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1、律师见证规范律师见证规范版次:01 修改码:01 编号:TY/ZY01.03-2002 Bar standardized version of the witness: 01 to amend Code: 01 #: TY/ZY01.03-20021 1 目的和主题内容目的和主题内容 1.1 为了指导律师办理见证业务,制订本规范。 1.2 本规范规定了律师见证的法律特征、效力、范围、程序及律师见证书和工 作底稿等。 1 objectives and themes to guide the content of 1.1 lawyers for witnesses business, the fo

2、rmulation of the norms. 1.2 standard provisions of the Law Society to witness the legal characteristics, effectiveness, scope, procedures and lawyers see certificates and working papers, and so on.2 2 适用范围适用范围 2.1 本规范适用于本所全体律师。 2.2 下列人员应通晓本规范:1)律师 2.3 下列人员应了解本规范: 1)业务辅助人员 2 application of the 2.1 in

3、struction applies to all this by the lawyers. 2.2 The following persons should be proficient in the standards: 1) 230 lawyers should understand the following specifications: 1) operational support staff3 3 术语术语 3.1 律师见证:是指律师应当事人的申请,根据自己的亲身所见,以律师事务 所的名义,依法对法律事件或法律行为的真实性、合法性进行证明的一种活动。3 terminology 3.1

4、 Counsel witness: should refer to lawyers for the parties, according to his personal view, a law firm in the name of the law in accordance with the law or the legal incidents of authenticity, to prove the legality of an activity.4 4 职责职责 本规范的编制和修订由本所标准化委员会提出,经合伙人会议批准后,由 主任颁布。 4 duties of the norms a

5、nd the establishment of the amendments by the Committee for Standardization, proposed, the approval by the partners, promulgated by the Director.5 5 引用法律引用法律 中华人民共和国律师法 5 invoke the law, “the Peoples Republic of the Lawyer Law“6 6 律师见证的法律特征律师见证的法律特征 6.1 见证的主体是律师律师见证,具有不同于其他证明方式的独到之处,即律师见证的主体是律 师,并以律

6、师事务所的名义进行证明,这与任何人都可以进行的民间私证,以 及以国家名义进行的公证,都有根本的区别。 6.2 见证是一种对法律及事实的确认 当事人请求见证,往往是出于对我国现行的法律、行政法规规定的内容了 解得不够详细、不够具体或不太放心,因此聘请律师见证,是想寻求多一层保 护。律师见证,主要是根据现行法律,对法律事实的真实性、合法性进行确认。6.3 见证的时间与空间有着严格的限制所谓见证时间,是指对见证行为发生之时进行见证;所谓空间,是指律师 亲眼所能见到的范围。律师见证的时间与空间都不能超出这个范围。 6.4 律师具有独立的地位 律师办理见证业务,虽然是基于当事人的委托,但委托的是见证,而

7、不是 代理。在见证过程中,律师是以见证人的身份从事见证活动,既不是代理人也 不是调解人,而是在双方或多方当事人之外的具有独立地位的见证人,具有证 明和监督的双重性质。 6 lawyers witnessed the law of the main features of 6.1 witness testimony lawyer is a lawyer, has proven different from other forms of unique, that is the main witness lawyers are lawyers and law firms to prove that

8、the name, which anyone can The private non-governmental permits, and on behalf of the State of the notary, have fundamental differences. 6.2 is a witness to the law and the facts confirm the request of the parties to witness, is often out of Chinas existing laws and administrative regulations in und

9、erstanding the content was not detailed or specific enough not be assured, so hire a lawyer to witness, is to seek more A layer of protection. Witnesses lawyers, mainly under the present law, the legal facts of the authenticity and legality to confirm. 6.3 The time and space to witness a strict time

10、 limit so-called witness, the witness is the time to act is witnessed so-called space, refers to lawyers to see first hand the scope. Lawyers witnessed the time and space are not beyond the scope. 6.4 counsel for the independent lawyers witnessed the status of operations, although the commission is

11、based on the parties, but the commission is to witness, rather than agents. In the course of testimony, lawyers on the identity of witnesses in the witness, neither the agent nor the conciliator, but the two sides of the multi-party or independent status of the witnesses, with supervision and prove

12、that the dual nature.7 7 律师见证的效力和范围律师见证的效力和范围 7.1 律师见证的效力 7.1.1 约束效力律师见证,对双方当事人具有一定的约束力。双方当事人既然自愿申请 见证,且双方之间的法律行为业已见证,并具有真实性、合法性,当事人就不 得对已见证的事项随意变更、修改或废止,而应自觉履行。 7.1.2 证据效力律 师见证,是律师以自己特殊的身份,较为丰富的法律专业知识,并以 律师和律师事务所的名义作为见证人,从第三者的角度,客观公正地证明当事 人所为的一定的法 律行为,这在客观上使被见证对象具有真实性和合法性,同时还具有一定的权威性。因而在双方当事人发生纠纷引起

13、诉讼时,通常可作为 认定事实、确定双方当事人 之间权利义务关系的证据效力。 7.2 律师见证的范围 7.2.1 律师见证的主要是法律行为,而不是法律事件所谓法律行为,是指引起民事法律关系发生、变更和消灭,能够产生一 定法律效果的行为。它包括单方法律行为、双方法律行为、共同法律行为、有 偿法律行为等。例如,遗嘱、声明、买卖、赠与等。但是,对于不以人的意志 为转移的法律事件,如出生、死亡、结婚、学历和经历等同样涉及民事法律关 系的事件,则不属于律师见证的范围。这些事件的发生,一般是由政府或职能 部门出具相应的文件确认,而律师在这些法律事件发生时,一般也难亲身所见, 因此,这些法律事实以及由此而产

14、生的法律关系,都属于公证的业务范围,而 不属于律师见证的业务范围。 7.2.2 律师见证应该是法律规定的强制公证之外的法律行为为调整和规范民事活动的需要,不少行政法规规定有些法律行为必须经 过公证才具有法律效力,如国务院明确规定收养子女必需经过公证机关公证。 我国公证也由自愿公证原则,改为自愿公证与强制公证相结合的原则。这些强 制性规定,使公证成为该法律行为生效的要件之一,行为主体必须履行。在这 个范围之内,律师见让是无效力的,即使当事人请求律师见证,律师也应告知 当事人履行公证程序。 7.2.3 见证的重点应当是经政府批准生效的法律行为 实践中,经政府批准生效的合同,往往是与我国政治、经济有

15、着密切关系的涉 外经济合同。如中外合资、合作企业合同,独资企业合同,产权转让合同以及 这些合同的补充修改条款,此类合同期限长、标的大、内容错综复杂,从谈判、 起草、审查合同文本,到签字见证,都应有律师参加。 7 lawyers witnessed the effectiveness and scope of 7.1 lawyers witnessed the effect of binding lawyers 7.1.1 witness, the parties have a certain binding. Since the parties for voluntary testimony,

16、 and legal acts between the two sides have witnessed and have the authenticity and legality, the parties shall not have been witnessed on the matter at change, modify or repeal, but should conscientiously carry out. 7.1.2 evidence of effectiveness of counsel witness, a lawyer with its own special identity, a more extensive legal expertise, and lawyers and law firms on behalf of as witnesses, from the perspective of a third party, a


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