(沪教版)一年级英语教案 1B Unit2 Small animals

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1、Unit 2 Small animalsThe First PeriodLets act一教学目标: 1、知识目标:数字 110 数数,并认明小动物 2、能力目标:能听懂特定环境中简单的命令 3、情感目标:培养学生的节奏感,激发学生学习兴趣 二.教学重点:儿歌的完整性 三.教学难点:数字 110 的认识 四教具准备:Students Book 1B page 7 Cassette 1B and a cassette player Word 1B Picture Cards 1B 10paper cut outs of bees Work book 1B page 5 五、教学过程Warming

2、 upSongGood morning to youRevision 1. Play a game (Draw ten flowers on the board. Put six paper bees on the flowers and count with students) Who can count the bees first? 2. Rhyme: One two three . Its a tree .Four five six. Pick up sticks. Learn: Four . five six . Pick up sticks. 3. Learn seven Put

3、another bee on a flower and say . “ Seven” Count again. Act: Clap one. Show me: seven 4. Repeat step 3 for “ eight . nine and ten.” 5. Review OneTen Act: Clap oneten.(Hold up ten fingers and ask the class to count)Whiletask procedure.一上课就把学生带入学习英语的 氛围。用先前所学儿歌,使学生回忆 1-6 数字。运用身体器官,动动手,动动脑, 巩固记忆。活跃气氛。1

4、. T: Today Lets go to the park .(Show a park picture. This is a park. There are some clever animals in it. I like the bee. I arm a bee. (Extend arms, move around and say Bzz. Bzz. Bzz) Follow me. 2. Who is he? Oh, hes Ji Ji. I like him. Now please follow me: I am a bird. (Extend arms and the up and

5、down ) 3. (Put hands above head ) Say: I am a rabbit. 4. Stoop down slightly and pretend to jump forward. Say: I am a frog. Student copy. 5. Follow and say. I am a bee . I am a bird . I am a rabbit. I am a frog. 6 . Listen to the tape and say . 7 . Practise. (1) Between the teacher and the students.

6、 (2) Between pairs. (3) Between friends. 8 .Act out the rhyme. 通过形象的动作,激发学生学习 兴趣,便于记忆。用玩具鸟引入课文,吸引学生注 意力。反复跟读,加深印象,巩固记忆。磁带正音,培养语感。培养学以致用的能力。表演激发学生兴趣,培养学生实 际应用语言的能力,加深印象。板书设计:课后小结:The Second PeriodLets talk一、教学目标: 1知识目标:用特定的句型让学生说 I see 2能力目标:一般学生能会说课文中的三句句子,基础好的学生能运用 以往所学活用句型。3情感目标:让学生善与发现周围的事物,培育热爱自

7、然的童趣。 二、教学重点:I see 三教学难点:butterfly 的读音 四教具准备:Students Book 1 B page 8 Casette 1B and a cassette player Word and Picture Cards I B Wallcharts I B WorkbookI B page 6 五教学过程: Warming up: Rhyme:Page7 Pre 一 task four small animals. Show some pictures:bee Bird rabbit frog 2.Show another picture:butterfly L

8、earn the new words:butterfly Extend arms more around and say:I am a butterfly. 3.Act out the animals and say the lines:I am a butterfly While 一 task procedure 1. Learn: I see Point to Peter and say:I see Peter Point to Lucy and say:I see Lucy. Point to a ruler and say :I see a ruler Point to eyes wh

9、en you say “see” Point to the students and all say: I see Mary. I see Janny I see 2. Practise: T1 T2 T3复习上节课所学,把学生带入学习氛 围,对以下所学也有帮助。未学过的单词在一开始先重点强调, 引起学生重视。用学生所熟悉的学生名字引入,让学 生很容易理解 I see 的含义。Work in pairs. 3. Show some small animals and who can say? “I see” Ask some students. 4. Open students book an

10、d listen to the tape. Post 一 task activity. Play a game:Who is winner? I see通过游戏方式,巩固所学。对以前所 学能学以致用。游戏形式符合学生年 龄特点。板书设计:课后小结:The Third PeriodLets Learn一教学目标 1 知识目标:bird rabbit butterfly frog bee 单词的识记。 2 能力目标:能正确读出单词发音,并能识记单词卡片。 3 情感目标:培养学生热爱小动物的习惯,让他们在学习中体验成功的乐趣。 二教学重点:能识记单词。 三教学难点:butterfly 的发音 四教具

11、准备:Students Book 1B page 9 Cassette 1B and a cassette player Word and picture cards 1B Silhouettes of the above small animals Work book 1B page 7 五、教学过程: Warming up: 1. Rhyme: One two three. I am a bee.(page 7) 2. Game:Guess“ what are they?” Say“I see a ” 3Stick all the pictures on the board. Take o

12、ne away and ask:“what animal is it?Whiletask procedure: 1. Hold up a butter fly and say: Today, there is a new friend in our class. Guess. who is she? Shes a butter fly. I like her. 2Repeat the new word. 3. Make some scentens.Butterfly butterflybutterfly I like it. ;I can seeFor you and me 4. Repeat

13、 the process with sichouettes of other animals. 5. Match: Pictures and word. 6. Read the words slowly. 7. Open students, listen to the tape and read after the tape.Posttask activity Game: what is missing?, 游戏吸引学生,激发学生学习兴趣, 也便于老师了解学生掌握程度。句型操练,让学生能把以前所学融汇 于新知识中,学以致用。词型配对,学生对所学字母能达到识 记目的。游戏巩固所学,激发学生的好胜

14、心和 集体荣誉感。板书设计:课后小结:The Fourth PeriodLets play一 教学目标1 知识目标:问句 What do you see? 2 能力目标:会熟练运用问句进行对话。 3 情感目标:使学生发现事物的特征,培养细心观察的好习惯。 二 教学重点:问答句的使用。 三 教学难点:单词发音。 四 教具准备:Students Book 1B page 10 Cassette 1b and a cassette player Paper cut-outs of bind bee butterfly frog and rabbit Work book 1b page 8 五 教学过

15、程 Warming up 1 Song: Hello ,how are you? 2 Rhyme 3 Reed the words: bird, rabbit ,butterfly , frog bee 4 Make some sentences.“I see a ”While-task procedure: 1Play a game Guess: Whats in my hand ?What do you see?ruler ,paper ,bag 2Repeat:What do you see? 3 Work in pairs 4 Act P1:What do you see? P2:I see a 5 Show paper cut-outs of bird bee but


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