(陕旅版)五年级英语下册教案 Lesson 13(1)

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1、(陕旅版)五年级英语下册教案(陕旅版)五年级英语下册教案Lesson 13 How often do you go hiking?其实,除了参加运动会,我们平常还有许多有益的户外活动。你常进行什么样的户外活动?学习句型:How often do you go hiking? I go hiking once a week.这些句子用来描述你进行某项活动的频度如何。学会词语:go skateboarding go bike riding go hiking go roller skating 小结频度副词在一般现在时态中的应用。 教学目的:1.会说会用这些句子:How often do you

2、go hiking? I go hiking once a week. 2.会说会用会写这些单词: go skateboarding go bike riding go hiking go roller skating 3.学习频度副词在一般现在时态中的应用。 课前准备:1.教师准备一个课件,课件中四个孩子在一起闲谈,谈论它们各自喜欢的户外活动。课件中的对话内容如句型词汇中所提供。2.准备 go skateboarding go bike riding go hiking go roller skating 的单词卡片。 3.准备一些户外活动的图片 如:野餐,爬山,钓鱼,骑自行车郊游,徒步旅行

3、,放风筝,滑滑板,滑旱冰等。4. 准备一些实物。钓竿,背包,滑板,旱冰鞋,风筝等。 教学过程:热身(Warming up)师生进行对话引出本课话题:T: Whats your hobby,A?SA: My hobby is watching TV/playing computer games/老师引导学生说出自己的喜好。T:Do you like,B? Whats your hobby? 老师在边展示图片边向学生 B 提问 What do you like ,B?SB: I like.老师把学生说出的活动的图片找出来,学生不会用英语说的话,老师可提供帮助。 T: Do you often go

4、/play?SB :Yes.?No. T:How often ?Once a week? Twice a week? Three times a week or every day?SB:老师帮助其回答。 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)播放课件,展示本课话题:Ben: Whats your hobby?David:I like sports.And hiking is my hobby. I go hiking with my friend on Saturday.Ben: How often do you go hiking?David: Once a week. Wha

5、t do you like? Ben: I like bike riding.And I always go bike riding after school.Billy:I never ride bike to school.I like roller skating. I often go roller skating in the afternoon.Alice:But I like skateboarding. Sometimes I go skateboarding in the afternoon. 句型词汇学习: 1)Tomorrow is Saturday.Lets go hi

6、king.hike 徒步旅行 而 walk 是指一般的走路。go doing 去干什么,去做某项运动。常见的短语有: go fishing go swimmimg go skating go hunting Do you often go hiking?Yes.Hiking is my hobby.2) How often do you go hiking?How often 多久一次?常用来对某种行为的频度进行提问。For exampleHow often do you go to see your grandma? How often does he come home? How ofte

7、n do they go fishing?3) Once a week.一周一次。对于频度的提问,常回答在单位时间里进行的次数是什么。如:Once a month. 一月一次Twice a day. 一日两次 Three times a year. 一年三次Six times a season. 一个季度六次4)sometimes often usually always 均为频度副词,表示某一行为在一个单位时间里发生的次数有多少。sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 通常 always 总是 而 never 是一个完全否定的副词,表示从来没有 。这些频度副词用于一般现在

8、时态,常放在行为动词之前。For example:I sometimes go shopping with my mother on Sunday.Do the students often have lunch at school?What do you usually do after work? 下班后你常干什么?I usually do some sports . I often go bike riding. Sometimes I go roller skating.My father always rides his bike to work.Mir Smith doesnt l

9、ike swimming.He never goes swimming with Betty.5)ride 骑 常用的短语有:ride a horse ride a bike go bike riding 6)roller 滚转的东西 go roller skating 去滑旱冰 go skateboarding 去滑滑板Do you often go skateboarding?No,never.But I go roller skating three times a week.3. 巩固活动:1)让学生根据表格中幼儿园孩子们一周的食谱,让用所学的频度副词完成句子:Menu of this

10、 weekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayBreakfastPorridge/cakeMilk/breadMilk/breadMilk/cakeMilk/breadlunchRice/chickenCake/fishRice/beefRice/fishCake/beefsupperNoodles/fruitrice/fruitDumplings/fruitPorridge/fruitRice/fruitThe children _ for breakfast.The children _ for breakfast.The children _.They

11、_ for lunch.They_ for lunch.They_.They_._ supper._._._.2)小组活动:每个同学先自己完成表格中要填写的内容,然后与自己的同伴互相问答:How often do you?How often does he/she? You Your motherYour fatherTake a bathBrush the teethClean the roomPlay computer gamesGo shoppingWatch TVDo sports4.听录音学习对话:Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.1)What day is tomorrow?(Its Saturday.)2)What would they do?(They would go hiking.)3)How often does Mike go hiking?(About once a week.)4)What about Tom?(He goes hiking once a week.)


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