老友记第一季第9集 lrc

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《老友记第一季第9集 lrc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《老友记第一季第9集 lrc(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、老友记第一季第老友记第一季第 9 9 集集 lrclrc00:07.15Terry,I know I havent worked here very long but would it be possible. 特瑞,我,我知道我在这里干时间并不长 00:12.49.if I got a $1 00 advance on my salary? 但我在想您是否能考虑预支给我 100 块薪水 00:16.16An advance? 预支? 00:17.66So I can spend Thanksgiving with my family. 这样我才能和家里人共度感恩节 00:20.80Every

2、 year we ski in Vail, and my father pays for my ticket. 每年,我们全家都去韦尔滑雪 通常都是我父亲为我出票钱 00:25.14But Ive started this independent thing. 但是我现在已经开始学习独立 00:28.37.which is actually why I took this “job. “ 恩,这实际上也是我为什么要干这份“工作” 00:33.04Rachel,Rachel,sweetheart! 瑞秋,瑞秋,亲爱的 00:36.61You re a terrible,terrible wait

3、ress. 你是一位非常,非常糟糕的女招待 00:40.-4Really,really awful. 真的,真的糟糕透顶 00:44.02I hear what youre saying. Im with you. 好吧,我,我明白你的意思了 我同意您说的 00:49.19But Im trying really hard, and I think Im doing better. 但是我,我一直很努力地在做 00:53.70I really do. 我想我会做得更好的 00:56.13-Does anybody need coffee? -Yeah,over here. -有人需要咖啡吗?

4、-是的,这里 01:02.64Look at that. 噢,你看! 01:04.01The One Where Underdog Gets Away 六人行 第 1 季 第 09 集 气球飞了 01:52.52Excuse me,sir? Hi. You come in here all the time. 打扰一下,先生. 您是这里的老主顾了 01:56.29Do you think theres a possibility that you could advance me my tips? 不知道您是否能考虑预支一点小费给我? 02:02.77Okay,okay. Thats fine

5、. Fine. Sorry about that spill before! 算我没说. 我为以前用咖啡泼到您表示歉意 02:09.31Only 98.50 to go! 还差 98 块 5 02:12.74Did you know Mom and Dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving? 你知道老爸老妈要去波多黎各过感恩节吗? 02:17.68-What? No,theyre not. -Yes,the Blymans invited them. -不,他们不会 -他们要去.Blymens 邀请了他们 02:21.89You re wron

6、g. 你乱讲 02:24.32-I am not wrong. -You re wrong. -我没有乱讲 -你就是在乱讲 02:28.13No,I just talked to them. 我刚和他们通过电话 02:31.56I m calling Mom. 我要打电话给妈妈 02:38.00-Hey,hey. -Hey! -嘿,嘿 -嘿 02:41.74And this from the Cry for Help Department: Are you wearing makeup? 这里是“紧急求助部”,你化了妆吗? 02:48.08Yes,I am. As of today,Im of

7、ficially Joey T ribbiani,actor/model. 是的.从今天起,我的正式身份就是 乔伊.崔比安尼,演员兼模特 02:54.32Thats funny. I was thinking you look more like,Joey T ribbiani,man/woman. 真有趣,因为我正想说: 你看起来更象,乔伊.崔比安尼,男人兼女人 03:01.00-What were you modeling for? -Posters for the free clinic. -你给什么当模特? -你知道那些城市免费门诊的招贴画吗? 03:05.06So you re go

8、nna be one of those healthy guys? 哇,那你不就成了那些 “健康一族”中的一员了吗? 03:08.83-The asthma guys really cute. -Know which one youll be? -那个哮喘病人还真可爱 -你知道你为什么代言吗? 03:13.07No,but I hear Lyme disease is open,so you know. 不知道,但是我听说脑膜炎还少人,所以 03:17.38-Good luck,man. I hope you get it. -Thanks. -祝你好运,老兄.我希望你能染上 -谢谢 03:2

9、4.58You were right. How can they do this? Its Thanksgiving! 好吧,你是对的 他们怎能抛下我们不管? 这可是感恩节 03:28.82What if I cook dinner at my place? Ill make it just like Moms. 我在我那儿做顿大餐,怎么样? 我会做得和妈妈的味一样的 03:33.56Will you make mashed potatoes with the lumps? 你会弄成块的土豆泥给我吃吗? 03:37.40Theyre not actually supposed to Ill w

10、ork on the lumps. 这个,他们真不该把土豆 我做土豆块 03:42.80-Joey,you re going home? -Yeah. -乔伊,你要回家,是吗? -没错 03:45.-2Chandler,you re still boycotting all the pilgrim holidays? 钱德,你还在抵制所有清教徒的节日吗? 03:50.11-Every single one of them. -Phoebe,youll be with your grandma? -当然,他们中的任何一个 -菲比,你要和你奶奶一起过? 03:54.68And her boyfri

11、end. 是的,还有她的男朋友 03:56.25Were celebrating Thanksgiving in December because hes lunar. 但我们只在 12 月庆祝, 因为他脑子有点乱 04:03.76So youre free Thursday then? 那么,你星期四有空了 04:07.19-Yeah. Oh,can I come? -Yeah. -是的.噢,我能来吗? -当然 04:11.20-Rach,are you gonna make it to Vail? -Absolutely. Shoop,shoop,shoop. -瑞秋,你定下来要去韦尔吗?

12、 -没错.“咻,咻,咻!” 04:16.67-Only $1 02 to go. -I thought it was 98. 50? -还差 102 元就可成行 -我记得刚才不还是 98 块 5 04:20.51Yeah,well,it was,but l I broke a cup,so. 没错,但我又摔了一个杯子 04:24.91-Well,l m off to Carols. -Ooh,ooh,why dont we invite her? -我到卡萝那里去 -ooh,ooh! 我们干嘛不叫上她? 04:30.28Ooh,ooh,because shes my ex-wife and w

13、ill want to bring her. 因为她是我的前妻, 而且她可能还想带上她的 04:35.-4.ooh,ooh,lesbian life partner. 女同志! 04:46.66Hi. Is Carol here? 卡萝在吗? 04:49.03-No,shes at a faculty meeting. -I just came by to pick up my skull. -她开教工会去了 -噢,我过来想把我的头骨拿走 04:54.74Well,not mine,but. 嗯,不是我的,是 04:58.48-Come in. -Thanks. -进来! -谢谢 05:00.

14、45Carol borrowed it,and I have to get it back to the museum. 谢谢.是这样,卡萝上回借走上课用的 我现在得拿回去还给博物馆 05:04.85-Whats it look like? -Kind of like a big face without skin. -它是什么样子? -就象一张没有皮的大脸 05:10.59Yes. Im familiar with the concept. 是的,我有点印象 05:15.19-We can just look for it. -Okay. -我们来找找看. -好吧 05:23.-2Wow,y

15、ou guys sure have a lot of books about being a lesbian. 哇,你们有这么多讲怎样成为一名女同志的书 05:30.78Well,you know, you have to take a course. 嗯,你知道吗,你必须接受一门课程 05:36.01Otherwise they dont let you do it. 否则,他们不让你当同性恋 05:46.76Hey,Yertle the Turtle! A classic. 嘿,嘿,Yertle the Turtle.经典作品 05:50.73Actually,Im reading it to the baby. 没错,我现在在念给宝宝听 05:55.70The baby that hasnt been born yet? 噢,那个还没出生的宝宝? 05:59.00Wouldnt that mean youre crazy? 你这不是疯了? 06:03.94You dont think they can hear sounds in there? 什么,你觉得宝宝在里面听不到声音? 06:07.48You re not serious? I mean,you really talk to it? 少来,我的意思是 真的 你真的宝宝说话吗? 06:12.-


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