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1、20122013 学年度武汉市部分学校新高三起点调研测试英语试题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择21. I think that ones musical taste say a lot about their personality. What they listen to _ how they see the world. A. reflects B. symbolizes C. approves D. represents答案:A题意:我认为一个人的音乐品味表明了很多关于他们的个性。他们所听的反映了他们是怎样看待世界的。解析:本题考查动词辨析。reflect 表达;反映;symbo

2、lize 象征;标志;approve 批准;赞同;represent 表现;代表;陈述;象征。难度:A22. Engineers are studying different techniques to _ the bridge to allow it to support heavy loads. A. enlarge B. lengthen C. ensure D. strengthen答案:D题意:工程师们正在研究不同的方法来加固这座桥,使其能够支撑重负荷。解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。enlarge 加大;扩大;lengthen 加长;ensure 保证;确保;strengthen 加强

3、;增强;巩固。难度:A23. Born into a family with three brothers, I was _ to share, not to snatch things away from other people. A. brought up B. turned down C. taken away D. held back答案:A题意:出生在一个有三个哥哥的家庭里,我被教育要分享,而不能从别人那里夺取东西。解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。bring up 抚养;教育;turn down 关小;拒绝;take away 带走;解除,消除(感情、痛苦等);hold back 阻挡

4、;隐瞒;抑制;控制(感情等)。 难度:B24. The president ordered that no time should be lost, and directed one of his officials to _ the matter in person. A. respond to B. appeal to C. contribute to D. attend to答案:D题意:总统命令决不能拖延时间,指示他的一名官员亲自去处理那件事情。解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。respond to 做出反应;响应;appeal to 吸引;呼吁;上诉;contribute to 贡献;捐款

5、;投稿;促使;attend to 处理;应对;应付。本题比较难,学生容易误选 A 项,主要是不知道“in person(亲自)”的意思,并且把 attend to 理解为“参加”。难度:C25. Hundreds of miles off the coast, totally lost, the German sailors were desperate _ food and water. A. for fear of B. in hope of C. for lack of D. on account of答案:C题意:在远离海岸数百英里的地方迷失了方向,那些德国水手由于缺少食物和水而绝望了

6、。解析:本题考查介词短语辨析。for fear of 担心;担忧;忧虑;in hope of 希望;for lack of缺乏;短缺;on account of 因为;由于。本题容易误选 B 项。难度:C26. The most practical gift for your mother is surely gold jewelry, because gold has value, _ speaking. A. frankly B. economically C. socially D. strictly答案:B题意:从经济上来讲,给你母亲最实用的礼物一定是金的珠宝饰物,因为金子很有价值。解

7、析:本题考查副词辨析。frankly 坦率地;economically 经济地;实惠地;节约地;socially 社会地;strictly 严格地。本题容易误选 A 项,因为“frankly speaking(坦率地讲)”比较常见。难度:B27. Many people think animals can show _ emotions, they are sometimes lively, and sometimes bad-tempered. A. positive B. negative C. random D. complex答案:D题意:许多人认为动物能够表现复杂的情感,它们有时候很

8、活泼,有时候脾气差。解析:本题考查形容词辨析。positive 积极的;negative 消极的;random 随意的;任意的;complex 复杂的。难度:B28. I always try to be _ to others when I walk my pet dog along a pavement and step into the side with my dog to let them pass by. A. flexible B. considerate C. devoted D. sensitive答案:B题意:当我在人行道上遛狗的时候我总是尽量体谅别人,带着狗站在边上让他们

9、经过。解析:本题考查形容词辨析。flexible 灵活的;considerate 考虑周到的;体谅的;体贴的;devote 挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的;sensitive 敏感的。本题容易误选 D 项,因为sensitive能够与介词 to 搭配。学生没有选 considerate 是因为错误理解其为“考虑”。难度:C29. After further studying these fossils, Dubois, a Swiss scientist, announced with _ that so-called “Java man” was merely an extinct monkey

10、. A. courage B. certainty C. anxiety D. relief答案:B题意:一位瑞士科学家Dubois在经过进一步研究这些化石之后确定地宣布那个所谓的Java 人仅仅是一只已经绝种的猴子。解析:本题考查名词辨析。courage 勇气;certainty 确信;确定;anxiety 焦虑;relief宽慰;减轻;缓解;救济。难度:B30. A(n) _ is an official document offered by an university or other higher education provider when you complete a cour

11、se or training. A. certificate B. identity C. permit D. passport答案:A题意:证书是一份当你完成了一个课程或培训之后由大学或其他高等教育机构颁发的官方文件。解析:本题考查名词辨析。certificate 证明;证书;identity 身份;permit 许可证;passport 护照。难度:C第二节:完形填空When I was in Chicago, each morning I left home to catch 8: 00 bus. One morning I saw an elderly lady at the bus

12、stop with a dog beside her. The bus arrived and we got on. Unlike in 31 countries, only eight passengers were permitted to travel 32 . I was inside the bus when the 33 called, “Only eight standing passengers! The last one who got on, please get off.” I thought it was me who had to get off. 34 , I sa

13、w the elderly lady was about to get off. I told her to stay and got off instead, but not until I moved past her did I realize she was 35 ! Her companion was her guide dog! After work I 36 the return journey. What a surprise! The lady and her dog were there! I was really pleased 37 I could get a chan

14、ce to speak with her. I started the 38 and she immediately 39 my Asian accent! She asked if I was the 40 person who helped her that morning. 41 ! Our journey started, and so did her 42 . She told me that her husband had fought in the Second World War, during which a bomb 43 his left leg and that 10%

15、 of the government jobs were 44 for disabled people and 45 were given to the spouses(配偶) of war veterans(老兵). Because of this they were 46 with benefit and his pension. We arrived at our destination. I helped her cross the road to where an elderly gentleman with a(n) 47 leg was waiting for her. It really 48 me to see how the thre



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