(湘少版)五年级英语下册教案 Unit 9(2)

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1、湘少版五年级英语下册教案湘少版五年级英语下册教案 Unit 9 Benny took my ball. 第一课时第一课时 Teaching aims:1.Tell the children to be generous .2.Can listen and say the new words of Part B: took hit threw did didnt naughty ball matter 3.掌握所学动词的过去时态的用法,如: Benny took my ball.Teaching emphasis and difficulties:1.Can listen and say the

2、 new words of Part B: took hit threw did didnt naughty ball matter2.掌握所学动词的过去时态的用法,如: Benny took my ball. Teaching aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape .Teaching methods:1.Direct Method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3.Games. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:Sing some English songs

3、 .Step 2 Presentation Show the teddy bear , toy monkey and toy ball .T: Today is a fine day . I go to the zoo and see some animals. The bear and the monkey are playing . The bear has a nice ball but he doesnt want anybody else to play it . The monkey is very naughty . Now , everybody ! Please pay at

4、tention to the act. (边说边表演) The monkey takes the bears ball. The bear hits the monkey .The monkey is very angry and throws the ball at the bear.T: What did the monkey and the bear do just now ?Ss: The monkey took the bears baa, The bear hit the monkey .(帮助学生回答)T:And then what happened to the bear?Ss

5、: The monkey threw the ball at the bear and the ball hit the bear. (帮助学生回答)边说边板书以下内容,并带读。take-took hit-hit throw-threw do-did The ball hit the bear .任意拿走两位学生的文具盒。T:What did I do just now ?Ss: You took their pencil-box .T: Did I take theirs?Ss: Yes , you did. (帮助学生回答)T(指着未被拿走文具盒的学生):Did I take his?Ss

6、: No ,you didnt . (帮助学生回答)故意将文具盒还给错误的主人。T: Whats the matter?S1: This is not mine . Its hers.S2: This is not mine . Its his.T: Oh , Im very sorry.板书并教学句型 Whats the matter? Im sorry.3.听 B 部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practice1.Quick response : Show the pictures and new words of the new knowledge and have the childr

7、en say them as quick as possible .2.A game :The police catch the thief .3.Play a game : Guessing game with pictures.Step 4 Consolidation1. Sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。2.Homework :Read Part A and copy the new knowledge for 5 times . 第二课时第二课时 Teaching content:Part A Teaching aims:1. Tell the c

8、hildren to be generous .2.Can listen and say the sentences of Part A.3.Knowledge : forgot, kicked missed had to keep running a bright idea at last at first Teaching emphasis and difficulties:1. forgot, kicked missed had to keep running a bright idea at last at first 2. The dialogue of Part A.Teachin

9、g aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape . Teaching methods:1.Tasks teaching method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3.Communicative Method. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:1. 师声问候。2.Free talk:T: Show me your rubber /ruler/pen/Is this your ruler?Is that his/her pen?Whose blackboard is

10、 it?Are these your pens?板书 my ,your, her , his, our, their, 带读。Step 2 Presentation 1.出示图片和卡片,板书并教单词:forgot, kicked missed had to keep running a bright idea at last at first 2.教学会话中的句型。3.Read the dialogue of Part A.4.听课文 A 部分录音,整体感知课文内容,并回答以下问题:What happened to Benny?What did Benny do?Who hit Benny?W

11、hy did Tony hit Benny ?How did the teacher deal with the matter?5.Listen to Part A 、B and read after the tape.6.自由朗读。Step 3 PracticeRead and perform Part A. Step 4 Consolidation1. Read and perform Part A. 2. Sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。3.Homework :Read Part A and copy the new knowledge for 5

12、 times .Make some sentences with the sentence pattern.第三课时第三课时 Teaching aims:1.Enable the Ss retell the text;2.Enable the Ss finish Part D and Part E.3.Tell the children to stay together friendly. Teaching emphasisEnable the Ss finish Part D and Part E. Teaching difficulties:There are some new words

13、 in the Ex. Teaching tools:Tape, recorder, VCD Teaching methods:1. Tasks Approach2.Audio-lingual Method.3. Communicative Method. Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Read Part A together.3. Ask 2 Ss to retell the text.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Last Saturday was a fine day. Where

14、did Tim and Dino go ? What did they do ? Can you guess? Read the text and find out the answers.S:They went to the park /theatre2.Have the children listen and read the text of Part D.Check the answer.Did Tim remember that Dino was playing for the first time?Did Tim kick the ball too hard?Did Dino get the ball at first ?Did Dino get the football at last ?Step 3 PracticePart E: Learn to the rhyme. Then answer the question:What did I see? Did you see What I see?What did I hear? Did you hear what I hear?Step 4 Consolidation1.Do Ex. Workbook Unit 9.2.Evaluation.3.Homework. Revise Unit 9.



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