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1、ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: qesmmCValStat4, 3, 1 故障处理 操作系统:Windows Server 2003 Version V5.2 Service Pack 1 数据库版本:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Production 日志报错: Fri Nov 11 11:46:35 2011 Errors in file d:oracleproduct10.2.0adminorcludumporcl_ora_10012.trc:ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数:

2、qesmmCValStat4, 3, 1, , , , , Fri Nov 11 11:46:43 2011 Errors in file d:oracleproduct10.2.0adminorcludumporcl_ora_10012.trc:ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: qesmmCValStat4, 3, 1, , , , , 又一个 ORA-600 错误,在 matelink 上查询了下,发现和 Bug 4401437 - CONNECT BY query may fail with OERI qergiStart1 相吻合。BugBug 44014374401437

3、 - - CONNECTCONNECT BYBY queryquery maymay failfail withwith OERI:qergiStart1OERI:qergiStart1 / / OERI:qesmmCValStat4OERI:qesmmCValStat4 IDID 4401437.84401437.8Bug 4401437 CONNECT BY query may fail with OERI:qergiStart1 / OERI:qesmmCValStat4This note gives a brief overview of bug 4401437. The conten

4、t was last updated on: 03-APR-2009Click here for details of each of the sections below.Affects:ProductProduct (Component)(Component)Oracle Server (Rdbms)RangeRange ofof versionsversions believedbelieved toto bebe affectedaffectedVersions 11VersionsVersions confirmedconfirmed asas beingbeing affected

5、affected9.2.0.810.1.0.410.2.0.1PlatformsPlatforms affectedaffectedGeneric (all / most platforms affected)Fixed:ThisThis issueissue isis fixedfixed inin9.2.0.8 Patch 5 on Windows Platforms10.1.0.5 (Server Patch Set) (Server Patch Set) (Base Release)Symptoms:Symptoms:RelatedRelated To:

6、To:Internal Error May Occur (ORA-600)ORA-600 qergiStart1ORA-600 qesmmCValStat4Connect By / Hierarchical QueriesDescriptionA connect-by query may fail with ORA-600 qergiStart1WorkaroundWorkaroundAdd a “no_filtering“ hint to the query.PleasePlease note:note: The above is a summary description only. Ac

7、tual symptoms can vary. Matching to any symptoms here does not confirm that you are encountering this problem. Always consult with Oracle Support for advice.ReferencesBug:4401437 (This link will only work for PUBLISHED bugs) Note:245840.1 Information on the sections in this article以上文章显示这是 oracle 的 connect by 分析函数的一个 bug,采用Add a “no_filtering“ hint to the query的方式处理,发现虽然不再报错,但查询出来的数据 不准确。最终建议客户升级数据库到 稳定版本。不过升级数据库是个大操作,需要经过严密的应用测试才能实施。所以我建议重启数 据库测试下,通过重启数据库释放资源,改变了触发 bug 的系统环境,使数据库恢复了正 常。


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