外研版(一起)五年级英语下册教案 Module 5 Unit 1(7)

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1、外研版(一起)五年级英语下册教案外研版(一起)五年级英语下册教案Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken设计理念设计理念根据本课的教学内容,结合学生已有的认知水平。在本节课的设计上,我采用了任务型的教学模式,遵循了兴趣教学原则,直观教学原则与循序渐进的教学原则,学生通过在活动中观察,体验,讨论,合作,竞赛等形式主体性得到充分发展,综合语言能力得到提高。 教学目标教学目标:知识目标: a. 学习形容词“broken” , 并对所接触过的形容词进行整理运用。b. 掌握功能句“This black bag is nice / big .” “But its heavy.”

2、能力目标:使学生能用形容词对身边事物的明显特征进行描述,比较。情感目标:激发学生的积极情感,培养学生交流与合作的能力。 教学重点教学重点:单词: broken 及其他形容词的运用。功能句: This adjective noun is adjective. Its adjective. 教学难点教学难点:能够灵活运用形容词,对事物的鲜明特征进行描述,了解及感受形容词在句中的不同位置。 教学准备教学准备CAI 课件、录音机、图片 教学流程教学流程.Warming upa.Greetingsb. Say and act the poem . “ In spring, it is warm.” (M

3、4 U2)c.T: I love spring, summer ,autumn and winner. But my favourite season is autumn. Because autumn is cool .The leaves fall from the trees and its a harvest season. Whats your favourite season? And why? . Presentation a.T:Do you like the game “ find out the differences”找茬?图一:In Picture A , the mo

4、nkey is thin. But in Picture B it is fat.In Picture A , the snake is short. In Picture B it is long.In Picture A , the bag is big. But in Picture B it is small.图二:In Picture A , the pencil is good .In Picture B it is bad.T: Great! The pencil is bad because it is broken.(出示单词卡片 bread/break/broke/brok

5、en,让学生感受单词的发音)板书 brokenb.T:What is broken?(出示胳膊折了和筷子断了的图片)The arm is broken./ The chopsticks are broken.c.Present the task:刚才同学们都能够准确地找出以上事物的不同特征,让我们通过今天的学习,用英语更加全面地描述事物的特征,并给他人提供建议吧。.New Teaching1. Text Leading:a. T: Lets learn Module 5 Unit 1. “Your bag is broken.”(板书课题)Read in a happy/sad/angry/s

6、hy way.b. Whats wrong with Linglings bag? What will Ms Smart do? Lets watch the CD-ROM.S: Linglings bag is broken. Ms Smart will buy Lingling a new bag.c. Open your books .Lets listen again and answer the questions.T:How many bags are there? From the colour/size, what are the differences?S:3 bags. T

7、wo are black, one is green. Two are big, one is small.( 师贴卡片 black/big)T:(手指屏幕)Lingling thought :This black bag is nice. This black bag is big.d. (教师板书并领读) nice.This black bag is big . (斜体字部分为单词卡片)e. Say the drills in different ways.(in fast/slow way; in high/low voice)f. How about the green bag? Th

8、is green bag is light. This green bag is small.2. Drills learninga. T:Look, a nice bag? This black bag is small and new. Its light and its smart.How about your bag? (鼓励学生运用黑板上的句式及形容词描述自己的书包 5-6 个)b. T: Will lingling choose the black /green bag? Why not?S: No,because its heavy/small.师重复整个句子并板书 But it

9、s very heavy. (斜体字部分为单词卡片)c. T:Why will Lingling choose the 3rd bag? Lets follow the tape and find out the answer.S: Because this black bag has got wheels, and it will be easy for her.d. Describe them all together completely. (运用三个包的图片)e. Listen and match.(练习册)f. T: Look carefully, here we can chang

10、e this adjective into another adjective like this. Read together. Ss: This big bag is nice. Its black .But its heavy.Ss: This heavy bag is nice. Its black. But its big.(教师将形容词卡片进行变换,“blackbig、bigheavy”,让学生感受其变化并自己总结:形容词既可以放在 be 动词之后,也可以放在名词之前)3. Practisea. Please describe the things around you in yo

11、ur groups. Or you can describe one picture on Page 19.b. Please describe the pictures on CD-ROM.c. Do the listening practice. Consolidation.Play a guessing game.(一名学生上前面朝大家,其他同学根据电脑中出现的画面给出提示,该生根据提示猜出单词。) 如:Its an animal. This animal is gray.Its big.It has got a long nose and 2 big ears.Key: An elep

12、hant.(根据学生的描述,快速猜出单词,其中包括食物、饮品、动物、著名景点以及水果。). Task-fulfilling.1.T: Lingling will go back to China. She wants to buy parents and Daming presents. But shes got no idea. Will you help her?T: She wants to buy mum a coat. But which one is better? (Say one by one )She wants to buy dad a watch. Which one is better? (Discuss in groups.)板书设计:Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken.The bag is nice and big. But its very heavy.



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