(广东开心英语)五年级英语 5A uint2(1)

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《(广东开心英语)五年级英语 5A uint2(1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(广东开心英语)五年级英语 5A uint2(1)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Do you have any glue?Objectives and Requirements: Target: Do you have any envelopes? Yes, I do. Do you have any stamps? No, I dont.Does Jenny have any stamps? Yes, she does.Sound and words: pet, cat, carrot, bat, rabbit, parrot -t Vocabulary: staples, scissors, stamps, envelopes, paper clips,

2、 paper, tape, glue Bonus : stickers (图文标签), postcards (明信片) Materials: Realia of these words and Picture Cards 916, bag and box. Period 1 Step1, Warming up: sing the song “what do you want to do?” Revision: What does she do? Shes doctor. Step2, Take out a piece of paper and a scissors. T: Whats this

3、? Ss: Its paper. (Teach paper.) Use the scissors to cut the paper. (Teach scissors.) Write, “I have paper. I dont have paper” on the board. (Repeat) Put realia on the table in front of the class. Continue with the other words. Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each word in the books as it says

4、. Hold up each item and have Ss say the word. (Pair works)Step3, Write “Do you have paper?” on the board. Explain that we use some for “yes” sentences and any for questions and no sentences. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence for Ss to repeat. Write, “ I have _ glue” on the board. Point to t

5、he first blank. Do we use some or any? Its a yes sentence. (Ss: Some.) And write some in the blank. Repeat the procedure with I dont have _ paper. Step4, Ask a volunteer to stand at the front of the room. Give him/her some paper clips to bold. T: Does he have any staples? Ss: No, he doesnt. But he h

6、as some paper clips. Listen to the tape with Practice 1. Put a checkmark in the box. Step 5, have Ss look at song activity, ask some Ss read the lyrics aloud. T: Lets listen to the song. Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung. Play the tape again and have all Ss sing together. Step 6, ha

7、ve Ss look at the pictures on the page part two. Give Ss time to fill in the blank. Walk around the classroom to help Ss if needed. Check the new lyrics with the whole class. Ask volunteers to write the lyrics on the board. T: Lets sing the new song. Play the tape and have Ss sing the new lyrics with the music. Step6: Homework.



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