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1、一低碳生活 现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活” (low-carbon life) ,即:降低二氧化碳的排 放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文 向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。 提示词语:be good for, everyone, ride a bike, think, make a difference, environment, suggest, reuse Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I always w

2、alk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think its my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environ

3、ment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And wed better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place. 二现在越来越多的人在网上购物,网购已 成为流行趋势,二网购的利弊也成为人们讨论的 焦点,请参考下面的信息,并结合就的观点些一短文,谈谈你的看法。 1. 方便,可以在家买东 西,

4、不受时间限制。 2. 有很大的商品信息,可以买到当地没有的商品。价格较便宜。 3. 买货 容易退货难;实物和图片有差距。 4网络支付不安全。 提示词:实物:material object Now Internet shopping is more and more popular in the world. Its a new way of shopping. It has lots of advantages. The most important is convenient. You can shop whenever you like because the online shop ar

5、e open 24 hours a day. It is often to buy goods(商品) and it is also easy to find the things that you cant buy in the shop . Besides, its cheaper . But “ Every coin has two sides.” So is Internet shopping. You cant see the material objects(实物) or check their quality. Usually the pictures are more beau

6、tiful than the goods. So when we get the goods and dont like them, they sometimes are not easy to give back. Whats more , Its not safe to pay through the internet. 三。目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。 原因: 1.考试太滥 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴 看 法与建议:1、作弊有害;2、要做人诚实,学习发奋;3、学校应减少考试。 参考作文: At p

7、resent, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations. There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of them are too difficult. Second, some students are not hard-working and they dont work hard at their lessons. Thir

8、d, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they havent enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy. In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest , and in this

9、way we can improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves.四许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以“Less Pressure, Better Life“为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么; 我的压力是什么; 我是如何成功缓解我的压力

10、的。Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students cant get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.Im always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be t

11、he top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekends.Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve

12、the problem.Thats all. Thank you!五毕业感想 初中生活马上就要结束了,三年的初中生活一定给你留下了很多挥之不去的回忆。请你给大家讲一个最值得你回忆的故事。包括时间、人物、事情经过和事后你的感想(请不要写出真实的学校名称以及真实姓名) 。 提示词供参考。three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy/ sorry How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I will graduate from middle schoo

13、l in a month. I am willing to share my happiness and sadness with you. I had so many memories in three years life. I still remember when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldnt do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher

14、found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping me. Little by little, Ive become interested in English and Im good at it. I think I am so lucky to become one of her students. I will try to help others when they are in trouble.六How to Survive

15、(幸存,逃生) an Earthquake If earthquake happened, firstly, calm down. Secondly, find some safe place to stay and dont run in such a hurry. If in the room, one should hide himself/herself under something hard, such as desk, table or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard, and never take a lift to

16、 go downstairs. If in the open air, find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside. Thirdly, we should help each other when we meet trouble. At last, no matter how strong the earthquake is, if we never give up, we must be able to come over(克服) any difficulties. 七 【网络交友】人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。 赞成的理由 反对的理由 你的看法 1广交朋友 1浪费时间 ? 2可自由表达思想 2影响学习 3有利于外语学习 3可能上当受骗 Should



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