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1、1Unit4 Dont eat in class.单元检测班级: 姓名: 分数: 一.单项选择:(20 分)( )1. Usually they _ rules, and we must follow _.A. make, it B. make, them C. makes, it D makes, them( )2. - _ in the hallways. - Sorry, sir.A. Not run B. Dont run C. Not running D. Dont running( )3. -Does he like _ music? - Yes, he does.A. liste

2、ning to B. listen to C. listen D. listening( )4. We _ in the classroom.A. have to quiet B. have quiet C. have to be quiet D. have quiet to( )5. Dont _ and dont _ in class.A. eat, noise B. to eat, noisy C. to eat, noise D. eat, be noisy( )6. I am not happy because there are _ rules and _ homework at

3、home.A. too many, too much B. too much, too manyC. too many, too many D. too much, too much( )7. She _ school every day.A. doesnt have to come B. doesnt has to come C. doesnt have to come to D. doesnt has to come to( )8. Molly cant play soccer on school days, but she _ play it on weekends.A. can B.

4、cant C. must D. has to ( )9. Schools make rules _ us students, we must follow _.A. help, they B. to help, them C. help, them D to help, they( )10. How _ orange _ there in the bottle?A. many; is B. many; are C. much; are D. much; is( )11. Dont listen _ the music in the classroom _ in the hallways.A.

5、/; and B. /; or C. to; / D. to; or( )12. Can you cook fish? _ . Its easy.A. No, I cant B. Yes, I can C. Sorry, I cant D. Yes, I need( )13. How are you going to the train station to meet your uncle?I am going there _ my car.A. at B. on C. by D. in( )14. _ your homework now. You must see the doctor fi

6、rst.A. Do B. Dont do C. Dont D. Cant( )15. I cant go out _ school nights.A. at B. in C. on D. by( )16. Our teacher is strict _ us .A. with B. in C. for D. of( )17. Dont _ your book in your bedroom.A. keep B. bring C. leave D. leave for( )18_ the window well before _ to bed.A. Close; to go B. To clos

7、e; to go C. Close; go D. To close; go( ) 19.You cant eat in the classroom _ the hallways.2A.and B. but C. for D. or( ) 20.I want to learn _this summer.A. swims B.swim C. to swim D. to swims二. 完形填空。 (10 分)I work in a school library,and there are many kinds of 1 in it,for example,books about English,s

8、cience,history ,music and so onYou 2 do some reading or borrow books from itBut there are some 3 You must obey(遵守) 4 When you are reading in the library,you have to 5 quietDont talk loudly or make any noiseYou 6 listen to music,eitherYou cant take your bags or wet umbrellas(雨伞) into the library 7 or

9、 drink in the libraryYou can borrow books from the library, 8 you cant lend(借出)them to 9 you have to take good care of(好好保管)them and return them on time(按时归还) If the library books are 10 ,you have to pay for them( )1Apeople Bbooks Cmagazines Dnewspapers( )2Acan Bhave to Ccant Ddont( )3Amagazines Bru

10、les CCDs Dquestions( )4Athat Bthem Cit Dthis( )5Abe Bare C/ Dhave( )6Adont Bcant Chave to Dcan( )7ANot eating BNot eat CDont eat DCant eat( )8Abut Bif Cwhen Dwhere( )9Aothers Bme Cother Dus( )10A lose Blost Cfind Dfound三. 阅读理解。 (30 分) A.Today is fine.The sky is blue.Now itsnine oclock in the morning

11、.Theres a sports meeting in the forest on the big mountain.Look,a horse,a panda and a cat are running.Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping.Two monkeys are climbing the trees.Four birds are flying around and singing.Theres some other animals ther, too.The elephants are standing.A monkey in sit

12、ting on an old elephant.The monkey has a flay in his hand.polly is sitting in the tree.A fox, ababay panda and some small animals sitting under the tree.They are all watching.( ) 36.What colour is the sky today?Its A.white B.blue C. black( ) 37.How mangy animals are running and jumping? A.Fourteen B

13、.Six C. Eleven( ) 38.Which animal are climbing the trees? A.The monkeys B.The panadasand the foxs C. The elephants and the cats( ) 39.Theres all the sports meeting. A.not any birds B.a lot of animals C. mang people( ) 40.Whats the weather like today? A.rain B.fine C.windy B.There are two women in the same house and they each have a baby.But one of the babies dies,and its mother takes the other babay and puts it in her own bed.3


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