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. 35.In the past decade, some farmers in the west o

10、f China have met with some success in the _(斗争斗争) against the expanding desert. 36.Truly speaking, you do owe him an_(道歉道歉) for having broken his cup. 37.To his parents great_(高兴高兴), their son was admitted to Beijing University. 38.Low-lying countries feel their very _(存在存在) is in danger from rising

11、 sea levels. 39.In the future people may live in this new undersea city comfortably, for there is no_(苦难苦难) 40.With all these_(景点景点),no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland attracting. 41.I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I

12、am open and have a good shot for a _(进球进球) . 42.Madame Curie was highly honoured for her _(献身献身)to the study of science. 43.The shocking Wenchuan earthquake caused almost the whole city to be in _(废墟废墟) 44.Young people prefer _(聊天聊天) online to writing letters to each other. 45.People are advised to

13、put their _(挣的钱挣的钱) in the band for the good of safety. 46.Id like two orange _(果汁果汁),please 47.My parents always keep _(蜡烛蜡烛)in the house in case there is power out. 48.The head office of the company is in Hong Kong, but it has_(分公司分公司)all over the globe. 49._(措施措施) must be taken to stop factories

14、from wasting energy in course of production. 50.He doesnt have much_(家具家具) in his roomjust an old desk. 51.Human facial _(表情表情) differ from those of animals in a way. 52.Judging from the accident, they must be _(德国人德国人). 53.My aunt brought the kids a box of _(巧克力巧克力). 54.He has excellent_(发音发音) 52.This old French table is a very valuable piece of _(家具家具) 53.He gave no _(解释解释) for his absence. 54.“Mind your own_(事情事情)“, the mother sa



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