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1、 Revision 1.你按照老师的要求复习倒装句了吗?2.If he had followed me,he would have got the key to that exercise.3.有一段时间,妇女没有权利选举。 There was a time when women had no rights to vote.Had he followed me he would have got the key to that exercise.Have you reviewed inversion according to teachers words?倒装句倒装句Learning goal

2、s:Master the usage of inversion.Here comes a beautiful car.There goes the clock.1、当there,here,in,out,down,up,over,away,off, back等副词作状语置于句首时Off went the horses. The door opened and in came Mr. Smith. Back they fought. Up it flew.但如果主语是人称代词则不用倒装。一、完全倒装In the cup is a baby.1.Child as she is, She knows

3、a lot about history. 2.Clever though the boy is,he cant work out the problem. 3.Though he might try,he failed the maths exam. 4.Although he worked hard,he couldnt satisfy the boss.二、部分倒装 1、让步状语从句:as引导的让步状语从句必须 倒装,though引导的让步状语从句可以倒装也 可以不倒装, 而although引导的让步状语从句一 定不能倒装。名词前冠 词可省略2、地点状语提前,且谓语是be , stand,

4、 sit , lie 等动词时,为了保持 句子平衡。On every piece of paper was a picture of a horse. At the foot of the mountain lies a small town.3.形容词, 非谓语动词前置的倒装:(1)Present at the meeting was Professor White.(2)A group of young men are seated on the ground.(3)A boy aged about seventeen was lying on the floor.Seated on th

5、e ground are a group of young men.Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.2、only 要在强调状语时才用倒装.Only he knows the answer to the question.主语不倒装eg. (1)Only then did they dream of the sea.(2)Only in this way can you improve your ability. Only when the war was over was he able toget back to work

6、again.(3)He was able to get back to work again, only when the war was over.Hardly had they been put in the basket when they stopped crying.No sooner had they been put in the basket than they stopped crying.Seldom does he send flowers to girls.3、seldom ,never, nor, little; not until; no soonerthanhar

7、dly/scarcelywhen eg: 1. Mary didnt leave until John arrived . Not untilIt was thatJohn arrived did Mary leave.Every now and then do we go to the films.以often,always,many a ,now and then等 频度副词作状语置于句首时,其主谓部 分倒装。not until John arrived Mary left. TomJackTom is in a bag,so is Jack.Tom isnt eager to go ou

8、t, nor is Jack.4、SO1) I study English well. So she. 2) I study English well. So I3) So it is /was (the same) witha) He didnt study well and failed in the exam. b) He studies hard and is a good student.So it is with Tom.So it was with me.doesdo.So happy did she feel that she thanked him again and aga

9、in.Such a lovely girl is she that we all like him.May you be good luck.May you be happy.一、Full Inversion1.There goes the clock. 2.In the cup is a baby. 3.Present at the meeting was Professor White.二、Partial Inversion1.Child as she is, She knows a lot about history. 2.Only then did they dream of the

10、sea. 3.Hardly had they been put in the basket when they stopped crying. 4.Tom is in a bag,so is Jack. 5.Every now and then do we go to the films.Do exercises on page403.M17培养基http:/ M17培养基 vzf39wcu 菜地买些蔬菜。我们爷儿四个先做一做试试看,应该有一些赚头的!”乔氏说:“耿大哥你可真是一个雷厉风行的人。如此的 干法,哪里有做不成大事的!我该准备晚饭了。小青,你去最东边那间棚子里,把我和你爹当年用过的那

11、个小推车和那些个箩 筐家伙什儿都取出来。乘着天儿亮,帮你耿伯伯他们把这些个东西都拾掇好了,明儿个一早好去菜地进菜。对了,别忘了拿那 杆大盘秤。”说着,转身准备进西屋做晚饭去了。耿老爹冲她背影说:“兄弟媳妇,晚饭简单点儿啊!”乔氏边走边回头说: “不会复杂的,那么多大饼呢,我熬点儿稀的米粥,多炒几个菜也就行了。”从次日开始,耿老爹父子四人每日里早出晚归, 像模像样地做起了蔬菜水果小摊贩。如此,从汉口镇带过来的那杆乘米面用过的秤也派上了大用场。加上小青爹娘当年用过的 那杆大盘秤,两杆秤,四个人;过秤的,收钱的,照顾摊位招揽客人的,可谓人员配置既恰当又合理。由于摊位上离不开人, 耿老爹建议,父子们的

12、午饭带点儿干粮和喝的水就行了。乔氏不同意,说是这样胡乱凑乎不行的,娃娃们太辛苦了,建议爷儿 几个轮流回家来吃,或者让小青给他们送去热饭,大家在摊位上吃。由于耿老爹和乔氏谁也说服不了对方,最后还是由小青拍 了板。她说:“你们都别说了,我去送饭,正好还能抽空儿活动活动筋骨呢!”一晃,半个月的时间很快就过去了。耿老爹发 现,做这蔬菜水果小摊贩的生意还真能赚得到可观的银子呢。如果用这个办法补足本钱东山再起,也不适为一个好办法。因此 间,也就没有感觉到时间过得很慢。121第二十一回 白小青慧眼识耿正|(白家祖籍在山东,白妻曾为落难人;善良夫妻心事 重,白小青慧眼识耿正。)且说这武昌镇虽然规模不小,但姓白

13、的人家却寥寥无几。他们不但分别来自南北各地,而且还分散 居住在镇上各处,做着各种各样的生计各自讨生活。至于这白百大一家,说来也有些话长。这白家的当家人白百大,祖籍原在 山东,祖祖辈辈都是以种地为生的庄稼人。在他的祖父正当壮年之时,家乡一带屡遭匪患,而当朝当地的官府不但不为民除害 ,反而官匪勾结,祸国殃民,结果是匪患越来越猖獗,致使广大的老百姓民不聊生,于是不少人就拖家带口纷纷外逃。那一年 秋末,白家刚刚晾晒好的粮食还没有来得及收仓,就在青天白日之下,被一伙蒙面匪徒赶着几挂大骡车全部抢走了。幸亏那一 天白家的老岳父过八十岁生日大庆,全家人都去十里之外的老人家里拜寿,直到傍晚时分才返回来,所以,匪徒们只抢走了新 收的粮食而没有伤着人。事发当时,周围的邻居们唯恐避之不及;而事后,他们也只能是深表同情和惋惜了。看看一家人以后 的生活没了着落,白百大的祖父只好把自家的所有



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