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1、高考阅读高频必记难词(附精美用法例句)agent 代理人,accurate 准确的,accusation 控告,谴责,appropriate 合适的,a range of 一系列的,as 当,因为,assign 布置,暗杀 as well 也,at times 有时候,authority 当权者,a variety of 各种的,basement 地下室,be convinced 坚信,block 挡住,bother 麻烦,brick 砖头,bring about 引起,by all means 没问题,by no means 绝不,carve 雕刻,casually 随意地,cautious

2、 谨慎的,challenge 挑战,colleague 同事,come across 偶遇,come up with 想出,commercial 商业的,广告(名词) ,complex 复杂的,concentrate on集中精力于,conflict 冲突, consist of 由什么组成,constant 经常的,construct 建设,count (matter)重要 criminal 罪犯,data 数据,decline 下降,decorate 装修,装饰,demanding 要求高的,吃力的,deny 否认,deserve 值得,dilemma 两难,digital 数字的,dis

3、tant 遥远的,diverse 不同的, do 可以,due 到期的,ease 减轻,轻松,emergency 紧急,emotion 情感 end up (doing)以什么告终, (be)engaged in 从事,忙于,entertain 使欢乐,eventually 最终,evident 显然的,fantastic 神奇的,favor 帮忙,feature 特色,figure 认为,想,float 漂浮,function 作用,get away with 逃脱,grocery 杂货店,guiltily 内疚地,handle 处理,have a good command of (mast

4、er) 很好掌握,head for 走向, identify 识别,in the long run 从长远看,in contrast 对比, indicate 表明,individual 个人,insect 昆虫,instant 立即的, (be) involved in sth. 卷入,专注于, issue 事件,item 一样东西,justice 正义,make the best of 充分利用,make up for 弥补,masterpiece 杰作,motivation 动机,激励,no more than 只是,normally 通常,obtain 获得,occasionally

5、偶尔地,of 具有,other than 除外,pessimistic 悲观的,positive 正面的,place 放置,present 呈现,previous 在前的,practically 实际上,process 过程,处理(动词)promising 有希望的,promote 促进,促销 purchase 购买,put up with (stand)忍受 rather 相反地,ridiculous 荒唐的,reflect on 反思,regulation 规则,relieve 使轻松,roughly 大概地,secure 安全的,seize 紧抓,(be)sensitive to 敏感的

6、,severe 严重的,shadow 阴影,sharply 急剧地,show off 炫耀,show up (turn up) 出现,shrink 缩小,significantly 重要地,较大地,simply 只是,slip 溜走,滑动,solution 解决方法,specific 特定的,specialize 专业化,species 种类, sponsor 赞助,spot 看见,standard 标准,strength 优势,symbol 象征,符号,symptom 症状,submit 递交,take sth. seriously 认真对待,target 目标,though 但是(放句后)

7、 ,trade A for B 交换,turn out 结果是,universal 普遍的,全世界的,urban 城市的,value 珍惜,victim 受害者,while 虽然,withdraw 撤走,取(钱) ,witness 见证,证人,(be) worn out 很累1,He is like a cat in hot bricks. 2,What have I done to deserve your love?No one deserves your tears, and the one who does, wont make you cry.3,But, Victoria, loo

8、k at the positive side. (电影:云中漫步)To win her love, you should have a positive sense of self.4,Good morning, yesterday. You wake up and time has slipped away.-Times of Your Life 5,We are here to witness the union of two lives in marriage. -证婚词6,The bright moon decorates your window. You decorate the d

9、reams of others.明月装饰你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。 7,His puppy love is bound to end up in failure. 8,In the long run, lovers will turn out lifelong friends.9,I can give you nothing other than my whole-hearted love. 10, Youre insecure. Dont know what for. - One direction: What makes you beautiful11, If perfect is wh

10、at youre searching for, then just stay the same. So dont even botherasking.- Just The Way You Are Bruno Mars12, When shadows fall and block my eyes, I am lost and know that I must hide.(张韶涵:Journey)13,For years I had been searching,For that perfect fantasy.But, I find it in my arms, right now.You ar

11、e all to me.我已经寻找了多年,为了那个美丽的梦想,但是,现在,我发现它就在我的臂弯里,你就是我的全部。14, I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and are forgotten,and I feel the freedom of passing away.15,The purpose of life is to grow.The adventure of life is to learn.The nature of life is to change.The challenge of life i

12、s to overcome.The opportunity of life is to serve.16,In shooting, aim your arrow at the target; in playing the violin, choose a tune thatentertains your audience.射箭看靶子,弹琴看对象.17,我虽然是个牛仔在酒吧只点牛奶,为什么不喝啤酒因为啤酒伤身体.Cowboy as I am, as a matter of fact, I normally order milk rather than beer in the bar. You s

13、ee, the fact is that beer does more harm than good to health.18,Your hand is a tender universe in which Im turning around.你的手不是手, 是一个温柔的小宇宙, 我这个小星球在你的手中转动. S.H.E19,May lovers eventually be married!愿你在尘世获得幸福May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world!我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开My only wish is to face the sea, wit

14、h spring flowers blossoming.20, 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 周杰伦不能说的秘密My fondest memory in life is not that wet day, but rather the rain pattering on the eaves, where we took cover under the roof.全国各地英语高考的难词和熟词生义词accusation 控告/arrest 逮捕/ artificial 人工的/ assessment 评价 evaluation/ at random 任意地,随便地/ attend 照料

15、/ awkward 尴尬的/ bacteria 细菌/ bare 光秃的 barely/ certain 某个/ basement 地下室/ be associated with, be related to = have something to do with/be located 位于 location/ belongings 所有物/ book review 书评 movie review/ characteristic 特点/ commercial 商业的 commerce/ comparable 可比较的 comparison/ conductor 乐队指挥, 列车员/ consu

16、me 消费 consumption, assumption/ conscious 自觉的,有意识的 unconscious/ coal 煤 coal mine/ controversial 有争议的/ cost a fortune 花大笔钱/ cottage 小屋/ clone 克隆/ crew resource management 机组资源管理 crew member/ current 目前的/ database 数据库/date back to 追溯 flash back to/ definition 定义/ deadly 知名的/ declare 宣布 declaration/ deliberately 故意地/ depth 深度 width, strength / depending on 取决于/depressing 沮丧的 frustrating, upsetting/grasp 抓住 seize,grab/ destination 目的地/ disgusting 恶心的/ disor



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