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1、 才思教育网址:才思教育网址:2015 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研辅导班真题分享各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。语言学:1.名词解释(6 题,每题五分) (1)descriptive 第三篇,根据文章回答五个问题,文章关于作者在 bad kids class 和 smart kids class 中学到了很多。第三题,汉译英。一篇文章,抽五个句子翻译。第四题,一篇 500 字的作文,给了两段话,选择其中一个,表明自己是赞成还是反对,并说明理由。第一段话,大概是

2、 education is not to prepare you for the future。第二段也是关于教育的作用的。一、721 基英(超简单)1.完形填空(无选项)讲的 chronic anger2.为段落选标题 讲的 asia economic crisis3.段落还原 American education4.阅读 Whorf hypothesis 根据原文回答问题,都能找到答案,最后一题是写 title5.翻译原文中的几句话,词汇超简单,不用看原文就能翻 关于毕加索的 但是翻译的句子有很多人名,地名,作品名,所以呢,要扩大知识面才思教育网址:才思教育网址:6.作文 always t

3、elling the truth is not good for all relations二、243 日语(超简单,初下水平,中上我感觉不用看也行,不过我看了)1.汉字写假名 5 个 出场,控,出发,苦手,2.假名写汉字 5 个 书类,给料,3.语法选择题 4.对话型选择5.用括号中词的正确形式填空,有过去式,可能,被动,6.三篇阅读7.翻译(育儿爸爸,新兴精品男) 8.写作(我的梦)三、942 英语语言学与外国语言学(有向非重点的方向发展的趋势)1.名词解释(4*5=20) Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis,foregrounding,t-unit,curriculum dev

4、elopment(or syllabus design) ,content validity2.describe phones(比较简单)according to manner of articulation(题目已给出具体分类) and place of articulation(已给出具体分类) ,voiced/voiceless.只需要对号入座即可。12 个音,共 5 分3.functions of derivational and inflectional morphemes, give examples(10)4.can the objects in the following se

5、ntences be called objects in real sense?(1)John hunted a tiger,(2)John built a house.(3) John climbed a mountain(4) John likes Mary (5) John smiled a sad smile (6)John plays tennis.才思教育网址:才思教育网址:5.给了一些反义词,分类 complementary antonyms 和 converse antonyms6.what is contrual in cognitive linguistics? how m

6、any types of construal we usually have? explain and give examples.7.are performative and constative verbs proposed by Austin first finally judged acceptable and unacceptable?why8similarities and differences between British Functional Anthropology repesented by Malinowski and Amerian Anthropology rep

7、resented by Boas and Smonalities between interpersonal function, performative function, emotive function and phatic communion10.what is sampling?give examples to illustrate11.Hallidays view in the language development is meaning potential(大概是这样)what is your understanding of this view?what is the imp

8、lications for second language learning and teaching?12.Stephen Krashens Input Hypothesis and implications for learning language13.underlying theories of Communicative Approach to language learning and main dimensions of communicative competence.能回忆起来的就这么多了!尽力了!已经很全了!赠人玫瑰,手留余香!供大家参考对外经济贸易大学 MTI 翻译硕士考

9、研Part I. Terminology and Phrase Translation(30%)Section One:才思教育网址:才思教育网址:1 分期付款2 购货确认书3 蓝筹股4 金本位5 期货保证金6 现金付款7 资产负债表8 离岸价9 首付;预付定金10 胜者全赢;胜者通吃Section Two:1Green GNP2multilateral trade3Permanent Member State of UNSC4knock-out product5economic stimulus package6trade deficit7unlicensed operation8terti

10、ary industry9overwhelming majority10unanimous approval才思教育网址:才思教育网址:Section Three:1 国民生产总值 gross national product2 国际标准化组织 International Standardization Organization3 知识产权 intellectual property right4 在家办公 small office home office5 美国有线新闻网 Cable News Network6 朝鲜人民民主共和国 Democratic Peoples Republic of

11、 Korea7 信用违约掉期 Credit Default Swap8 首次公开募股 Initial Public Offerings9 美国证券交易委员会 United States Securities and Exchange Commission10 全国人民代表大会 National Peoples CongressPart II. Passage Translation(120%)Section One:在印度次大陆的边远地区,夜幕降临的时候,数亿人用不上电,靠蜡烛或煤油 灯照明。用小额短期贷款购买太阳能装置,小额借贷渐渐地给这些农村地区带来了 光明。缺电一直阻碍着那些地方的经济发

12、展,限制了识字率的提高,损害了人们的 健康。赛瓦银行是一家小额信贷机构,其工作人员皮纳沙赫说, “早先,太阳一落山,人们就干不了多少事了。现在,采取不同的方法来利用太阳,人们提高了生产力, 改善了健康状况,提高了社会经济地位。 ”拉米本瓦格里是一个菜贩,她贷款购买了一盏太阳能灯,夜晚挂在菜摊上照明。才思教育网址:才思教育网址:一盏太阳能灯标价 66 至 112 美元,大约是瓦格里女士这样的人一周的收入。瓦格里 女士说:“这盏灯一照,蔬菜显得更新鲜了,而且这还比用煤油便宜,也没什么气 味。 ”她估计,有了这盏灯,她每晚可多挣 300 卢比,合 6 美元。她说:“要是能 用太阳省点钱,干嘛不呢?”

13、在印度,太阳能项目往往能得到小额信贷机构的资助,这些项目正帮助这个国家减少碳排放,并在未来 4 年内实现使可再生能源的贡献率翻一番的目标,即 6%,合 25,000 兆瓦。印度能源资源研究所(简称 TERI)高级研究员普拉迪普达迪奇称,不靠电网 供电的电器,如太阳能灶和在白天吸收太阳能后可在夜间照明数小时之久的太阳能 灯,将有助于减少对化石燃料的依赖。他还说:“许多人用不上电,或只能用少量 的电,而用煤油、柴油或柴火满足其能源需求,现在他们也能用上这些电器了。这 些电器不仅能满足他们的需求,还能提高他们的生活质量,减少碳排放量。 ”Section Two:The Internet is hel

14、ping promote the economic and social development of China. In the economic sector, the Internet has spread its influence into traditional industry, which leads to the emergence of new business models and service economy, generating new types of industries. The Internet is playing an increasingly imp

15、ortant role in promoting economic restructuring and transforming the pattern of economic development.The Internet has become an engine promoting the economic development of China. IT including the Internet and its industry has made significant contributions to the rapid 才思教育网址:才思教育网址:growth of the C

16、hinese economy.The combination of the Internet and the real economy, the reform and enhancement of traditional industry through IT, have given an impetus to the restructuring of traditional industry and changing of the pattern of its development. The development and application of the Internet has given rise to the emergence of


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