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1、海量资料下载 免费学习英语 (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务你的公司要组织一个会议,需要邀请外面的人来参加,这跟邀请用英文该怎么写呢?下面就提醒大家几点写作邀请要注意的事项。1E-mail 邀请的写作注意事项邀请的写作注意事项在主题行写清会议名称、地点和时间,例如:Subject:Sales Meeting Beijing 11 July 2007;在称呼后直接点明召开会议的原由,例如:We need to finalize the next product launch.提出会议召开时间的建议,例如:We should have a meeting before the Shangh

2、ai fair in July. How about June 21?给对方一个选择时间的机会,例如:If the date mentioned isnt possible for you, please Suggest an alternative in that week.2电话邀请的注意事项电话邀请的注意事项在打电话之前要充分准备,不仅要交代清楚会议的时间、地点和目的,还要考虑好礼节性问候和一些寒暄,最好用英语写下笔记。询问对方是否有意开会,例如:Could we schedule a time to meet next week?建议会议时间,例如:How about sometime

3、 after lunch?确认开会日期和时间,例如:See you on Monday at 7.收到会议邀请,如何表示接受或者拒绝呢?下面就给您提供一些实用的表达。电话里接受或拒绝邀请电话里接受或拒绝邀请接受会议安排, 例如:Sure, no problem. Shall we say Thursday at ten?拒绝会议安排,例如:海量资料下载 免费学习英语 (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务Im afraid I have another appointment then.谈话结束前再次确认时间,例如:Right, so well meet Friday at ten, the

4、n, at your office.通过邮件接受或拒绝邀请通过邮件接受或拒绝邀请不管您对此会议拒绝还是接受,都应在开头表示谢意,例如:Thank you for the email.如果拒绝参加一定要讲明理由,最好给一个折中的做法,例如:Thank for the invitation, but Im afraid I wont be in on Friday. However my colleague Li will stand in for me.确定要开会,在开会前应该将会议日程通过邮件或传真发给与会者。一般日程的格式如下:Agenda for budget meetingJuly 1,

5、 09.30-11.30, room A301.Welcome/Apologies2.Minutes of last meeting3.Presentation of financial situation(CFO)-20min.4.Budget presentations(heads)-10min. each5.Proposals 30min.6.AOB (any other business)会议开始时通常安排自我介绍。参加商务会议不要介绍自己的私人生活,而要从以下几个方面考虑:姓名、职务、工作背景、您对会议的期望、您认为比较有趣的一件小事等。例如:Good evening. I am L

6、i Ming, software developer and principal programmer for the ABC project. The major focus of my work has been to develop a software package with great versatility but which also has a convenient user interface. Tonight, I would like to introduce you some of the major features of this new software.为了使

7、会议有效进行,应在短暂的寒暄之后马上进入正题。如果是公司内部会议,可以说:海量资料下载 免费学习英语 (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务OK, everybody, we seem to be complete. Can we get started?如果是与客户开会,可以说:OK, if you like, we can start now.如果是国际性会议,可以说:Since the majority of the required number is present, the meeting is formally declared to be convened.点明会议目的,可以

8、说:The purpose of this plenary session is to make a general review of our activities during this past year, and to propose new plans for activities during the coming year.介绍会议时间安排,可以说:Weve scheduled one and a half hours for the meeting.与会者都该发言,那么如何表述你的观点和意见呢?下面这些常用句型可以给您帮点忙。表示原因的用语,例如:The age of the

9、product was a contributory factor in the accident.预计结果用语,例如:We can anticipate the following consequences:表示需要考虑,例如:Let us focus our attention on举例用语,例如:Here, I am just showing you a few examples of 展示胶片用语,例如:Allow us, then, at this point to present some slides.读报告的开场用语,例如:My paper is a literature re

10、view.提问用语,例如:My I ask a question? This is an extremely difficult question to answer.海量资料下载 免费学习英语 (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务在会议上如何表示你的对问题、观点的态度?下面这些句型可供您借鉴。表示同意,例如:I think youre right.表示非常赞同,例如:Absolutely. I think thats a fantastic idea.温和地表示同意,例如:I guess I see what you mean.表示反对,例如:Im afraid I cant agree

11、 with you there.提出建设性的意见,例如:Why dont we?会议到了尾声,主持人或是领导者就该发表总结了。下面是一些总结时常用到的句型,供您参考。1总结会议结果用语总结会议结果用语The opinions presented so far may be summarized asfollows:目前为止,意见小结如下:In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I would point out that,although we have made gratifying progress, many stillremains to be don

12、e.总之,女士们、先生们,我要指出的是,虽然我们已经取得了令人满意的进步,但还有很多事要做。This meeting has been an important one but I am sure thatyou all recognize that our real work has just begun.本次会议是一次非常重要的会议,但我肯定你们大家意识到我们真正的工作才刚刚开始。2结束会议用语结束会议用语As Chairman, I would like to thank you for attending and to海量资料下载 免费学习英语 (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务congratulate you on the fact that we have completed all ofthe items on our agenda.作为主席,我感谢您的参与,我们完成了议事日程上所有的项目,并因此而祝贺您。I hope to see you again.我希望再次见您。“成千上万人疯狂下载。 。 。 。 。 。更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料,洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略请在 网上 申请报名”


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