(人教新版)五年级英语下册教案 Unit 4 Lesson 25(2)

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1、人教新版五年级英语下册教案人教新版五年级英语下册教案 Unit 5 how much is it?周次13课时1课题Lesson 25学习目标Learn the new dialogue about shopping.Develop the pupils communication ability学习重、难点Try to act out the scene: Can I have a look at this one? How much is it?与本课有联系的新旧知识点They have learnt: Can I help you? Yes, I want a lamp.教教 材材 分分

2、 析析知识点的延展Its cheap/expensive. Its free.策策 略略 安安 排排突出重点突破难点的方法(所述方法应与重、难点一一对应)Act out the dialogue in the shop教具准备A tape-recorder a lamp 课课 前前 准准 备备学生准备(知识的准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。 )A lamp a comb a toothbrush a toothpaste soup towelListen to tape and read the dialogue教学方案的构建教学环节学习内容师生活动我的修改Warming-upPresent

3、ationPractice Listen and chantMake a surveyWhat present do you want for your birthday?1. Learn the new words:lamp monkey anything else2. Learn the new sentencesWhat do you want? I want a lamp.Can I help you? Yes, I want a lamp.How much is it? Fifty yuan.Well take it. Here is the monkey.3. Learn the

4、new dialogueAct out the dialogueMake up the new dialogueplay a game Do group workAsk and answer in pairsOne asks the other answerListen to tape and read the wordsWrite the word.Look at the picture and Introduce the dialogue to the pupils in ChineseListen to the tape-recordingListen and repeatRead the dialogue in groupAct out in groupsPractice in pairsLearn the new wordsMake up the new sentences板书设计Lesson 25Can I help you? Yes, I want a lamp.What do you want? I want a lamp.lamp 教学后记本课亮点创设情境学习使学生有身临其境之感美中不足固定词组搭配学生有时混淆



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