(广州版)三年级英语下册教案 Module 3 Unit 7 Lesson 1(1)

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1、(广州版)三年级英语下册教案(广州版)三年级英语下册教案 Module 3 Nationalities Unit 7 I Have Many Stamps Lesson 1一、一、Objectives:1. To introduce vocabulary of nationalities and countries.2. To enable students to differentiate between different groups using” these”, “those”, “this one” , “that one”3. To continue to develop list

2、ening, reading, and speaking skills.二、二、The important points:1. Words:USA from American stamp Chinesepostcard Australian Japanese French2. Sentences:I have many stampsI like that American stampThis ones Australian.三、三、The difficult points:Its a postcard from the USAAre these Japanese stamps?Yes, the

3、y are.四、四、The course:(一)(一) Revision:记忆第一单元单词,熟悉人物名称。TPs:Whats this? Its a book.What are those? Theyre books.Are these books? Yes, they are.Is this a book? No, it isnt.引入:同学们你们喜欢旅游吗?那么请你们告诉我到过哪些国家?USA American Australian Chinese Japanese French(二)新课教学(二)新课教学1. Presentation (1)通过引入学习新词USA American Au

4、stralian Chinese French Japanese讲解记忆四会单词 小组检查过关2. Presentation (2)到这些国家有什么纪念品克以寄给朋友?stamp postcard用实物操练American stampFrench stampChinese stampJapanese stampPractice in pairsT-Ps: What are these?Theyre American stamps.Check up:Are these French stamps?Yes, they are.Is this a Japanese stamp?Yes, it is.

5、Practice in pairs3. Presentations (3)I have many stamps.This ones American stamp?(三)课文巩固(三)课文巩固听录音理解整体课文,了解主人公正在看邮票集.教师通过肢体语言进行课文的 理解.Get students to repeat the dialogues after teacher out.Encourage students to try to memorize the dialogues rather than reading them, using their own stamps.(四)(四)Sum

6、up:同学们,我们今天学习了哪些内容? 让学生自己总结关于邮票明信片 stamp and postcard国家和国籍USA American Chinese Australian Japanese French老师补充:1. the postcard from 国家2. American stamp 而不是 USA stamp所学句型:I have many stamps.These are Chinese stampsAre these Japanese stampsYes, they are.五、五、Homework:Copy the new words.Read the dialogue



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