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1、 人教版课标必修 3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating Reading Come and eat here (1) 贾 隆教学课型:阅读课教学课型:阅读课课题类型:课题类型:任务型“阅读课”I教材分析:教材分析:Come and eat here 是 一篇围绕整个单元的中心话题 healthy food 展开的叙事性的文章,主要讲述王鹏和庸慧开饭店的风格,经营不同菜肴以及顾客对不同食品的不同反响,反应现代人对饮食的关注和时尚追求。故事的尾声也给读者留下了一个悬念,如两个人的饭店会怎么样继续经营下去?通过阅读丰富学生的饮食文化知识,教会他们如何改善饮食习惯。1. Teaching ob

2、jects教学目标教学目标Knowledge aimsGet Ss learn some useful new words and expressions in this passage.Let Ss learn the knowledge of balanced diet and nutrition.Ability aimsDevelop Sss reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.Enable Ss to talk about different kinds of food, problems with a

3、 diet and a balanced diet.Emotional aimsStimulate Ss sense to form a healthy eating habit.Develop Ss sense of cooperative learning.2. Teaching key points and difficult points教学的重点和难点教学的重点和难点Teaching key pointsLet Ss learn more about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition.Get Ss to learn

4、 different reading skills. Teaching difficult pointsDevelop Ss reading ability.Enable Ss to talk about different kinds of food and a balanced diet. Students analysis 学生分析学生分析My students are in Senior Grade 1.They have great interest. passion and some competence in English. They have some basic knowl

5、edge about healthy diet. . Teaching and learning methods guiding 教法和学法教法和学法Teaching methods 教法教法教学模式:student-centered, teacher-assisted Task-based teaching and learning method (任务型教学法) Communicative method (交际法) Debating method (辩论法) Group work and individual study method (小组学习和自主学习法1. Learning meth

6、ods 学法学法 Watching some pictures (看图片学习) Group discussion (小组讨论学习)2. Teaching aids 教具教具Multimedia and other teaching tools. 多媒体及其它常规教具 . Teaching procedures 教学程序教学程序Step1. Warming-up (10mins)1.应用头脑风暴(brainstorming) ,在学生们回答的同时,教师利用多媒体展示大量有趣的图片。1)What are the three essential elements for us human being

7、s to survive on the earth?2)What kind of food do we eat every day?3)Can we benefit from all kinds of food.4)Divide the food into “junk food” and “healthy food”.【设计说明设计说明】1)通过学生熟知的话题展开有利于课堂充满活跃的氛围,也为后面的话题打下基础。2)通过以上的问题,即可以让学生复习以前学过有关食物的单词,也能自然地过渡到本单元词汇学习。3)让学生明白到底哪些食物是 junk food,哪些食物是 healthy food.2.

8、Discussion:通过 pair-work 以及教师所展示的图片,让学生深入了解what substance do we get from each kind of food.Q1: Which food is rich in fibresugarprotein?Q2: fill in the form.Which food contains more?Example of foodanswerChocolate and grapes, Sugar cakes or bananaCream or rice Fat Chocolate or chickenPeas or nuts Fibre

9、 Pork or cabbagePotato crisp or ham protein Eggs or cream【设计说明设计说明】1)让学生懂得一种食物被定义为 junk food 或是 healthy food 实际上是它的物质成分而决定的。2)通过回答以上这一问题,让学生了解到食物根据其内在成分可分为energy-giving foods, body-building foods, protective foods.Step2. Pre-leading (2mins)Read the title, look at the picture and try to guess what ha

10、ppens to the fat man in pairs.Does the fat man eat in the slimming restaurant to make himself thin?【设计说明设计说明】激发学生对即将学习的文章产生强烈的兴趣。Step3. Skimming (5mins)Read the passage as fast as possible and choose the main idea.1. The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.2. The reason why Yong Huis restauran

11、t was so popular with customers.3. Wang Peng found out why he had lost his customer and decided to win them back.【设计意图设计意图】使学生获取文章大意,培养其快速阅读的能力,养成整体阅读的习惯,关注语篇内容或结构。【设计说明设计说明】英语课程标准 “语言技能目标(七级) ”要求 “能理解文章主旨,” 文章大意是阅读理解必考的提醒,部分学生有可能选择第二项,应让学生目标主旨大意 从全文角度出发,而不是局部内容。Step4. Careful reading (10mins)Read t

12、he text carefully and choose the best answer. 【To Be No.1 page 15comprehending】【设计说明设计说明】基础差的学生肯定会马上翻词汇表,不进行思考。必须监督学生,提醒他们要根据上下文克服困难,理解语篇意义。Step5. Activities (13mins)Task 1: Compare the two restaurants(3mins):Wang Pengs restaurantYong Huis restaurantFooddrinkpricestrength of the dietweakness of the

13、dietTask 2: Debate(10mins)Two students, one is Wang Peng, and the other is Yong Hui, debating about he strength of their foods, while others draw a conclusion from their statements and fill in a blanks.weaknessstrengthWang PengYong Hui【设计说明设计说明】辩论情景的设置使学生学以致用,通过表演来激活课堂氛围,为文章复述打下一定的基础。在学生进行辩论的时候要注意控制其他学生的情绪及课堂气氛,提示辩论的两位同学尽可能用所学的语言进行表达,其他学生要做好自己的笔记。Step6. Homework (1mins)Retell the story, using the proper prepositions and conjunctions.【设计说明】运用书面语言,进一步深入理解文章,提高复述文章的表达能力。


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