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1、独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其 他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得安徽大学或其他教育机构的 学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已 在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名:爱易心签字日期:汐f牛年辞月弓扩日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解安徽大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,有权 保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借 阅。本人授权安徽大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库

2、进行检 索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名:铙6。导师签名:7签字日期:沙惮年够月多汐日签字日期:加r毕年哥腿9日目录摘要IAbstractIII弓I言雷1一、儿童被害概述2(一)儿童的法律界定2(二)儿童被害人概说- 2(三)儿童被害的特点 4二、儿童被害类型的实证分析5 (一)家庭被害5(二)在校被害类型分析 8(三)家校外被害型分析12三、儿童被害性及儿童被害原因14 (一)儿童的被害性 14(二)不和谐的家庭环境,16(三)学校教育管理的失控 18(四)不良的社会环境因素 21(五)法律保护机制存在的缺陷23

3、四、预防儿童被害的保护性对策25 (一)构筑儿童保护的社会综合治理体系25(二)完善少年儿童法律保护的有效机制 29结论 30 参考文献3l致谢 35攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录36摘要儿童是祖国的未来与希望,是未来社会的主人,是国家安定和家庭幸福的关 键所在。但是,近年来,大量的儿童被害案件出现在媒体上、报纸上、网络上等, 引起社会的广泛关注。被害人的调查表明,虽然儿童被害人在被害人总数的比例 不高,但是近几年来儿童被害人数呈现出快速上升的趋势。从儿童被害现象上看, 既有家庭内部的虐待事件,也有学校老师对儿童实施的体罚虐待,还有社会成员对儿童实施的各种侵害行为。这些行为性质也越来越严重

4、,儿童受害的可能性越 来越大,儿童被害研究已是十分必要的。儿童被害研究已经成为预防、减少儿童 被害,建设和谐校园,建设稳定有序社会的当务之急。给儿童一个健康安定的成长环境,是我们每个人义不容辞的责任,如何保护儿童不受外界侵害,成为法律界不可回避的问题。 对儿童及儿童被害的相关概念进行理论上的阐述以及儿童被害的特点的分析,是本文研究的逻辑起点,同时,需要立足于犯罪学大框架下进行,因此笔者, 研究的“儿童被害人”仅指狭义的“犯罪被害人“。 从被害空间的角度对儿童被害进行分类分析,可以将儿童受到侵害的空间分为:在家被害型、在校被害型以及家校外被害型。从当前犯罪发生的现实状况来 看,较多表现为家庭暴力

5、侵害案、老师虐童案、儿童遭受性侵案、校园屠童案等 种种情况,因此可见,儿童被害的现象的社会危害性十分突出。儿童被害的原因的错综复杂的,需要从内外因角度出发,横向分析儿童被害 的原因。不仅要从犯罪人的主体结构分析犯罪个体原因,还要从被害人的主体结 构分析被害因素,及深刻把握儿童被害人的被害性,同时也应当看到,微观的家 庭因素和学校因素以及宏观的社会因素以及法律的缺陷都是导致儿童被害的主 要因素。加强对儿童被害的预防和保护是本文研究的落脚点。笔者认为需要通过综合 治理和完善法律体系两个大方面进行。一是加强儿童自我保护意识;增强家长关 爱保护儿童意识;加强学校安全管理;加强对媒体的监管以及注重社区管

6、理功能。 二是在立法上要改变观念,要充分体现儿童权利主体地位,定制专门法。因此笔 者认为,要全方位对儿童进行保护,预防儿童被害,需建立法律、家庭、学校、社会四位一体的保护模式。关键词:儿童被害人;被害现象;被害性;被害预防IIAbstractAs the future masters of the nation and the hopes for prosperity,children have beeh the critical factor in national stability and family happinessHowever,amounts of child victimiz

7、ation cases have been reported in the media as newspapers and websites in recent years,which causes a wide attention in the societyThe investigation showsthat even though the promotion of children victim is not high in the total,the amountof which tends to be more and more largeFrom the aspect of vi

8、ctimization types, violent incidents against children include abuse from family members;school teachers as well as social membersThese behaviors caused great harm to childrenS physical and intellectual integrityIn order to decrease and prevent children victimization cases to build harmonious campus

9、and stable social environment,the children victimizationstudy is now imminentIt is every social memberS responsibility to create a healthyand peaceable environment to childrenS growing-up without abuse from outside world,which is also an inevitab1e question in legal professionThe logical starting-po

10、int of this essay is a state to related concepts of child andan analysis for the characteristics of children victimization,which is on the basis ofcriminology,therefore the children victim here means the criminal victim in a narrowSenSeAnalyzing the children victimization from the aspect of place wh

11、ere they get hurt, it Can be classified as private home victimization,campus victimization and social victimization;or analyzing from crirae reality,it typically presents as family violence,child abuse from teachers,sexual abuse of children and campus massacre。to explain the classification and the h

12、arm of children victimization phenomenonTherefore,it is obvious to see the great harm of children victimization phenomenonThe complexreason of children victimization should be horizontally analyzed from internal and external causesHere the writer will analyze the reason from subject structure of not

13、 only criminals but also victims on the basis of the victimization of children victimsAtthe same time it should be recognized that microcosmic layers of family and schoolIIIand macroscopical layers of society and lacks of laws are main factors leading tochildren victimizationThe standingpoint of thi

14、s essay is to decrease and prevent children victimization casesThe writer will state from two aspects of comprehensive management and legal system consummationFirstly,to strengthen protection consciousness of both children themselves and their parents;to strengthen the administration of safety of sc

15、hool;tostrength media regulation and attach importance to community function;secondly,on one hand,in legislation,perception should be changed into reflecting the subject status of basic rights of children and special law should be made;on the other hand,in judicature,the scientific procedure law sho

16、uld be made and the juvenile justicesystem should be perfectedTherefore,as far as the writer is concerned,to protect children from being victimized in an all-round way,a four-in-one protect pattern of law,family school and society must be establishedKeywords:children victim;The Phenomenon of being victimized;Victimizationconditions;TO Prevent to be victimizedIV引 言引言儿童是人类的希望,是国家安定和家庭幸福的关键所在。关心和爱护儿


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