(湘少版)五年级英语上册教案 Unit 9(2)

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1、(湘少版)五年级上册英语(湘少版)五年级上册英语Unit 9 My father helps me.学情分析:学情分析:学生在本节课之前已经掌握了下列词组:cook the meals, wash the clothes, make the bed, do the dishes, water the plants, clean the windows, iron clothes, sweep the floor 等。 教学目标:教学目标: 1Students can use the phrases and sentence patterns. 2Encourage students to be

2、 helpful at home, at school and in the community. 教学重点:教学重点: My mother makes the bed. I help her. 教学步骤:教学步骤: Step 1.Warming-up1. Revision (1). Look and say.(看图说短语) (2). Listen and do.(听词语做出快速反应。) 老师报出短语,学生举起手中相应意思的短语卡片,并能大声跟读。 2. Play a game. Happy Fax (快乐传真) 从每大组中选择五个学生进行分组比赛,每小组第一个同学看图后用动作表达这个意思,其

3、他成员依次模仿动作,最后一个同学猜出意思并用短语表达。猜对结果较多的为胜。 Step 2. Presentation 1. Lets learn. T: Are you good children at home? Do you help your parents at home? S: My mother makes the bed. I help her. (边教读边板书) 2. Lets listen. A. Listen to the tape for the first time and catch the key words, then answer my question: Do

4、es Lingling help her parents at home? What does Lingling often do at home? B. Listen to the tape for the second time and repeat sentence by sentence. 3. Practise. Do pair works. Tell your partners if you are good children at home and how you help your parents using the new sentence patterns. 4. List

5、ening practise. A. Listen to the tape for the first time and catch the key words. B. Listen to it again and tick the right pictures quickly. C. Listen to it for the last time and check the answers together. 5. Lets write and say. A. Write one or two sentences to tell us how you help your parents at

6、home. B. Read the sentences in class. C. Put your sentences up on the blackboard. 6. Extension Encourage students to be new-three-good students. To be a good student at school. To be a good child at home. To be a good person in the community. Step 3. HomeworkMake a three-sentence-speech to tell us why you are a new-three-good student. Well choose two new-three-good students next time.


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