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1、一、Playing Trant (1、现在大学里逃课现象很严重 2、你认为产生这种现象的原因是什 么 3、怎样能阻止这一现象) “Why is he absent again?“This is what a teacher often asks in class.Playing truant is what often happens is the univetsity classes.Some students tend to be absent from classes without any reason.Why do they play truant?Some are absent f

2、rom classes because they dont like thr teacher or the course itself.They would rather sleep in the bedroom than come to the class.Some play truant due to their failure to catch up with others,As such,they lose self- confidence and interest in the course,which is very important for success.In this wa

3、y,they dont want to get in touch with the teacher or other students. To stop playing truant,first of all,we must tske our parents into consideration.Theyre leading a tough life to support us .We shouldnt live up to their expectations.Secondly,teachers and universities should improve the teaching qua

4、lity to meet the studentsneed so that they become interested in learning. 二、Craze for Civil Service Examinations (近年来很多大学生热衷于参加公务员考试;引起此现象的原因。) In recent years its been very popular for college students to take civil service examinations .The number of people sitting for the examinations keeps incre

5、asing because those students hope to become civil servants . Undoubtedly ,public servants enjoy some priorities .It is the priorities that make university ,students crazy about civil service examinations .Passing the examination means a stable income ,good pension programs ,cozy working environment

6、as well as others admiration .In addition ,some candidates regard the examination as a springboard to greater power ,a higher social status and brighter future. Personally ,the fervent desire for brilliant future is beyond reproach .People have their own pursuit for better life .Great desire means h

7、ard work .Generally speaking ,the diligence leads to success in the job .All these contribute to the development of our country .Therefore ,university graduates craze for civil service examinations should be encouraged . 三、Pressure (现在的年轻人面对着很大的压力;压力对年轻人来说有好处,也 有不利之处;你是如何对付压力的。) In the competitive s

8、ociety ,young people are now facing great pressure from different aspects ,say ,learning ,hunting for a job and getting along with others . A little pressure does good to us ,but too much pressure is not beneficial to students .Some pressure can motivate the students to work harder ,and achieve what

9、 theyve expected .Nevertheless ,young people living under too a little pressure ,Take cheating in examinations for instance .Many students cheat in examinations owing to the excessive pressure from their parents and teachers who demand high marks in examinations .The students sometimes are afraid of

10、 failing to live up to their expectations ,so they cheat .In universities ,some students have difficulty in approaching others ,so they feel depressed .Too much pressure can lead to psychological problems especially to young people .If pressure stays long ,it does harm to their health . True ,Ive va

11、rious pressure .When Im in a difficult situation ,I try my best to talk it with my friends so that they can give me good suggestions to get out of it .Its also a good idea for me to go shopping while I feel discouraged . 四、Relationship between Present Major and Future Job (目前很多大学生毕业生所从事的工作与之扬学专业关系不大

12、;出 现这种现象的原因是什么;你的看法。) Nowadays ,many college graduates complain that they couldnt put what theyve learned in universities into use .Its the case that there is little relationship between their job duties and their major .For instance ,it doesnt necessarily mean that a manager must major in administr

13、ation and vice versa . Several reasons can account for the fact ,One reason is that because of the rapid development of science and technology what weve learned is behind the times soon .When we graduate from the university ,there is a gap between the majors some students study and the demands of va

14、cant jobs .Another reason is that in the competitive society its not that easy for some graduates to find a job which is close to their majors .Take a company manager for example .How can we have so many company manager positions waiting for those administration majors? To my mind ,a university stud

15、ent should acquire versatile knowledge and be fully prepared to adapt oneself to the working conditions Anyway ,our major is a step for us to know more about the world .五、The Declining Employment Rate of University Graduates(近年来大学毕业生就业率越来越;产生这种现象的原因;大学生 应该怎么么做。)The employment rate of university grad

16、uate has declined gradually in recent years .And it is reported that the employment rate in 2008 is no more than 70% .Why is it increasingly difficult for a umversity graduate to find a job today ? There are varieties of reasons for this .One reason is that the number of university graduates is increasing every year while the job vacancies for us have not increased accordingly .Especially ,there has been a serio



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