(苏教牛津版)三年级英语上册教案Unit 2 Nice to meet you

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1、牛津英语 3A 课程教案年级 三 主备人 赵红霞 备课时间 2010 年 9 月 日周 次第二周课次The second period授课课题Unit1 Hello教学基本内容1. Listen and circle .2. Act and guess .教学目的和要求1. Go on learning the new words and the new sentences .2. To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it .教学重点及难点1. Go on learning the new words and the new sentenc

2、es .2. To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it .教学方法及手段创设真实,自然的情景来学习本单元打招呼和自我介绍句型。学法指导合作学习法集体备课个性化修改预习Step 1 Warm up .1.Sing two songs : Good morning to you !Hello!2. Greetings .3.Do what I do教学环节设计4.Free talk .Step2 Presentation .1.Show the cards (animals ).Please say “Hello”to them.2. Read

3、 the words .3.Listen and circle .e.g When you heard “a panda .” please circle panda ,but not “Bobby.”4.Act and guess .The students are back-to back. One student imitates one animal ,the other guesses “An elephant?” or “A monkey ?” The first student answers “Yes.”or “No .”By using animal cards .5. Do

4、 the workbook : C Listen ,find and circle .KEY:1. a panda 2. a tiger . 3. a monkey .Step3 Good bye .作 业Homework:Listen to the tape and read aloud板书设计Unit1 执行情况与教学反思课程教案年级 班级 任教者 备课时间 年 月 日周 次第二周课次The third period授课课题 Unit 2 Nice to meet you教 学基本内容1. Vocabulary : Miss Li ,Mr Gree, Wang Bing ,Helen .2

5、. Pattern : This is Good morning .Good afternoon , Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too .教学目的和要求1. Enable the students can understand and say the communion parlances : This is Good morning .Good afternoon . Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you ,too .2. To know four persons :Miss Li, Mr Green , Wan

6、gBing ,Helen .3. To encourage the Ss to talk in English .教学重点及难点1. Enable the students can understand and say the communion parlances : This is Good morning .Good afternoon . Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you ,too .2. To know four persons :Miss Li, Mr Green , WangBing ,Helen .3. To encourage the Ss

7、 to talk in English .教学方法及手段情景教学法,游戏教学法学法指导合作学习法集体备课个性化修改预习Step 1:Free talk 1. The teacher wears the masks of animals :ask :Hi/Hello ,Im a bird/(a dog, a tiger),Whats your name?The student answers: Hi/Hello ,Im2. Students wear the masks of animals Practise in pairs (同桌练习)Group work (小组练习)教学环节Step 2

8、Presentation and pratice .1. Learn to say :Nice to meet you ./Nice to meet you ,too .a. The teacher wears the mask of a monkey .设计Say :Hello ,Im a monkey .Nice to meet you .(教师走到几个学生面边握手边说 Nice tomeet you )b. Read the sentence after me .c. T says :Hello ,Im a monkey ,Nice to meet you ,S says :Nice t

9、o meet you ,too.d. Practice .T&SS&SGroup work (连锁操练,每完成一段对话,双方击掌三次,以增强练习的趣味性。)Work in pairs 2. Learn to say :This is Miss Li, Mr Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen .a. The students wears the mask (Mike ),The Teacher says:This is Mike .b. 同上 Four student wear the masks (Miss Li ,Mr Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen )T sa

10、ys :This is Miss Li /Mr Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen .S says:Nice to meet you,Miss Li/.Miss Li/ Mr Gree says : Nice to meet you ,too.3. Learn to say :Good morning, Good afternoon .a. T draws two clocks in the blackboard ,T says: 从早上起床到 12 点,见面打招呼时说:Good morning, 从中午 12 点以后到傍晚 6 点说: Good afternoon .b. Rea

11、d after me :Good morning /Good afternoon ,Wang Bing()c. Practice T&SS&S4. Group work (游戏:抛球)游戏方法:全班分成四组,老师向每组抛一个小皮球,接到皮球者可以走到另一名学生跟前,用学过的交际用语进行会话,完毕,该生继续抛球。Work in pairs 5.Sing a song :Good morning to you Step 5 consolidation :1. The students wear the masks (Miss Li ,David ,Liu Tao)2. Listen to the

12、tape and read 作 业Listen to the tape and repeat 3 .板书设计Unit 2 Nice to meet you Good morningGood afternoon This is 人物 图片Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you ,too .执行情况与教学反思课程教案年级 班级 任教者 备课时间 年 月 日周 次第三周课次the first period授课课题Unit2 Nice to meet you教学基本内容black ,white ,red ,yellow ,blue ,green ,brown ,orang

13、e教学的和要求1. To understand and say the words :black ,white ,red ,yollow ,blue ,green ,brown ,orange 2. To encourage the Ss to learn English .教学重点及难点1. To understand and say the words :black ,white ,red ,yollow ,blue ,green ,brown ,orange 2. To encourage the Ss to learn English .教学方法及手段情景教学法,游戏教学法学法指导合作

14、学习法集体备课个性化修改预习Step 1. Warm-up 1. Greetings :Good morning /afternoon ,everyone!Nice to meet you .2. Introduce and compliment .教学环节Step 2. Presentation and practice .1. Learn to say the new word :black .a. Show a black dog .T:Hi, boys and girls ,What colour is it ?设计Its black ,please say a black dog .

15、Ss:black .b. T show black things ,Ss say :black .Its black .c. Ss try to find something else is black and say :black .2. Look and say the other words :white , yellow , red .The same method .3. 听音判断。全班分成四组,分别命名black ,white ,yellow ,red .师发出命令:Red 则 red 组全体成立,并高呼 red .3. Guess .师准备几只不同颜色的气球,放在身后,让生猜猜 what colour?引入新颜色单词:orange ,brown ,green ,blue .(猜对者可以得到一只气球。)4. Check Look at the picture and say : a yellow cat ,a red monkey ,a black panda ,a blue bird ,a white elephant ,a green bird ,an orange tiger ,a black and white zebra .Step3



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