(广州版)开心英语六年级下册教案 Unit 5(3)

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1、(广州版)开心英语六年级下册教案(广州版)开心英语六年级下册教案 Unit 5 Where were you?一、教学目标一、教学目标1.知识目标初步掌握过去进行时态基车常识和结构特征:2.能力目标学会用简单的过去进行时态。3.情感目标:初步使用过去进行时态表达个人意愿。过去进行时态: was /were+v.ing 结构。二、教学过程:二、教学过程:1. Review Draw a timeline of yesterday morning and afternoon on the board. Review Where were you? from SB 6 Unit 1.T: Where

2、 were you yesterday afternoon?Place Picture Cards from SB 6 Unit 2 on the board. For Example, went ate,wrote, read. made rode sang and drank.T: I went ti the shopping mall yesterday afternoon, I ate cake. (Write down the words on the board )Continue asking the Ss to answer truthfully about what they

3、 did. Write down examples on the board. 2. Using the book 1) have Ss look at the page. 2) T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story.3) Play the tape 4) T: Lets listen again and repeat.5) Play the tape, pausing after each sentence t o have Ss repeat,6) Put Ss into groups of four or five the fifth

4、 student is Gogo.7) Give groups time to practice reading and acting out the dialog.3. Getting ready 1) Put picture Cards 25_32 on the board.2) T: Hold up the picture cards at home Listen and repeat. At home Ss: At some. Show the card and point to the words.3) Show each picture card ad say the words

5、for Ss to repeat. 4) Show the picture cards in random order order and have Ss say the words.4. Using the book 1) T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each word as you say it.2) Have Ss listen. Repeat and point to each picture.3) Have individual Ss say the words and the rest of the class point

6、to the corresponding picture.5. Using the book 1) Play the tape a few times, pausing after each sentence. For Ss to t repeat.2) Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialogs.6. Using the book 1) Have Ss look at the pictures for A.2) Write She was at _. underneath question A on the board.3) T:

7、 ( Point to the board.) (S1s name),please answer using these words. Number 1. S: She was at the ( subway station.)4) Continue with the other three pictures for A.5) T: Lets listen to the tape.6) Play the tape for A, then pause.7) T: Put a checkmark in the box. (S2s name ),what was she doing at 11:00

8、 ? S2: She was planting some flowers.8) Repeat the procedures with the other three questions.7. Using the book1) Put Ss in pairs and name them Student A or B.2) Demonstrate with one pair first.S1: (S2s name ),where were you yesterday at 8:00 ? S2: I was at home.3) T: Now talk to your partners and wr

9、ite.4) Walk around the classroom to provide help if needed. 5) Ask some pairs to share their findings with the class, e.g.( S1s name ) was at the ( candy store) yesterday at 4:00.8. Using the book1) T: Lets read the lyrics.2) Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences. 3) T: Now lets listen to the

10、tape.4) Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung.5) Play the tape again and all Ss practice singing together.6) Divide the class into two groups.7) Have one group sing the question parts and the other grout sing the responses, Then switch.9. Using the book 1) T: Look at A. (S5s name), read

11、 the sentences please.S5: Gogo was at the fair. He was eating candy apples.2) T: Look at B, C and D and write sentences.3) Put Ss into pairs to ask, answer and check.10. Using the book 1) T: Now, open your books. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.2) Give Ss time to finish writing the sen

12、tences.3) Circulate around the classroom to see how Ss are doing.4) When Ss are finished, put them into pairs.5) Have Ss take turns asking and answering the questions.6) Ask some Ss to write the sentences on the board so that the whole class can check the answers.11. Using the book1) Have Ss look at

13、 the pictures on the page.2) T: Lets listen to the tape.3) Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.4) T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat.5) Have Ss repeat after the tape. 6) After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.12. Using the book 1) T: Lets listen to the chant.2) Play the tape once.3) T: Now, listen and point to the pictures.4) Play the tape and have Ss chant along.



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