(外研社一起)五年级下英语教学设计Module 8 UNIT 2

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《(外研社一起)五年级下英语教学设计Module 8 UNIT 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(外研社一起)五年级下英语教学设计Module 8 UNIT 2(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、龙凤区第五小学教师教学设计龙凤区第五小学教师教学设计编 写 者王玉萌执 教 者王玉萌 执教时间2014 年 4 月 25 日 星期五 版 本外研社版学 科英语 册 数五年级(下册)单 元Module8 Unit2 课 题 How I made the kite.课 时 教学目标New words and drills.New words and drills. Talking with the future tense.Drawing their interests and training their habits. 德育教学目 标通过本节课的制作风筝,鼓励学生的动手能力。教学重点New w

2、ords and drills教学难点Using the past tense correctly.教学准备Cards , CD-ROM , tape, book 教学板块教与学预设 (师生活动)教学重构 (修改意见)前置性作业一.Listen and follow to the tape. Find out the following questions. 听磁带并跟读,二.Find out the knowledge points about page 32. 找出 30 页文中的知识点。 教学过程第一课时课前三分钟:Try to say how to make the kite ,and

3、 let the students to talk. They can say in Chinese or English both OK.1. Greeting. 2. Revision.Ask and answer some questions about the text in Unit 1. T: Yesterday I gave my sister a kite. But how I made the kite. Then read the title. PresentationThe title: How I made the kite?Listen to the tape and

4、 answer question: how to make a kite?Then teach the new words. Practice to say the words and sentences in different ways. Practice1. ActivityAsk the children to recite the text.Look at the pictures and describe in English.Read the song, then learn to sing the song.Then sing the song together after t

5、he tape.2. Activity 2.Make a kite/plane/T3. Activity 3.hen describe how to make it. Production.连词成句1. Chinese, I , make, Ill , a , kite, think,Ask the children to sum up the main points.Have a dictation about the new words and sentences.Ask the children to sum up the main points.Have a dictation about the new words and sentences.板书设计Module8 Unit2 How I made the kite?How I made the kite?drew a dragonpainted 教后随记



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