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1、103. The One With the ThumbScene: Central Perk, everyone but Phoebe is there. -Phoebe: (entering) Hi guys! 大家好! -All: Hey, Pheebs! Hi! 嗨,Pheebs! -Ross: Hey. Oh, oh, howd it go? d= had =did =should =would 嗨,你的约会怎么样? -Phoebe: Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said We should do this again

2、! subway: 地铁 不怎么样。他送我到地铁,说:“我们当时应该再做一次。 ” -All: Ohh. Ouch. 噢。 -Rachel: What? He said we should do it again, thats good, right? 什么?他说:我们当时应该再做一次 ,那是不很好吗,对吧? -Monica: Uh, no. Loosely translated We should do this again means You will never see me naked. loosely translated: 泛泛地解释为 loosely: 松弛地,宽松地 trans

3、late: 翻译 naked: 裸体的 不, 我们应该再约一次一般可以理解为你将再也看不到我的裸体。 -Rachel: Since when? since: 自从 什么时候开始的? -Joey: Since always. Its like dating language. You know, like Its not you means It is you. dating: 约会【Phoebe: Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said We should do this again!Phoebe 同一个男人出去约会回来告诉大家

4、,那个男人怎么和她说的。 “We should do this again” ,表面上好像是以后我们还应该再继续约会,其实这是 dating language,往往都 是反着说的。Phoebe 说完之后,大家都明白了,只有可爱的 Rach 傻乎乎的不明所以,还 在那里夸好,于是大家只好半是卖弄半是教她的举了其他一些例子。比如“Its not you” 就是“It is you” , 】 一直这样的。这是约会用语。就像问题不是出在你其实就是就是你 。 -Chandler: Or Youre such a nice guy means Im gonna be dating leather-wear

5、ing alcoholics and complaining about them to you. date leather-wearing alcoholics: 与总穿着皮裤又酗酒的人约会 leather: 皮革 alcoholic: 酒 鬼 complain: 抱怨,悲叹,控诉 还有你真好意思是我要和总穿着皮裤又酗酒的人约会,然后向你抱怨. -Phoebe: Or, or, you know, um, I think we should see other people means Ha, ha, I already am. 还有,你知道,恩, 我想我们应该约约其他人意思是哈哈,我已经约

6、过了。 -Rachel: And everybody knows this? 你们大家都知道这些?-Joey: Yeah. Cushions the blow. cushion: 垫子,加垫子 blow: 吹,打击【可怜的 Rach 问是不是只有她是颗嫩草,善解人 意的 Joey 来了这么一句,cushion 是垫子的意思,用垫子承接打击,当然是放轻松点的意 思咯。这可以作为固定用法记下来。 】 对。免得太伤人。 -Chandler: Yeah, its like when youre a kid, and your parents put your dog to sleep, and the

7、y tell you it went off to live on some farm. kid: 小孩 put your dog to sleep 对狗实施安乐死 go off: 走开,离开 没错。就像小时候父母对小狗实行安乐死,父母骗小孩那样,说它跑到别人家的农场去了。-Ross: Thats funny, that, no, because, uh, our parents actually did, uh, send our dog off to live on a farm. send sb off: 打发某人走,送走 太有意思了。不过,我们的父母倒真的把我们家的狗送到农场去了。 -

8、Monica: Uh, Ross. 嗯,Ross。 -Ross: What? Wh- hello? The Millners farm in Connecticut? The Millners, they had this unbelievable farm, they had horses, and, and rabbits that he could chase and it was- it w- .Oh my God, Chi Chi! unbelievable: 难以置信的 Connecticut: 康涅狄格(美国东北部州名) rabbit: 兔子 chase: 追 捕,追逐 什么?怎

9、么了?Millner 家的农场不是在 Connecticut 吗?Millner 家有很棒的农场,有马, 兔子,狗儿在那儿可以追,噢,我的天,奇奇!Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Chandler is helping Joey rehearse for a part. rehearse: 排练-Chandler: “So how does it feel knowing youre about to die?“ be about to: 刚要,即将 “知道自己不久人世有什么想法?” -Joey: “Warden, in five minutes my pain will

10、 be over. But youll have to live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die.“ pain: 痛苦 live with: 与共同生活 knowledge: 知道,知识 honest: 诚实“Warden,5 分钟后我的痛苦就会结束,而你会因葬送一个诚实的人而痛苦一生。 ” -Chandler: Hey, that was really good! 嗨,演得真好! -Joey: Thanks! Lets keep going. keep go: 继续 谢谢!咱们继续。 -Chandler: Okay.

11、 “So. What do you want from me, Damone, huh?“ 好的。 “你要我做什么,Damone,嗯? -Joey: “I just wanna go back to my cell. Cause in my cell, I can smoke.“ wanna: (=want to) cell: 单人牢房 smoke: 抽烟 “我只想回到自己的牢房,因为在牢房我可以抽烟。 ”-Chandler: “Smoke away.“ “去抽吧。 ”(Joey takes out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He fumbles

12、and drops the lighter. Then he lights a cigarett, takes a drag, and coughs.) a pack of: 一包 cigarette: 香烟 lighter: 打火机 fumble: 笨拙的处理 take a drag: 抽一口 (烟) cough: 咳嗽-Chandler: I think this is probably why Damone smokes in his cell alone. probably: 大概,或许 我想这可能就是 Damone 为什么想独自在牢房抽烟的原因了。 -Joey: What? 什么?

13、-Chandler: Relax your hand! relax: 放松 你把手放轻松!(Joey lets his wrist go.) wrist: 手腕-Chandler: Not so much! 别太过了! -Joey: Whoah! 唔! -Chandler: Hey! 嗨! -Joey: Hey! 嗨! -Chandler: Alright, now try taking a puff. take a puff: 吐烟圈 puff: 一阵喷烟 好,吐烟圈。 -Chandler: Alright. okay. No. Give it to me. 好了,不是这样。把烟给我。 -J

14、oey: No no no, I am not giving you a cigarette. 不,不行。我不能给你烟。 -Chandler: Its fine, its fine. Look, do you wanna get this part, or not? Here. part: 角色 好吧,好吧。我无所谓了。你想不想得到这个角色?给我吧。(Joey reluctantly gives him the cigarette.) reluctantly: 勉强-Chandler: Dont think of it as a cigarette. Think of it as the th

15、ing thats been missing from your hand. When youre holding it, you feel right. You feel complete.missing: 想念 hold: 抓住,拿 complete: 满足的 别把它当成香烟,把它当成是你的手想念多时的东西。夹着它你会感到自在、感到满足。 -Joey: You miss it? 你想念它? -Chandler: Nah, not so much. Alright, now we smoke. (Takes a puff.) Oh. my. God. (He continues to smo

16、ke.) continue: 继续 不,不是很想。好了,现在吸烟。 (吸了一口)噢,我的天。 -Joey: Chandler give me that! Chandler,把它给我. -Chandler: No. Youve got options. You can smoke like this? or you can hold it in your mouth. option: 选择 hold: 握住 不,你有几种选择,你可以像这样抽烟,或者只是把它叼在嘴里 -Joey: Chandler give me the cigarette! Give me,give me. cigarette: 香烟 把烟给我,给我,给我 -Chandler: uh, you try it 啊,你来试试. -J


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