冀教版(一起)五年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 Lesson 5(2)

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1、冀教版(一起)五年级英语下册教案冀教版(一起)五年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 Li Ming comes to CanadaLesson 5 Making supperLesson 5 Teaching DesignItemsSpecific contentsSupplement教学设计思路Summary of Teaching Design教学过程中1.“以学生为中心”。即在课堂教学中尽可能发挥学生的能动性和主动性,培养其创造欲望。2.注重实践参与。通过 pair work, group work, ask and answer 等形式让学生积极参与到语言的学习当中。3.追求和谐的课堂活动

2、,在课堂教学中尽可能地发挥了教师、学生、教材三者各自的特长,并达到教学的最优化。4.遵循英语交际性原则。让学生在理解的基础上,运用课文中的材料进行初步的交际练习,并在交际练习中培养交际能力。教学目标Teaching Aim1.Knowledge and abilities (1) 使学生争取掌握(正确地说、读、写、用)单词:clean, dirty, dishes, wash, dry.(2) 学生能够读懂并准确地说出单词( hungry,meat,supper,cabbage,peas,onion,carrot ) (3) 使学生能进一步掌握运用所学过的单词及句子。(4) 能运用本课所学的内

3、容及以前学过的相关句子结合实际生活情况表达自己感情和意愿。2.Course and methods(1) 表演法(2) 听说法(3) 情景法3.Emotion and attitude鼓励学生做些力所能及的事,体会英语学习中的快乐。教学重难点Key Points and Special Difficulties1.Key Points单词:clean, dirty, dishes, wash, dry.(四会)2.Special Difficulties学生能够准确地掌握新学单词的发音并把所学单词运用到口语表演中教学媒体Teaching Mediaradio and tape recorder

4、, projector, pictures relating with the text, computer and disk,a bottle of water and a towel.Step one: Review 1.Greeting 2.Duty Report: 让学生上讲台做值日报告。3.Review(1)Sing a song “This is the way we wash our hands.”(2)Using some cards to review rooms and objects.kitchen: stove sink refrigerator bedroom: be

5、d dresser closet bathroom: shower bathtub toilet living room : TV picture 教学过程Teaching Course2.Start new lessonStep one: Presentation1. Introduce: T:Boys and girls! What room is it? S: Kitchen.T: Right! What time is it? (提示)S: Six oclock.T: Whats Mrs. Smith doing now? Guess!S: She is cooking supper.

6、T: Very good. Its time for supper. Today, we are going to learn new lesson. (Lesson 5: Making supper.2. Teach the new words: dishes dirty clean wash dry (1)出示自己拿过粉笔的右手与左手进行对比,教授 dirty, clean,然后用水洗手,介绍 wet 和 dry.(2)T: These are some dishes. Dishes. (Read it a few times.)These dishes are dirty. (Read

7、“dirty”)Lets wash the dishes in the sink. (Read “wash”)Now Im washing the dishes.T: (to a volunteer) Please help me wash the dishes .Now the dishes are clean.(学生做动作) Look ! Theyre clean. Very good!T: Now Im drying the dishes.(to a volunteer ) Please help me dry the dishes.3. Teach the vegetables Ask

8、 some students to answer.(1)Do you know some vegetables? Can you say it in English?(2)The students say then .T writes them on the blackboard.Step two: Practice1. Ask the students come to front to read.2. Play “point”.Step three:1. Listen to the tape and think over the follow questions:(1)Whats for s

9、upper?(2)What vegetables does Mr. Smith need?(3)Who is washing the dirty dishes?(4)What does Li Ming do?2. Pair work:Four students a group. Ask the students to read the text and discuss the questions in groups.3. Ask the students to answer the questions.4. Read by themselves.Step four: Consolidation

10、 1. Play “opposites” and include the new vocabulary: clean, dirty , dishes, wash , dry . 进一步复习所学过的反义词2. Make a dialogue Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about “ clean , dirty , wash and dry ”3. T: What do they eat for supper?Whats in the sink/ stove/ refrigera

11、tor/ table?Step 5 Homework Activity book. 3.Interesting games(1)Looking for the “antonym”教师选出 wet, dry, dirty, clean 等单词卡片。操练如下:教师让学生拿出事先准备好的单词卡片,教师读出其中的一个单词,学生迅速找出该词的反义词,举起卡片的同时读单词,对给迅速给出正确答案的学生,教师给于肯定和表扬。(2)Being a little teacher教师和学生共同回顾本课重点知识时,教师先把学生分成几个小组,让他们以小组为单位对本课知识进行简单的总结,并以自己的方式呈现本课的重点知识,

12、每个小组选出代表进行重点知识的呈现。教师给形式最新颖的小组颁发小奖品。课堂评价Assessment in Class1. The teach checks the students usage of language by letting them play interesting little games.2. The teacher let students take part in assessment by putting their judgment into account and let them comment on each other.3. The teacher lets the students do exercise to check their mastery of language.


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