(沪教牛津版)一年级英语上册教案 Unit 2 Period 2

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1、沪教牛津版一年级上册英语沪教牛津版一年级上册英语Unit 2 Numbersthe second period、教学说明教学说明1通过上一课的学习,学生能用 Hello. Hi. Iam . This is .来问候,介绍和交流了。2有少数学生从未接触过英语,学句子时有些困难。、教学内容教学内容1 认知内容:1) 学会用祈使句:Give me , please.2) 学说小对话:A:Give me , please.B:Here you are.A:Thank you.B:Youre welcome.2 能力要求:学会用祈使句来表达自己要向同伴所借的物品。3情感态度:感受帮助别人,与他人分享物

2、品的快乐。、教学步骤教学步骤ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Warming upSong:1.Point the stationery and sing the Song:2.One pupil point the stationery and another 1通过点点唱唱帮助学生复习文具类的单词,活跃课堂气氛。2同一首歌曲换pupils sing the song. If the pupil is wrong and change another pupil.(游戏可以反复进行,速度可以逐步加快) 。成游戏的方式,

3、孩子们又生产了浓厚的兴趣。个别孩子操练和集体练习同时进行。歌曲的速度逐渐加快,难度递增,培养学生手口一致,思维、动作的敏捷性。2DialogueA: Hi, George. This is my Mummy.(Daddy)B: Hello, Im George.C: Hello, George.1. Read the words:Mummy, Daddy.2. Show the dialogue让学到的句子“活”起来,必须运用于实际。While-taskprocedure1.IntroductionGive me ,please.1.T:I havnt a pencil.But I want

4、to write.I can say: Give me a pencil, please.P1: Here you are.T: Thank you.2.Explain2ImitationGive me ,1.Listen to the tape.Close your eyes and listen.英语以“听”领先,对于学生较难掌握的句子,让他们多please.2.Read after the tape.3.Follow the teacher.4.Dialogue:T: Give me ,please.Ps: Here you areT: Thank you听。闭上眼睛听可以集中听力,学生

5、也感到有趣,不乏味。3A story p71.Listen to the story.2.Answer the questions. a. What did Sam want?(A rubber)b. What did he say?(Give me a rubber, please).c. What did Ann want?(A ruler)d.What did she say?(Give me a ruler, please).通过听故事,加大了语言输入量,学生真正明白了 Give me ,please.的含义。4. A dialogue:A: Give me ,please.B: He

6、re you are.A: Thank you.B: You are welcome.1.Watch and listen to the song.2.Ps: Thank you.Ps: You arewelcome.3. P1: Thank you.边看边听这首歌曲,通过画面学生很快理解了这两句礼貌用语。明快的旋律,朗朗上口,小朋友很快会跟唱了。师生间的对话,使语言用于生活。P2: youre welcome.4.T: Give me ,please.Ps: Here you are.T: Thank you.Ps: Youre welcome.(then change)Post-taska

7、ctivityDraw a picture1.Distribute white drawing paper to each pupil.2.Tell them that they can use their pencils and rulers, etc. to draw a picture of their classroom. 3.If they need to borrow something. They must say the dialogue.在情境中懂,在情境中练,在情境中用。Assignment1.Listen to tape and say P7.2.Talk with th

8、e friends of parents.四四 、教学提示、教学提示1 媒体准备:VCD、磁带、文具等。2 教学关注点:a. 注意学生“give”的发音。b. 本课的祈使句:Give me , please.让学生在情境中懂,在情境中练,在情境中用。c拓展的“Here you are.”“Thank you.”“ Youre welcome.”不要急于求成,可在日常生活中鼓励学生不断使用。3 资源分享小博士黄语、 走遍美国第一盘 VCD、 教学参考4 设计思路:a. 开始部分复习的文具类单词,不仅是巩固旧知识,而且为本课的新授部分做好铺垫。b. 英语学习是一个“滚雪球”的过程,加以点滴新鲜“血液”,使旧知识变为新内容。c把“孤零零”一句祈使句,变成对话,让师生动起来,从而达到师生互动,生生互动。5 学了这句祈使句,一有机会就要用,老师要起示范作用,在班级中形成良好的使用英语的学风,创设学英语的语言环境。



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