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1、1Book7 Unit 4 Sharing 词汇学案词汇学案徐颖 2015/1/2 1. hear from sb. 收到某人的来信或消息(收到某人的来信或消息(hear, heard, heard) hear of/about sb./sth. 听说,得悉 receive a letter/news from sb. 收到某人的来信或消息 I _in the near future. 我盼望着不久能收到你的信。Ive never _(听说过她) Ive just _ (听说他生病了) I have received nothing but excuse from you for weeks

2、这几周我从你那儿听到的只是辩白之词。 拓展:hear sb do sth ,听说某人做了某事 hear sb doing , 听说某人正在做某事 hear sb done 听说某人被. hear sb. out 听某人把话讲完 2. (be) dying to do/for 极想;渴望极想;渴望 The students _ the result of the exam. 学生们渴望知道考试结果。 These children in the mountainous area are dying for knowledge. 这些山区的孩子们渴求知识。 表示“渴望”的相关短语: be dying

3、/thirsty/eager/anxious for sth. be dying/eager/anxious to do sth. desire to do sth. have a strong desire for sth. long to do sth. /for sth. starve for sth. have an urge to do sth. be keen to do sth. /be keen on doing sth. 与“die”相关短语: die away _ die down _ die off _ die out _ die young 早夭 3. the othe

4、r day 不久前某一天不久前某一天 _ 每隔一天,每两天 day after day 日复一日,一天又一天(尤指枯燥无味,令人厌烦) day by day 一天一天地; 逐日 day in, day out 一天接一天地(不间断) _ 前天 _ 后天 one day 有朝一日;(过去)某一天 4. relevant adj. 有关的;切题的有关的;切题的 (1) be relevant to sth.= have something to do with 与有关 have relevance to sth. 与有关 (2)be irrelevant to sth. 与无关 have no r

5、elevance to sth.=have nothing to do with 与无关 The meeting is relevant to the matter in hand. 这次会议与正在进行的事情有关。 What you say_ the subject. 你所说的与主题无关。The scientist called her colleagues to get some information _ her research. 这位科学家打电话给她的同事问一些与她的研究有关的信息。 拓展:be connected with 与有关 be related to 与有关 relate t

6、o 与有关 2be linked to /with 与有关 be involved in 与有牵连/关系 5. adjust vi. vt. 调整调整; (使使)适合适合 (1)adjust the errors 校正误差 adjust the accounts 清理帐目 adjust the losses 评定损失 adjust my watch 校准我的表 (2)adjust sth. to sth. 调整以适应 adjust/adapt to sth. /doing sth. 适应于(做)某事 adjust/adapt oneself to 使自己适应于 (3)adjustment n.

7、 调整, 调节, 适应 make an adjustment 作出调整 (4)adjustable adj. 可调整的 It took a while for her eyes to _.她用一小会儿时间来让眼睛适应黑暗。This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need. 这种课桌可调整到你需要的高度。Everybody knows that we need to _ to this new situation and need to get better. 大家都知道我们需要做些必要的调整以适应新形势,以使其变得更好。(语境填词

8、)The desks and chairs are _, and you can _ them _ the height of the students. The _ is not difficult to _. 6. participate vi. 参与参与, 参加;参加; participate in 参加 participant n. 参加者, 参与的人 participation n. 参与 Everyone in class is expected to participate in these discussions. 希望全班同学都能参与这些讨论。 My back injury

9、prevented me _ too active sports. 我的背疼使我不能参加剧烈运动。 (语境填词)There will be some games to _. And all the _ can have chances to win the game. We would be grateful for your _. 对比: participate in正式用语, 表示参加, 参与; 强调与他人共同参加某一活动, 暗示以 一种积极的态度参加, 可以和 take part in, join in 互换attend正式用语, 一般用于指参加会议, 出席典礼或招待会等, 也可以指上

10、学、听课、听演讲或讲座等join常用词, 作及物动词;通常指参加某组织或团体, 并成为其中的一 员, 其宾语往往是 the army/ party/team/club 等join in参加正在进行的活动, 其宾语一般是竞赛、娱乐、谈话、讨论、聚 会、游戏等名词, 可以用于 join in (doing) sth. /join sb. in (doing) sth. 结构中 7. dry out (使使)变干;干透变干;干透dry off (使) 变干,弄干3dry up (指河流、井等指河流、井等)干涸;(资源)枯竭,耗尽;擦干干涸;(资源)枯竭,耗尽;擦干 (1) Water the pla

11、nt regularly, never letting the soil dry out. 经常给植物浇水,别让土壤干透了。 (2) We went swimming then lay in the sun to dry off. 我们去游了泳,然后就躺在太阳下 晒干。We dried our boots off by the fire. 我们把靴子放在火旁烘干。 (3) During the drought,the river /the well _(干涸了) After his third novel, his imagination seemed to dried up. Lets dr

12、y up these glasses. 8. otherwise conj. 否则否则, 不然不然adv. 用别的方法;其他方面用别的方法;其他方面adj. 别的别的, 另外的;不同的另外的;不同的 or otherwise 或相反;或其反面 and otherwise 等等;及其他 Well go early, otherwise we may not get a seat. 我们得早点去, 要不然就没有座位了。 otherwise 意为“否则, 不然的话”时, 句子可用虚拟语气表假设。 I was ill that day, otherwise I _ the sports meeting

13、. (take) 那天我病了, 否则我会去参加运动会的。 The rent is high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 房租是贵, 可这房子在别的方面倒令人满意。 The truth is quite otherwise.实情大有出入。 Fine _, we shall have to go. 不管天气好不好, 我们非去不可。In the kindergarten, children learn to sing, dance, draw _. 在幼儿园里, 孩子们学习唱歌、跳舞、画画及其他(东西)。 9. privilege n. 特权;特别待遇特权;特别待遇; 特别优待特别优待vt. 给予给予特权特权 (1)enjoy privileges 享受特权 have the privilege of doing sth. 有幸做某事 (2)privileged adj. 有特权的;受特别优待的 be privileged to do st


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