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1、 密级: NANCHANG UNIVERSITY学学 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文THESIS OF BACHELOR(20082012 年)题 目 基于 J2EE 的影视资讯管理系统 学 院: 软件学院 系 软件工程 专 业: 软件设计与开发 班 级: 082 班 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 起讫日期: 2011 年 11 月 23 日-2012 年 5 月 6 日南南 昌昌 大大 学学学士学位论文原创性申明学士学位论文原创性申明本人郑重申明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成

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3、系统的设计与开发专 业: 软件设计与开发 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 摘要摘要随着人们日益增长的物质文化需求,人们对精神文化的渴望也愈发强烈。人们在每天繁忙工作的同时,丰富的业余生活成为人们相互交流和向往的目标。自从改革开放以来,我国的文化艺术产业就不断发展,呈蒸蒸日上之态。电影作为一种最年轻的艺术,一种成长得最迅速的艺术,在这个竞争激烈的发展时期里,它不仅确立并且巩固了自己作为领头艺术的地位,正如列宁和斯大林所说的那样,电影逐渐变成了一切艺术当中“最重要的”和“最大众化的”艺术。如今每过不久都会有新的电影出现在人们面前,对于这样雨后春笋式的新作品,无论是国产影片还是欧美大片,影片的质量

4、难免会有层次不齐,人们也会有自己的看法和观点,以及喜好。这就需要一个影视资讯的网站承托起这部分产业,这绝对是对影视作品的如虎添翼,锦上添花。本影视资讯网的开发技术是基于 J2EE 的 B/S 架构,数据库选用的是大众喜爱的 MySQL 数据库。本网站实现了用户注册和登录,管理员注册和登录,以及管理员对作品的增删改等,用户对作品介绍的浏览,分类搜索,对作品的内容查看,并且可以立即进行评论等。本系统采用结构化分析与设计方法,详细阐述了一个功能比较强大的影视资讯网的开发、操作流程和涉及的一些关键技术。首先进行了可行性研究,然后是系统研究,通过实际的业务流程研究和对业务流程和系统的组织结构的分析研究,

5、完成了数据流分析;然后是对系统的结构化分析,功能模块划分、系统功能设计、数据库的设计等工具及技术的调用。此阶段对本系统各个模块的功能进行了详细设计,形成了本系统的功能模块图;数据库设计时先进行了对数据库的概念结构设计,然后对事物逻辑进行了逻辑结构设计,最后完成了数据表的设计。关键词关键词:影视资讯;B/S;J2EE;结构化分析AbstractIIThe design and development of the film and television information management systemAbstractWith peoples growing material and c

6、ultural, spiritual and cultural needs. People every day busy and work at the same time, a wealth of amateur life people aspire to exchange target. Since the opening up, Chinas film and television industry flourishing. Film as a young art, a growing most rapidly art. In this short period of developme

7、nt, it not only established and consolidated its position as an art, and, as Lenin and Stalin said, the film becomes all art, among the “most important“ and “the most popular an art. Every soon will have the latest movies in front of people, such springing up style works, whether it is domestically

8、produced films or large tracts of Europe and the United States, the quality of the film will inevitably be uneven levels, people will have their own views and perspectives. and preferences. This site in need of a film and television consulting supporting since this part of the industry, this is abso

9、lutely unleashed, film and television works the icing on the cake.The Advisory Network of the film development technique is based on J2EE B / S architecture, the database of choice is the popular MySQL database. This site to achieve a user login and register administrator registered login works, add

10、itions and deletions. Users online browsing works, classification search, view the contents of the work, and you can comment.In this paper, a structured analysis method, described in detail a more powerful front and back development of the Television Advisory Network, operating procedures and involv

11、ed some of the key technology. First conducted a feasibility analysis, and systems analysis, research, through the actual business processes and analysis of the organizational structure, business processes and systems to complete the data flow analysis; then the system design phase completed the del

12、ineation of the AbstractIIIfunctional modules, expounded the idea of the system design, database design and system design tools and techniques. This stage of the system of each module features a detailed design and the formation of the of the system function module diagram; database design, first ca

13、rried out the database concept of structural design, then things logical carry out the logical structure design the final completion of the data table design.Key Words: Film and television information; B / S; J2EE; structured analysis目录VI目录摘要.I Abstract.II第一章 引言.1 1.1 网站开发的背景. .1 1.2 网站开发目的. .1 1.3 网站开发意义. .1 1.4 网站开发方式. .1 第二章 需求分析及总体设计原则. .4 2.1 可行性分析. .4 2.1.1 技术可行性. .4 2.1.2 经济可行性. .4 2.1.3 社会可行性. .5 2.2 总体设计原则. .5 第三章 系统开发工具与开发模式的选择. .7 3.1 系统开发工具. .7 3.1.1 J2EE. .7 3.1.2.MyEclipse. .7 3.1.3.MySQL.


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