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1、2003 年年 12 月英语三级月英语三级笔译综合能力笔译综合能力试题试题 Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (25 Points) This section consists of three parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 25 minutes. Part 1 Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sente

2、nces. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. 1In Hong Kong, doctors reported that, for unclear reasons, 12 recovered SARS patients had _ weeks aft

3、er they had been discharged - spurring fears that people might be infectious even after theyd left isolation.A. recovered B. relapsed C. reexamined D. re-diagnosed 2Current demographic trends, such as the fall in the birth rate, should favor _ economic growth in the long run.A. slow B. quickened C.

4、speeded D. accelerated 3. All students have free _ to the library.A. passageway B. entrance C. permission D. access 4. Columbus had accomplished one of the most amazing and courageous _ in history.A. performance B. feats C. events D. acts 5. According to the weather forecast, which is usually _ , it

5、 will snow this afternoon.A. exact B. precise C. perfect D. accurate 6. The janitors long service with the company was _ a present.A. confirmed by B. recorded withC. appreciated by D. acknowledged with 7What they never take into account is the frazzled woman who is leading a _ life - trying to be a

6、good mother while having to pretend at work that she doesnt have kids at all.A. double B. hard C. two-way D. miserable 8. Until the final votes are cast, though, assurances _ for nothing.A. count B. meant C. give D. account 9. Some philosophers insist that one way to _ knowledge is through an empiri

7、cal approach.A. disseminate B. classify C. test D. acquire 10. If you think her experience is _, we will employ her.A. sustainable B. adequate C. strong D. positive 11. The trouble is that not many students really know how to make use of their _ time to its bestA. benefit B. advantage C. value D. pr

8、ofit 12. Readers _ happy endings may find the unvarnished view of modem motherhood a bit unsettling.A. fond B. preferred C. adapted to D. accustomed to 13. The explorer told the boys about his _ in the African forests.A. stories B. voyage C. adventures D. trips 14. We were working _ time to get ever

9、ything ready for the exhibition.A. against B. in C. on D. ahead 15. He drove fast and arrived an hour _ schedule.A. in advance B. before C. by D. ahead of 16. If you hear the fire _, leave the building quickly.A. warning B. alarm C. signal D. bell 17. The troops have been on the _ for a possible ene

10、my attack.A. alarm B. alert C. warning D. notice18. Although his people did not _ his efforts, he kept trying.A. agree with B. apply to C. approve of D. consent with 19. Picassos _ ability was apparent in his early youth when he started drawing sketches.A. writing B. artistic C. reasoning D. literar

11、y 20. We hope that the measures to control prices, _ taken by the government, will succeed.A. when B. since C. after D. as Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement This part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by le

12、tters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of the sentence. There is only one right answer. 21. She bustled about with an assumption of authority.A. air B. supposition C. appearanc

13、e D. face 22. Table tennis is easy to learn, and, by the same token, boys dont need a lot of space to practice it.A. by the same rule B. symbolicallyC. moreover D. by logic 23. The old man sat before the fire in a trance, thinking of his past life.A. in a special position B. in a cozy stateC. in a s

14、leepy state D. in a meditative state 24. Only the elite of society attended the reception for the new governor.A. those thought of as the best peopleB. the intellectualsC. the white-collar peopleD. the officials 25. She embellished the simple dress with colorful embroidery.A. made B. decorated C. sewed D. improved 26. He felt cheap about rushing to get in lin


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