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1、2016 年职称英语考试真题及答案年职称英语考试真题及答案1单选题 We resolved the problem after group discussion.A.causedB.metC.solvedD.posed参考答案:C参考解析:句意:小组讨论后我们解决了那个难题。句中 resolved 意为“解决”。A 项 caused 意为“引起,使发生”;B项 met 意为“遇见,相遇”;C 项 solved 意为“解决,解答”;D项 posed 意为“造成,摆姿势”。故本题选 C。2单选题 They were determined to carry out the research at o

2、nce.A.fetchedB.conductedC.attractedD.pushed参考答案:B参考解析:本题考查动词。题干:他们决定马上开展这项研究。划线词 carry out 意为“开展,执行”,四个选项fetch 意为“抵达,取来”,conduct 意为“组织,引导,实施”,attract 意为“吸引”,push 意为“推动”, conduct 在语义上与原句接近,故正确答案为 B。3单选题 A salesmans cardinal rule is to satisfy customers.A.principalB.officialC.simpleD.legal参考答案:A参考解析:本

3、题考查形容词。题干:销售员的核心原则是满足客户需求。划线词 scardinal 意为“主要的,核心的”,而四个选项中 principal 意为“主要的,核心的”, 0fficial意为“官方的,正式的”,simple 意为“简单的”,legal 意为“合法的”,故正确答案为 A。4单选题What puzzles me is why his books are so popular.A.shocksB.influencesC.confusesD.concerns参考答案:C参考解析:puzzle 做动词用的意思是感到不解、迷惑,句子的意思是:令我不解的是为什么他的书如此受欢迎。动词 confus

4、e 恰好和 puzzle 同义,而且用法也相同。5单选题 She found me very dull.A.dirtyB.sleepyC.lazyD.boring参考答案:D参考解析:本题考查形容词。题干:她发现我很无聊。画线单词 dull 意为“单调的,无聊的”,四个选项 din),意为“脏的”, sleepy 意为“困的”, lazy 意为“懒的”,boring 意为“无聊的”,故正确答案为 D。6单选题 The number of United States citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase.A.encoura

5、gedB.enforcedC.expectedD.entitled参考答案:D参考解析:本题考查形容词。题干:有资格投票的美国人的数量持续增长。画线单词 eligible 意为“有权力的,有资格的”,四个选项 encouraged 意为“鼓励”,enforced 意为“强迫”,expected 意为“期望”,entitled 意为“给权利”,故 D 正确。7单选题 He spent one week to draft the commercial contract.A.clarifyB.formulateC.reviseD.contribute参考答案:B参考解析:本题是对动词的考查。题干:他

6、花了一周时间来起草这份商业合同。题干划线词 draft 意为“起草”。四个选项:clarify 意为“澄清”,formulate 意为“制定,明确说明”,revise 意为“修订”,contribute 意为“做贡献”,可知正确选项为 B。根据以下材料,回答题Are you single but too busy to search for love? Then you need to try the latest datingphenomenon that is sweeping _ (51) the UK-speed dating.Speed dating _ (52) men and w

7、omen meeting in a room and finding out as much as they can about possible _ (53) in three minutes. Its proving very _ (54)with Britains young people who find that they havent got the time to meet that special one.At a speed dating event you are given three minutes to talk, _ (55), with a member of t

8、he opposite sex. Then a bell is _ (56) and you move to another person and start chatting again. By the end of the evening you will have spoken with up to twenty men or women!If, by the end of a conversation, you _ (57) the person or would like to see him or her again, you write it _ (58) on a card.

9、Then, if the other person also fancies you, the organizers will contact you with their details.But is three minutes long enough to make an impression and _ (59) if you want to see someone again? Research suggests that _ (60) can be felt within the first thirty seconds of meeting someone, and that is

10、 _ (61) speed dating is all about, knowing quickly if you are going to like someone.And what about romance? Is it possible to make a good _ (62) in such a short time? _ (63), people say you cant hurry love. However, Britain will soon have its first marriage from a speed date.So, if you are on a _ (6

11、4) to find Mr. or Miss Right, what have you got to lose?_ (65), you still go home on your own. But at best, the person of your dreams could be just three minutes away.8单选题回答(51)题A.offB.acrossC.overD.through参考答案:B参考解析:本题考查与动词搭配的介词。sweep across“席卷”,强调范围广。故答案为 B。9单选题 回答(52)题A.requiresB.inquiresC.revolv

12、esD.involves参考答案:D参考解析:本题考查句意和动词。此处表示速配对约会双方的要求。require“需要,要求”;inquire“询问,查究”;revolve“旋转”;involve“包含,使陷入”。故答案为 D。10单选题 回答(53)题A.partnersB.spousesC.friendsD.counterparts参考答案:A参考解析:本题考查句意和名词。根据上下文先排除C、D 两项。而 spouse 是“配偶”的意思,也不符合题目要求。故答案为 A。11单选题 回答(54)题A.practicalB.popularC.favorableD.normal参考答案:B参考解析

13、:本题考查句意和形容词。根据语境,speed dating 应该是变得很流行的,故答案为 B。12单选题 回答(55)题A.all in oneB.one after oneC.one on oneD.one and all参考答案:C参考解析:本题考查句意和词组。all in one 一致,合而为一,同时;one after one 一个接着一个;one on one 一对一的;one and all 大家,所有的人。根据上下文分析,每一对男女有三分钟的时间可以面对面地交谈,三分钟铃响之后,又会换一个对象。故在三分钟之内,是一对一的交流,故答案为 C。13单选题 回答(56)题A.knock

14、edB.shakenC.swungD.rung参考答案:D参考解析:本题考查句意和动词。铃声响起用 rang,故答案为 D。14单选题 回答(57)题A.attractB.enjoyC.chaseD.fancy参考答案:D参考解析:本题考查句意和动词。attract“吸引”;enjoy“享受”;chase“追求”;fancy“喜爱”。根据原文内容的需要,可以判断出 fancy 是正确答案。故答案为 D。15单选题 回答(58)题A.downB.offC.upD.back参考答案:A参考解析:本题考查与动词搭配的介词。 “写下某事”为wirte sth.down。故答案为 A。16单选题 回答(

15、59)题A.work onB.workoutC.work atD.work up参考答案:B参考解析:本题考查高频动词词组。work on“对起作用,企图影响、说服”;work out“成功”;work at“从事,用功,致力于”;work up“逐渐造成,引起,激发”。根据原文可知,此处应为 work out。故答案为 B。17单选题 回答(60)题A.emotionB.sentimentC.chemistryD.attachment参考答案:C参考解析:本题考查近义词辨析。emotion“情绪”;sentiment“感情”;chemistry 指两个人之间强烈的相互吸引的感觉;attach

16、ment“依恋”。题干强调男女双方一见钟情的强烈吸引,因此答案为 C,这里 chemistry 是一个非常地道的用法。18单选题 回答(61)题A.howB.whatC.allD.where参考答案:B参考解析:本题考查名词性从句的连词。根据句意判断,这里选择 what。19单选题 回答(62)题A.conclusionB.reflectionC.guessD.Judgment参考答案:D参考解析:本题考查句意和名词。conclusion“结果,结论”;reflection“反映”;guess“猜测”;judgment“判断”。根据上下文可知,应选.judgment。20单选题 回答(63)题A.In allB.Aft



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