(广州版)三年级英语上册教案 Module 6 Unit 17(3)

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1、广州版三年级英语上册教案广州版三年级英语上册教案Module 6 Numbers and ShapesUnit 17 How Many Squares Are There?第二课时第二课时一、教学内容一、教学内容Unit 17 How Many Squares Are There? Dialogue二、教学目标二、教学目标(一) 语言知识目标1.四会词:数字 1-15,many, how many, there is ,there are 四会句型:How many are there? There isThere are 2.三会词:finger, thumb ,line Whats and

2、 ? Its(二)语言技能目标1能认读数字单词。 2能用英语数数,用英语数复杂的几何图形。3理解、朗读课文,个别复述。 (三)学习策略目标1.通过体态语,推测语言。2.借助手势语与人交流。(四)情感态度目标能在英文课堂中感受乐趣。三、教学三、教学重点重点1. 数字 1-15。2. How many are there? There isThere are 四、教学难点四、教学难点1.twelve 的发音。2.thirteen 和 fourteen 的区别五、教学过程五、教学过程(一)复习1.Free talk T 利用剪纸图形(T 指 Teacher, Ss 指 students。下同)T:

3、What is this? What shape is this ? Is this a ? What are they ? What shape are these? Are they ?2. Ss Practice the conversation in pairs. 3. Sing a song: Ten Little Indian Boys.边唱边做数字手势。(二) 呈现1. Presentation of the words about numbers (from one to ten).手势呈现。Practice the pronounce of the numbers.抄练 1-

4、10 上口。让学生从 1 数到 10,遇到 5 和 10 不读出来,以拍掌代替。2. 提问呈现新句型 Presentation of the new sentences drills.1) T: Look, what shapes are these? Ss: They are squares/triangles / rectangles. T: How many squares/ triangles / rectangles are there?Ss : .T: Yes, there are . Very good. Lets count together.2) Pair work . 3)

5、 T: What is this?Ss: Its a hand.T: Yes, its a hand. Now, children. Show me your hands. And what are these ? Ss: Theyre fingers. 教 finger T: How many fingers are there?Ss: ten.T: No, children. 你们有没有发现哪两个手指头是最特别的? 你们最喜欢老师对你们伸出哪个手指头呢? (顺势教 thumb )T: How many fingers are there?Ss: Eight fingers and two

6、thumbs .T: Very good.3. 金太阳课件 Present the dialogue . 1) Look and Listen to the dialogue.2) Listen and repeat.(三)操练与巩固1.组内用双手操练 How many fingers are there?2.把双手换成图形,从而进入 11-15 的教学。教 eleven twelve, 注意区分 eleven 与 seven 写法上的区别 (学生在后继的学习中,容易把 eleven 与 seven 搞混)注意区别 thirteen ,fourteen 的发音。强调 fifteen 不是 fiveteen.(学生在后继的学习中总是会把 fifteen 读作 fiveteen.)(四)小结(五)Homework 1. Copy the new words.2. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart. 七、教学反思在这种的活动课堂上,课堂纪律的调控还有待加强。学生对 eleven 和 seven 的书写搞混。另外,这节课在时间的把握上还不够好。


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