外研版(一起)标准一年级英语上册教案 Module1 Unit1(1)

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外研版(一起)标准一年级英语上册教案 Module1 Unit1(1)_第1页
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1、课题Hello!课时1课型N目标要求1、让学生理解并会说 Hello,Hi,Bye,Goodbye,Im、 、 、2、通过实际训练,让学生会熟练用英语进行简单问候和道别及自我介绍。3、让学生在人生的第一堂英语课中,对英语学生产生兴趣。重点难点能听、说、读 hello,hi,bye 和 goodbye。教学方法Game,教学准备Card,studentsbook,tape,recorder.学情分析这些学生还没有接触英语,所以,第一节课非常重要,要让他们知道英语是个有意思的很有用的学科,要让他们在第一节课,就爱上英语课。教学环节Step1 Warmer.(The teacher stands a

2、t the door and rerrts the srudents as they come in the door.)T:Hello.Hi.(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them answer.)T:Hello.Ss:Hello.(The teacher looks at individual students,greets them and prompts them to respond.)T:Hello.S1:Hello.T:Hi.S2:Hi

3、.(The teacher gets three or four students to come to the front of the classroom.)(The teacher explains to the students that they should greet classmates who are sitting 方法策略贴近生活的导入可以让学生感觉英语学习的真实。nearby.They can greet the person to their left,to their right,behind them and in front of them.)T:Im Miss

4、 Wu.(Teach Im)Step2 prensentation1、Play a game.(The teacher explains that they have to greet their classmates once again.If the first student says hi,the other student has to say hello.The second student says hi if the first student says hello.The teacher does an example.)2、Listen to the tape,please

5、.(The teacher divides the class in half .One half of the students are in the hi group and the other half are in the hello group.If they hear the word Hi,the Hi group should sdand up.)Step3 Practise.Listen and say.T:Look at Activity 2,please.listen and saywork in pairs ,please.Step4 greet and say goodbye T:Goodbye.Ss:Bye.(Work in pairs)Step5 HomeworkPlease say hi or hello to your frends.Practice bye and goodbye.教学反思从开始就要鼓励学生,培养学生的学习兴趣,我要格外的有耐心地对待他们


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