道里区 96中学 魏海鹏 骨干作业阅读课教学设计_7615973

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1、EEC 教材八年级上Unit10 Earth Day Lesson 2 教学设计哈尔滨市第九十六中学校 魏海鹏课题:Unit10 Earth Day Lesson 2课型:Reading三维目标:知识与技能:学习本课重要的单词,短语。理解文章意义。掌握阅读策略方法。过程与方法:任务型教学。合作式,探究式教学,创设情景教学。以教师为主导,学生为主体。情感态度价值观:提高学生环保意识,关爱地球。教学重点:运用阅读策略,理解并掌握文章结构大意。教学难点:运用阅读技巧分析课文,概括文章中心和段落大意。学情分析:八年级的学生能独立预习课文,单词和短语在预习过程中已经能够解决。部分学生能按照老师的要求,预

2、习之后能理清课文的脉络,能独立画出思维导图。但是还有一部分学生不能熟练运用阅读策略,只能了解课文的主要意思。教学步骤:Step 1 Warming-upShow them some pictures which were taken while the haze happened in Harbin several days ago. Talk about them with the students. Let them know the pollution is very serious and it does harm to us. Raise their interest in the

3、topic, then they have the same feeling that our earth is in trouble.Step 2 Leading-inTalk about the pictures in “Before Reading” on Page 72 to teach them some new words “can, garbage, pollute, pollution”. Step 3 PresentationReading Show our task: Read the passage and analyze it by using reading skil

4、ls. (Task reading approach)Reading skill 1: Extensive reading. Come to a conclusion, how to find the main idea of the passage and each part.( Make an understanding of the whole passage)Reading skill 2: Intensive reading. Grasp the detailed information. Let the Ss find out the language points and the

5、n explain them. (Let the Ss understand the passage better)Step 4 PracticeI Practice the useful expressions by completing the sentences.(Grasp the expressions and use them correctly)II Finish the form according to the passage. Four a group and discuss about it. (Cooperation; Grasp the passage better,

6、 and get ready for the next step)III Draw a mind map of the Ss own. ( Fully understand the passage, and improve their divergent thinking ability)Step 5 Sum upSummarize the reading skills. (Make the Ss clear what they have learned)Step 6 HomeworkFinish the exercises in the Eb.Think of more things we can do to protect the earth.


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