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1、人教版新版小学英语四年级下Unit 5 My clothes 教案 获嘉县凯旋路小学 职玉红、 教学目标1、 能够听说读写下列单词和短语:clothes shirt dress pants put on hang up take off put away 2、 能够熟练地运用下列句型 I like that green skirt. Me too. And I like those pants.、 重、难 点:能够正确认识本课单词。运用所学单词和句型进行对话。进一步理解 this、that、these、those 的用法、 教学准备:相应的衣物以及衣服图片、听力磁带、ppt 课件。、 教学步骤

2、:Step one: warming-up1. greetings: Hello, boys and girls.2. free talk:Lool at me , Im wearing blue today. Who is wearing blue today? Yes, you are. Now who is wearing red today? Yes, she is wearing blue today. Now who is wearing green today? Yes ,he is 3. Chant: Now boys and girls. Lets chant (ppt) w

3、ho is wearing yellow today? Yellow today? Yellow today?.Step two: presentation1.A game: Touch and guess what they are? My clothes(write down on the blackboard and practice the word)2.show the words skirt pants hat dress and shirt one by one. Write them down on the blackboard.and practice them ,using

4、 “I like Me too. And I like.” “Put on your shirt, hang up your dress . take off your skirt put away your pants. Wash your skirt.”to practise the words.Step three: practise1. (ppt)Look at the screen T:A hat, a pink hat ,sarah likes the hat. How does she say?S1:I like this pink hat.T: Yes, youre right

5、. Clap for him!(Skirt dress pants )2. (ppt)Play a game: What is missing? 3. Listen to tape.4. Listen to tape and follow it.5. Read togetherStep four:prouction1. (ppt) Lets try: I like.Me too,and I like.2. The teacher and a child play the dialogue.3. Ask the children practise the dialogue in pairs.4.

6、 Make a play show. Three or four groups. 5. (ppt)Lets do: (with actions)Put on your shirt,shirt shirt shirt.Hang up your dress,dress dress dress.Take off your hat, hat hat hat .Wash your skirt,skirt skirt skirt.Put away your pants.pants pants pants.6. Lets chant.Step five: Homework:1. Talk about you

7、r favourite clothes.2. Learn to put away your clothes at home.五、 教学反思:本课时学习的是衣服类的单词以及讨论喜欢什么衣服。衣服是我们生活中最常见的物品,因此学生理解和把握起来并不难,如何在学生的已有的知识建构上再加深一层,这是需要教师精心准备、精心设计的。在这一点上我做的不到位,还是仅仅局限于课本内容,没有做进一步的拓宽和加深,致使有的学生吃不饱。在今后的教学中一定要注意。成功的教学活动应该包括以下主要因素:学习者拥有大量的练习时间;参与活动者练习机会均衡;学习者有强烈的交流欲望;练习的语言适合学习者的水平。大多数学生都存在着不同程度的羞于开口、怕说错的现象。所以在这节课中,我通过多种方式来激发学生开口的欲望,增加学生说话的自信,让学生从乐说到会说,最后善说。这是我们的最终教学目的。教案 人教版新版四年级下学期Unit 5 My clothes获嘉县凯旋路小学职玉红


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